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What I usually do is to use a terminal login rather than the graphical login.


Press ctrl+alt+f1 to get to a login prompt.


Login as root.


Type "init 3", without the quotes. This will, amongst other things, shut down the window manager.


Then run your nvidia installation package.


Reboot, or type "init 5" and press ctrl+alt+f7 to get back to the graphical login.

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I think the easiest way as stated before is simply to go to runlevel 3, running the installer, and going back to runlevel 5. No need to even change virtual console; open a terminal console (e.g. konsole), type "su" and enter the root password, then "telinit 3" (you should use telinit instead of init if I remember right, but yet, I don't remember why exactly :)). Once in runlevel 3, login as root, run the installer, and type "telinit 5" to go back to runlevel 5.

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Dudes, I got the drivers in and it seems to be running great.


Although am new to Linux. I sure like it a lot. Soon will drop XPee altogether.


Again thanks for all the Help. This is one of many reasons i like Linux... the people!!





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