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Mandriva 2011 technical specificatons


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The technical specifications of Mandriva 2011 are out. We will see quite a lot of new features in this release.

In keywords: systemd booting, unified control center, only one DE (the rest is community developed), simplified installer, new package manager UI, RPM5 (see Per Øyvind Karlsen's blog post for more details on that) etc.


There's also an article on ostatic.com in case you don't know what some of these things are.


Finally, here's the full list.

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"Integration of Mandriva configuration tools into KDE control center"


Anyone have an opinion on that proposed change?


For me Mandriva is especially MCC.

The place to be to configure the system.

I always reckoned MCC the heart of Mandriva.

Would miss it handling configuration, and making choice for another distro easier.

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"Integration of Mandriva configuration tools into KDE control center"


Anyone have an opinion on that proposed change?

Yes, it makes sense. Now that Mandriva supports only one DE officially there's no need to maintain two control centers. You can find everything in one place from now on. The Mandriva tools remain there though porting them to Qt would be a big plus.

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Not being a KDE user I am not overly enthusiastic about this, but I understand that a smaller team means have to focus on something instead of trying to be everything for all people. More importantly: is what isadora already said -- I regard MCC as neat one-stop-shopping for (maybe beginning) sysadmin. A clear advantage over distro's which rely on the DE to provide this. I have no real experience with other distro's (apart from Debian on a NAS), but have tried Fedora a few times and lacked an MCC replacement to get started.

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