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Fedora 15 [Gnome 3] anyone? anyone? ...

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Well Fedora 15 Final has been released... :end:


I really liked Fedora 14. :thumbs:


Tried Fedora 15 Gnome beta RC2 and my comment is the same as Korben Dallas' when asked [what he thought of Fhloston Paradise] by Ruby Rhod: "Tell me, my man, you happy here in the big world?" [you need to see the movie]. Apparently the author of the ZDNET article below felt similarly - at least regarding Gnome 3.





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I suppose it's telling that one of the Fedora Forum Admins posted the following sticky at the top of each forum.


Announcement: Gnome 3 rants and raves prohibited for several days!


Yes' date=' we are aware that Gnome 3 is new, different, and polarizing. Some love it, some hate it. But for the first few days after this release please avoid rants and raves about it until things settle down a bit, and those actually seeking advice rather than a place to vent their spleen can get their systems set up and working, so they can develop an opinion too.


Toward that end, we will be summarily deleting any rants and raves about Gnome 3. It's not that we like it, or hate it, it's just that the server can only take so much, and this is going to be a very heavy use period due to the many changes in F15.


Thanks for you cooperation in this matter, and we hope you will help us out with this.


P.S. For the duration of this heavy load, we have also closed Wibble, Linux Chat and Rants & Raves. When things calm down, we'll open them again.







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Well Fedora 15 Final has been released... :end:


I really liked Fedora 14. :thumbs:


Tried Fedora 15 Gnome beta RC2 and my comment is the same as Korben Dallas' when asked [what he thought of Fhloston Paradise] by Ruby Rhod: "Tell me, my man, you happy here in the big world?" [you need to see the movie]. Apparently the author of the ZDNET article below felt similarly - at least regarding Gnome 3.





And he's right. Although Gnome 3 is beautiful and fast, I found it very annoying. Almost like Enlightenment.

It seems like the Gnome devs got the "tablet-fever". While I have nothing against tablets, I don't think it's a good idea to leave all your users behind and forget that all of them use PCs. Does Gnome 3 even have an ARM port? Googling for it didn't turn up anything.

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I am toally fed up with the nonsens, developers are creating lately. Really. I loved Fedora 4,6,8, 10 and 12. I tried Fedora 13, meh... then I tried 15 - and Gnome 3, which is more suited to tablet-nonsens than real PCs crashed on my machine instantly and the system went to fallback-mode. Other distros are just as bad. Ubuntus Unity which comes with 11.4 is unable to handle older nvidia cards and throws me into a Gnome 2 environment that is buggy as hell (apparently it cannot even remember the basic themes that are installed with the system). I tried KDE with Mepis 11 and I got Kwin crashes every 20 minutes when doing basic tasks like moving a window. Now I am trying lubuntu but honestly - it sucks. Horrible looks, bad functionality, inconsistent layout and language-settings.


If Mageia don't cut it, I'll switch to seomething more conservative like Scientific Linux with Gnome 2.28 or an older version of Mandriva. At least they worked.

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I'm currently with Linux Mint 10 and Linux Mint Debian, and it's as sweet as. Ubuntu 10.04 was perfectly fine, but the upgrade to 10.10 and then 11.04 caused me so many problems even after a clear out of the gnome config, it was still bad and buggy.


Gonna download and try Mageia, haven't used an rpm-based distro for a long time on the desktop, so will have to see if it impresses me.

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