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mdv2010.0 chown question (solved)

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(sorry if this is in the wrong section, move at your will)


this isn't really a problem - at least i don't think it is, but its an annoyance


i'm running mandriva 2010.0 one, fully updated and working as it should,


the annoyance is i have a fixed ntfs storage drive which is owned by root, when i transfer file to it i get a message saying


"could not change permissions for /media/sdb2/any.file"


i have to click 'ok' for the message to go, its a bit annoying if i'm transfering, say, 10 files,


now as an experiment i opened konqueror as root and changed the owner manualy to a folder that is on sdb2 - wouldn't change,

so i typed in a root terminal

chown -r dave /media/sdb2/foldername

still no change,


do i need to change ownership of the whole partition ?, can i do it editing fstab ?


here is the line in my fstab


UUID=2A1C807A1C8042B5 /media/sdb2 ntfs-3g defaults,umask=000 0 0


i don't know whether this will help


[dave@localhost ~]$ cd /media/sdb2
[dave@localhost sdb2]$ ls -l
total 10456
drwxrwxrwx 1 root root     4096 2010-06-20 19:41
drwxrwxrwx 1 root root    16384 2010-06-19 00:04
[dave@localhost sdb2]$


(i've removed file names and file entries as they all say drwxrwxrwx 1 root root)


thanks for any help

Edited by hawklord
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I don't know how to bypass the messages as I have no ntfs partitions to test with but "chown" will not work on Windows file systems as they know nothing about unix ownership and permissions.



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hey guys,


thanks for the answers and info,


i seem to have found a fix, quite by accident - really


i tripple boot with pclinuxos as one of my boot options and was having a nosy around my root in pclos from mandriva,

i had a look in pclos's fstab and noticed that umask=000 was not in the entry for the ntfs partition and i booted into pclos to check for the info box when i copied a file across,

no box,


booted back into mandriva and removed the umask=000, ctrl, alt and backspace, logged back in - no change, still got the box


so i rebooted, copied a file across - bingo, no info box


case solved

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