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After login in gnome 2.32 cursor freezes [solved]


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Hello , in mandy 2011 pwpack 64 after using it 15 days , after autologin into gnome the cursos freezes and dont clik nothing, but using another desktops environments and even login -logout screen (thr one with the big cat) it seems fine

I ve cheked

grep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.log

(WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.

[ 45.777] (II) Loading extension MIT-SCREEN-SAVER

[ 55.434] (EE) Query no Synaptics: 6003C8

[ 55.434] (EE) SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad Unable to query/initialize Synaptics hardware.

[ 55.434] (EE) PreInit returned 11 for "SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad"

and looked for the synaptic driver but it seems not to be installed even when i have the qsynaptis, gsynaptics and the x11-input-device-synaptics..

but even so Why this still work outside gnome

Thanks :P :P :P

Edited by isamu
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Yo~!!!! since I didnt find a solution and cheked others environments to check if this happens there I ve found that in xfce freezes again, but in windowmake,icewm and lxde not So I guessed can be some configuration file, then I used my last resort and erased all the hidden subfolders from my home folder, try again et voilá.


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Hey, thanks for the post and sorry nobody was able to help you, but you managed to get it sorted :thumbs: and many thanks for providing the feedback with the solution, that way can help other members if they search for the same problem.


A virtual :beer: for you :)

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