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I have fiddled with python in the past, and started working with it again the other day.


Ive started working on a program, notes, just to get myself up to scratch again.


Its pretty simple, nothing complex, but it could be usefull to someone.


So far it can save, load, delete, read, list notes, and even email them.


Not bad for a nights work. I am going to add multiple note database support next.


Just chmod +x it, then ./ it.


It will give you a warning about a config file, it's at ~/.gnunotes/config can contain although doesnt require:


smtp-serv smtp.your.host
mail-from your-email@from.address.here
conf-check yes



Edited by iphitus
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The difference is that python doesnt have all those drag and drop IDEs...

that's not really a difference... :P

And python is interpreted

VB has only been compiled code since version 5, prior to that it was interpreted.

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Does python allow you to compile as well?

On windows, you can make exe's but on linux there is absolutely no need.


If you go and save that script of mine into /usr/bin/ and name it 'notes' then chmod +x it, it would work just like any program. Just run 'notes' like any program and it will run.



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Does python allow you to compile as well?

On windows, you can make exe's but on linux there is absolutely no need.


If you go and save that script of mine into /usr/bin/ and name it 'notes' then chmod +x it, it would work just like any program. Just run 'notes' like any program and it will run.



So 'notes' is saved as a binary file I take it as apposed to a text file?

Edited by RadioEar
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No, thats the beauty of interpreted stuff. No need to compile a binary, its like a shell script.


Just put that file i linked to in /usr/bin/ chmod +x it, then you can run it like a normal program.


Did you know bittorrent is written in python? You dont notice do you.

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but mine is cli and is just practice. I just put it up in case anyone might have found it useful.

I understand. People showed an interest in py. I was just posting a link to a project that was more indepth and along the same line in case anyone wanted to dig/play/contrib/whatever.That's all. :D

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but mine is cli and is just practice. I just put it up in case anyone might have found it useful.

I understand. People showed an interest in py. I was just posting a link to a project that was more indepth and along the same line in case anyone wanted to dig/play/contrib/whatever.That's all. :D

cool thanks :D

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If it wasn't for this thread, I probably would have never looked at python.


I played around with it for couple of hours, and I'm very impressed with it.


The docs, that also has a tutorial is very well written.


Thanks iphitus, I probably should say " If it wasn't for iphitus, I'd probably would have never looked at python."

Edited by Technonoid
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