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Random Freezing?

Lord Kenneth

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- Athlon XP 1800+


- Asus A7V266-E mobo

- GF2 MX400 64MB


Nature of crash:

- sometimes in Mozilla, reproducible while scrolling in the options of Firefox

- in Q3 and ut2004demo, while playing online

- video freezes, audio loops

- mouse pointer can still move; interface does not respond

- restarting X doesn't work through alt-backspace

- changing VC's doesn't work throug ctrl-alt-Fn

- X uses 98% of CPU in background (as per top ran in batch mode)

- only kernel keys combos work (e.g. alt-sysreq-K)



When a freeze in Firefox happens, I get the following error in /var/log/messages:

kernel: request_module[net-pf-10]: fork failed, errno 1

I changed /etc/modules.conf so that I now have the line

alias net-pf-10 off

but it didn't do anything (I continue to have the net-pf-10 error). Freezes with other apps than Firefox don't log any error in /var/log/messages.

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well as I said its an nfoce chipset with built in nvidia driver....


It doesn't happen at RL2.... I can stay there for a week before a crash....


I tried without nvnet loaded and its stable.....(used a different NIC)

I tried without nvidia loaded and it seems stable.....(used nv)


Whenever I try both together i get freezes!!!


Im not convinced its completely dead BUT I loose networking so no way to remotely shut it down! No magic keys becuase the keyboard and X are locked....

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Well, it's all AMD, it seems. I wonder what the problem is? Either it's something with AMD support or it's the video because we use NVidia. It's probably not chipset drivers...


Is your kernel compiles for general CPU support (Mandrake's default) or is it compiled specifically for Athlon/Duron?


Who knows, I don't know very much about this.

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Well from what I can tell your using the nforce chipset lordkenneth.


whereas neutro has a VIA chipset ... VT8233


These lockups are damned frustrating becuase you just think you solved it and WHACK....


Michels AGPGART fix might work but Im whacked at this...

Its been ever since I tried 9.2....

Perhaps it will never work and Ill wait and see if 10.0 is better.... its working in knoppix and I really don't feel like messing it up again....

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My brother apparently had the same type of problem, but he used an ATI card. He did, however, have an Athlon XP processor. so who knows, maybe some support for that is buggered? (He too had an A7N8X Deluxe).


So it might not be display-- I've had it crash in command line with the "nv" driver so...


I've re-compiled the kernel so it's no longer using the default cpu-optimization settings (at least, I think I am, is there any way to tell?), I'll get back to if it crashes or not after this.


It's odd how some days, like right after I installed v10b2, it seemed stable, and other days it crashes frequently... with no seeming difference between computer usage.


Once on bootup I did get a kernel panic talking about some IRQ problem... I thought that was interesting.

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- Athlon XP 1800+


- Asus A7V266-E mobo

- GF2 MX400 64MB


Nature of crash:

- sometimes in Mozilla, reproducible while scrolling in the options of Firefox

- in Q3 and ut2004demo, while playing online

- video freezes, audio loops

- mouse pointer can still move; interface does not respond

- restarting X doesn't work through alt-backspace

- changing VC's doesn't work throug ctrl-alt-Fn

- X uses 98% of CPU in background (as per top ran in batch mode)

- only kernel keys combos work (e.g. alt-sysreq-K)



When a freeze in Firefox happens, I get the following error in /var/log/messages:

kernel: request_module[net-pf-10]: fork failed, errno 1

I changed /etc/modules.conf so that I now have the line

alias net-pf-10 off

but it didn't do anything (I continue to have the net-pf-10 error). Freezes with other apps than Firefox don't log any error in /var/log/messages.

This is a different crash-- in mine, I cannot even move the mouse.

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Ive had both....

Ive compiled so many kernels its not funny.

I had it working and only locking up occaisionally then decided to get the sound working full duplex for gnomemeeting...


This involved kernel recompile for the right alsa version... then the nvnet and nvaudio wouldn't install from RPM so I used source and ended up in a big loop.


Just as I thought it was stable....whack...

I tried K7 optimised and 586 optimised.

with varying degrees of stability. With 4GB and without!!!

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I can't help you there.

For my part, I have collected detailed straces of Mozilla, Firefox and ut2004demo during one of my freezes. However they do not show anything directly indicative of the problem, and somehow I doubt the developers have time to look at this.


This really is frustrating. If I knew the problem, were it be hardware or software, I would so fix it right now...

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aeroe: can you describe what kind of freeze or crash you're experiencing, along with your hardware and software vital stats? We're kind of trying if everyone in this thread has the same problem or not.


It doesn't seem so: there's the nForce-related bug, and then there's mine ;)

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I tried removing my network card altogether since the net-pf-10 module was mentioned in /var/log/messages upon Firefox freezing, and upon realizing that every freeze I got was when I was online. Firefox still freezes.


However I'm not sure if the ethernet card driver (via-rhine in my case) was still loaded even if the network card wasn't plugged in. Is there a way I could unload the module completely? I see the rmmod command; how does one use it? Would it be possible for me to just stop the network, unload the ethernet card driver, do my test, and afterwards reload the driver and bring the network back up?

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If its using nv as well as nvidia then that is more mysterious.

If you think nvidia have no means of testing the nvidia against every chipset and bios othr than buying and testing against each whereas the opensource nv theoretically has.


rmmod <modname> (don't include the .o)

will unload the driver after you

/etc/init.d/network stop


You can check its not reloaded with

lsmod |grep <modname>

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I'm not sure what it is you're suggesting exactly...


I just rebooted using "nv" instead of "nvidia" as for my videodriver; of course I can't test stability in quake3 and ut2004demo with nv, but the reproducible bug in Firefox just doesn't happen when using nv, online or not.


Also, I may have forgotten to post the result of other tests, but the Firefox freeze is repeatable even without network running, even without the via-rhine driver, and even without the network card.


So it seems that the nvidia driver is solely responsible for the problems I have. I don't have these under Windows: does that mean that hardware faults are ruled out? Maybe not... I have yet to try with another videocard. But considering the bug is there in every nvidia driver I tried since 2xxx, the odds of suddendly finding a release which works are slim.


My post on nvnews is already almost on the second page without reply, so it will likely be ignored. Anyone had success writint go linux-bugs -at- nvidia.com? I guess I'll try.

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