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Everything posted by Shadowchaser

  1. Ok i'm looking for a program that will convert avi's divx xvid to a DvD so i can burn with Kb3. But so far i'm having no luck finding one you maybe someone here know where i can find one?
  2. Yup great operating system crappy customer service that why i stop being part of the club. I too had problems with rude customer service reps, make you want to stop supporting them.. But i still hang in there.
  3. try upgrading your kernel to 2.6.12-12mdksmp
  4. I personally Love 2006 it's a Rock and everything works (at least so for now i'm sure i'll mess it up soon enough :P )
  5. So Alot of people here have multiple version of Mandrive or "Other". I myself have 10.1 on a second machine so i shouldn't be surprised.. :)
  6. I was wondering this question, What version of Mandriva are you using? I always have to newest version of Mandy available but i also know people that are still running 9.2 and refuse to upgrade because a earlier version meets their needs. So where do you fall in the mix? [moved from Talk-Talk by spinynorman]
  7. Thunderbird because the voices in my head tell me to use it if not they'll hurt me,,, LOL .. It alot simplier and spam blocker rocks.
  8. From all of us welcome to MandrivaUsers, If you can give us some info on your system we can point you in the right direction. You'll be suprise how easy it will to setup your system 8 gigs is more than enough ;) .
  9. So Sad but so true i went through the same thing with Dell, but it not just PC makers that block usage of Linux it also companies like Verizon that make it very difficult to work with Linux. If you call them with a connectivaty problem the first thing that come out the mouth is "We don't support Linux" Why? by far linux is a superior OS compared to Windows why not support it? I do know one thing for sure alot of other companies are coming to terms that Linux is the Operating System of the Future period! ilia_kr thanks for link it very intersting.
  10. wierd that site only show up on 1/3 of the screen,, first time that ever happen to me on firefox.
  11. AAAAhrgg i feel dirty,,, :lol: but i still think that it kick a$$ background.
  12. sorry to hear you are having so many problems with Mandy 2006, I had a problem with my KDE in the beginning, i fix it by changing my .kde to .bakupkde then i restarted xserver and that took care of the problems.. Also turn off Kat!!!!it's a program with problems. (system hog) Then try running your games.. 3d might be no nvidia drivers or Ati drivers installed.. (try installing the drivers , if the drivers are installed run glxgears and post the output) did you reinstall OOo? if not try reinstalling it it may help. i hope that at the very least i point you a the right direction. I presently have 2006 powerpack on a dell xps400 with 19 Lcd and it runs like a bat out of hell and as solid as a chuck of granet. -SC
  13. thank you very much guys if anyone wants the background let me know, i'll be glad to pass it around. ps you guys realize she a vampire right.. after all it is october ;)
  14. I agree with polemicz, but if you don't want to replace your current MBR you could make boot from a floppy, Mandriva will give you a choice. hope it helps.
  15. Joneberger it just another alternative to urpmi. i personally enjoy having choices :) some may like it, some may not. it's all cool here a link to check out :) Smart Package Site
  16. Arctic i have no such problems adding stable channels, are you running as user or root? also it could be that the channels are improperly setup. in the screenshot channel information you can see how it should be setup. Also i have my setup to excute as root user. let me know maybe i can help ya set yours up. :)
  17. For those how are not aware what Smart Package Manager is , "Smart is a meta-package manager in the spirit of APT, YUM, URPMI and others. It’s a cross-distribution tool that can manage RPM, DEB and Slackware packages but what makes Smart apart is a dependency-solving algorithm that outperforms other package managers. It currently supports several repository formats, including those used by APT, YUM and URPMI. By the way, in Smart, repositories are called “channels”."-FedoraNews. I found out that Mandriva included this in 2006 powerpack so i decided to install it to try it out. After adding Cooker,Cooker-Contrib, Main,Contrib,PLF N-F,PLF-Free i decided to give it a run. It was so simple and informative, it offers special features like Locking a file and assigning priorities to Channel (repositories). I adding acouple of screenshots Smart Package View Channels! Channel Information. I believe Smart is defenatly worth checking out. moved from Forum Discussion by mystified
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