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Can't rip CDs under Mandriva 2010 [solved]


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Hi guys. I have a problem with Mandriva 2010.



I'm trying to rip a CD but:



1. Kaudiocreator says the file or folder /Wav/Track 01.wav can't be found (I'm trying to encode into mp3 not wav)

2. Grip doesn' even start. When run from commandline it says segmentation fault (man, how I hate this error!!!)

3. sound-juicer start and scans the disc but quits unexcpectedly with another segmentation fault once I tell it to start the extraction.



Can somebody else rip CD in Mandriva 2010 or is it just my problem? Also, the machine had 2GB RAM, but I recently upgraded to 4GB. Oh, the operating system is 32-bit.




Any ideas?



[moved from Software by Greg2]

Edited by M_R
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KaudioCreater is working for me. Make sure you have the lame and liblame packages installed from the PLF repos, and the libmad package installed from the official repos.


Then open KaudioCreater and go to > settings > Configure KaudioCreater > encoder > and select 'MP3 Lame Standard' as the default encoder.

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KaudioCreater is working for me. Make sure you have the lame and liblame packages installed from the PLF repos, and the libmad package installed from the official repos.


Then open KaudioCreater and go to > settings > Configure KaudioCreater > encoder > and select 'MP3 Lame Standard' as the default encoder.


I have lame from plf

liblame0 from plf

libmad0 from official


The settings are already correct: it says mp3 Lame standard.


Now, I noticed something interesting: if you double clic on MP3 Lame standar a small box appears, and it says 'input types wav'. ¿Could this be related?



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I'm not sure why you're having this problem and I'm not. However I've found an old kde bug report with some new comments in it here: bug #135726


In comment #6 it says “Does it work when disabling automatic cddb lookup in audiocd?â€.


So I would suggest that you try unchecking the 'Perform CDDB lookup automatically' box in the CD configuration section. Does that help?

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I also use 2010.0. Using Dolphin, I can rip a CD to mp3 files by using drag and drop. I guess your 2010.0 install is missing one or more necessary packages. I am not sure which packages are required for ripping to mp3, but will explain what I do to get a multimedia installation of Mandriva up and running.


First I use the command 'urpmq --list-media active' to make sure the following repositories are active.

PLF Free

PLF Non-free


Main Updates


Contrib Updates


Non-free Updates


Then I make sure all packages are updated with preference towards packages from PLF

urpmi.update -a -v
urpmi -v --noclean --auto-select --auto --sortmedia 'PLF Free','PLF Non-free'


Of course --noclean is optional, in case you want to save the rpms for use with another computer.


Then I add a pile of new packages, with preference for PLF packages.

urpmi -v --noclean --auto --sortmedia 'PLF Free','PLF Non-free' myspell-en_US system-config-printer kate codeina flash-player-plugin win32-codecs libdvdcss2 vlc-plugin-dvdnav gstreamer0.10-a52dec gstreamer0.10-x264 gstreamer0.10-mms gstreamer0.10-pitfdll gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gstreamer0.10-faad gstreamer0.10-resindvd kaffeine ffmpeg mencoder mplayer mplayer-gui vlc transcode lsdvd lshw lsof nano bind-utils whois traceroute zip unzip unrar ntfsprogs fdutils smartmontools wireshark gimp digikam okular k3b smplayer k9copy dvdrip devede vobcopy a52dec lame sox libdvdnav4 gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg java-1.6.0-sun-plugin moon amarok audacious


After all that, check on package kdemultimedia4-core, add it if it's not already installed.


Obviously, most of the above packages are not related to the problem you are trying to solve, but I don't have time just now to sort through the list.

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry for the late reply,



If anybody is still interested: I have everything you mentioned, still nothing seems to work. Kaudiocreator always looks for a .wav file in the CD. I think that is the problem.

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Kaudiocreator always looks for a .wav file in the CD. I think that is the problem.

That is the problem but not in the way you're thinking.

Tracks on audio CDs are seen as *.wav files and the ripping software is not finding any *.wav files on the CD. This could be due to a bad CD or CD reader or may other things but no ripping program can work with something it can't see or read.



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You might be right! Yesterday I was able to rip something. The problem must be the CD's. I don't think it's the CD reader because I have 2 and both encounter the same problem. Besides the CDs I'm trying to rip are too old (more than 10 years old). Or perhaps there is some sort of ancient copy protection system?



Anyway, can you tell me which is better this Rubyripper you mention, KDE ripper, Grip or Sound Juicer? Also, does sound-juicer work in Mandriva 2010? It's giving me a segfault eror.



Thank you.

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Ages ago I remember reading that CD media had a life of 8 years - so it could be why you are having problems reading the older ones. I doubt very much they have better copyright protection back then than they do now, so I would put it down to age, or that they just need a bit of a clean.


My Terminator DVD has a problem that it oxidises, and I must clean it before I can watch it as my DVD player won't read it.

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