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Everything posted by willisoften

  1. MS in Dublin offer a number of student placements every year and had an associated "event" at my university recently. Apparently it was not well attended. This was slightly embarrassing for both MS and university. Lets face it this should be a really excellent placement for any student and even if the experience gained is poor it would in the present climate look good on any CV (in most circumstances). The reason most often advanced for non-attendance was simply "I don't want to work for Microsoft" surely says something about their image, especially as those who use alternative OS's would be a very small minority. Most of those who did attend said the presentation was extremely good, but not many are seriously considering a placement there. Simply put, even most of the MS customer base doesn't trust them and probably feels trapped in the MS world. I don't hear many (any?) of my lecturers singing MS praises though they do vent the occasional derrogatory comment.
  2. I'm currently learning Java at University. Java is considered an easy way to teach students OOP. Personally I think that you write a heck of a lot of code to do comparitively little. However, I'd say go for the course. Unless your extremely self disciplined learning from books is a bit of a grind. Learning with others is more fun although if learning with complete beginners you may be frustrated by initially slow pace. Helping other students can be a good way to learn too though.
  3. I have got me a working list!! Wahey! Didn't need hash tables phunni though I had a brief look at them and will investigate further when time permits. Needed a couple of new methods in my linked list class.
  4. I have searched, continually it seems, but perhaps my lack of familiarity means I didn't recognise what was found as what I wanted!
  5. Hi and thanks for replies so far. I am making progress. Faster progress would be good! Building my own linked list class. (I know theres already a linked list class) Student records are objects to be stored in list nodes. Theres quite a bit to take in in these posts so give me a day or too to work through this information. I think of a node as an instance of class Node. Usually each instance has it's own identifier, I reckoned I needed a way to identify each node thats why I'm confused. Just needs more work to get my head wrapped round it. Haven't covered hash tables so far. I'll look into them.
  6. I can now create the linked list by coding it in one node at a time - not very dynamic. Node n2 = new Node(objectr, n1); My lecturer disapeared almost immediately after todays lecture so I didn't get the chance to ask. But how do I go about creating a new list node inside a loop? I seem to be missing some basic information! //reads studebt details from text file public class readRecords { static StudentRecord r = new StudentRecord(); //creates new linked list and head node LinkedList list = new LinkedList(); public static void main(String [] args) {//create and open file object uuTextFile F = new uuTextFile("sRecords.txt"); F.OpenInputFile(); while (!F.EOF) { String line = F.ReadLine(); //pass string to constructor r = new StudentRecord(line); } F.CloseInputFile(); } }//ends readRecords After 3 days I've gotten no further. Some clues would be appreciated!
  7. Thanks again. Now I get you! I still haven't got it sussed but I have made progress. This is a lab excercise which isn't due for a couple of weeks but I missed the lecture at which some of the stuff was covered. It's not being assessed but we'll move on to something else. However the same topics will almost certainly turn up as part of an assignment. 1.Read students records from a file (about 15 records), each record contains (Student-Name, Student-ID, Student-Age, Student-Address); I've finished 1. 2. Store these records as (objects) in a linkedlist structure. I've got as far as creating the StudentRecord object and storing substrings from each line as properties of the object. Building the linked list is driving me up the walls! I'm reading the file with while(!File.EOF) Each StudentRecord is being created in this loop as well This is even working! Though naturally the data in each object is lost again with each iteration. ( I just printed it to the screen to see it operate.) But as yet failed to create a new node with each iteration. Back to the notes. I'm going to give up for today. I'll pester my lecturer tomorrow.
  8. Yes it looks like you are right I've searched and searched and can't find any way to create an object and name it automatically at the same time. Although I could put it in an array and refer to in by it's subscript array[]; I'm not familiar with linked lists just trying it out - so I'm not sure what you mean. I thought that a linked list was just a series of pointers to objects contained and next and previous nodes. Some experimentation coming up!
  9. I want to create a series of objects to be assigned to nodes in a linked list. I need each object to have a unique name. Is there a way to create an object and have it named automatically. The first object sr1 the second sr2 the third sr3 etc. I've been messing about with various loops all after noon trying to concatenate strings and incrementing integer all afternoon but no joy assigning those combos as variable names. Ideas please.
  10. print header,start_html("Modules"); print start_form({action=>'http://localhost/cgi-bin/p4q2b.cgi'}); @modules=("Development","Networks ","Professional Issues"); for($item = 0; $item<$#modules+1;$item++){ print "<input type ="radio" name ="module" value =$item>",$modules[$item] ,br; } Should be easy but Im tearing my hair out! This is a simple form consisting of radio buttons posting information to a perl/cgi script which does a little processing. Picka a codenumber from another array which corresponds to the selected module. I'd like to pass @modules to the other script so that I could display code and title at the same time. So how do I pass a list between scripts I've already tried a hidden field but either I'm doing something wrong (very probably) or it just doesn't work.
  11. Linux Format: It's OK but as for providing any working knowledge its pretty basic about the level of the beginners books mentioned earlier in this thread. Occasionally it does more involved stuff. Like most magazines it tends to repeat itself after a while. Most of the up to date can be found on the web a few weeks (maybe even a month) before each magazine hits the shelves. I think the problem for publishers is the vast arena which is Linux / open source. What does the average Linux user want in a more sophisticated book? What is an average open source user? Who is the average Linux user? Even from from this forum you can tell that we're a loose bunch of people with a variety of objectives lifestyles, needs and wants. Everybody is an individual but that fact becomes less apparent when you sample larger groups (MS Windows users). Individuals are a frightening thing for advertisers, marketeers, governments and publishers. As an aside theres an Australian(possibly American) guy living close to me who wrote an extremely large tome with a title like Windows XP encyclopedia - how to do everything with MS Windows XP which contains something like 3000 pages sells for about £60.00 and is really pretty trivial. I'd guess he's a writer/ technical journalist rather than a computer person. Be careful what you wish for.......
  12. Sorry to wander a little but I know a lot of people who are unaware of the operating system as a concept. I sure that a lot of these people would find it strange that you can get a computer that doesn't run MS Office. As long as people buy PC packages without a choice of operating system this will be the case. Even if it was compulsory to ask people which OS they would like installed I'd be pretty damn certain that most salesmen would push XP over Linux "for maximum compatibility". Hell I use MS Office myself everyday. It's the standard workplace office suite therefore thats what most schools colleges and university's offer to their students. Simply put their students would be at a (percieved) disadvantage if they didn't. I don't really believe in Access myself, though I do use that as well, but it's a hell of a lot easier and cheaper to teach non-technical staff to use that than most other dbs (that I'm aware of). Forbes I'd guess, are telling their subscribers ? what most of them wnat to hear.
  13. Many thanks, I'll look into all of them. I've already bought the course text so I'm a bit reluctant to buy another expensive book, but I'll consider it all the same. Will
  14. I'm not sure that SO6 is included in any of the packs, wasn't there some link between Sun and SCO? Maybe I'm mixed up. To me details of what is included in each pack seem a little sketchy this time round, or at least hard to find?. I'll continue to pay my membership but I'm not actually sure that I'm going to install 9.2 at all. 9.1 is doing very nicely thank you and I don't know that anything that is being udated in .2 is really worth the effort (for me). If KDE has suddenly become lightening fast or packet writing has been introduced well maybe I'll change my mind. I see USB 2 is now supported and I have USB 2 ports. Alas I have no compatible devices! I've long cherished the idea of backing up to an external hard drive though......
  15. AFAIK expense stopped shipping when Palm moved to OS 4 (I maight be wrong) I've searched my windows disk and nothing appears anywhere. Strangely expenses is still a part of the Palm desktop. I do have a few palm files named expense* but none seem to be installable prc /pdb files I'd like to get this working myself.
  16. We're doing a unit called Data Structures and algorithms. It seems interesting but I've fallen behind I especially need tutorials teaching materials on Big O notation /Time complexity funtions. Basic stuff for absolute beginner. A methodology for tracing algorithms on paper and and sorting turorials especially those were algoritms are implemented in Java. Book reccomendations also welcome I have been searching the web but it's a slow business so if you already have the bookmarks links it'd be much appreciated.
  17. It appears that each file in cgi-bin has to have its permissions set: chmod 755. I can't find the ScriptAlias directive line in the apache conf files so I've set up a ln -s link to my home directory. As I gave myself ownership of the folder in cgi-bin as an ordinary user I can set all of the permissions on the folder with chmod 755 -R pub from my home directory I can also set them in the tree view in Kate. It ought to be possible to set umask options for saving files but I don't know how to do it! Maybe there is a config file you can set for Kate I don't know I think you can set umask options when saving files from Vi but I'm not sure.
  18. Thanks the problem is permissions and I have sorted it out to a point, trouble is every time I save a file i have to set the permissions manually. In my pub directory I own pub and I've chmod 755 -R which means I have read write execute and everyone else should have read and execute. This is OK and the content appears in apache. But I want to be able to save the files and forget about it. I've tried ln -s pub in both directions home & var/www/cgi-bin and have the same problems in both places. I thought that files saved to a directory took on the properties of that directory? I could probably live with it but it's a nuisance!
  19. Has anybody seen a good apache / perl tutorial for idiots? I have got both apache and perl installed but I cant get my cgi stuff to appear it's working under windows so I know my stuff works. But I keep getting "You don't have permission to access /cgi-bin/ on this server." I basically don't know what I'm doing! I've spent too long reading the docs already webmin isn't working either so if anyones got a straight to the point tutorial or Howto please let me know.
  20. Thanks, I was just wondering -think I'll set up my own class for input then. The one I got from the university doesn't work with Linux though it should so I was trying to do input myself. Cheers Will Ps Thanks for the link too
  21. BufferedReader keyboard = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); double rate = Double.valueOf(keyboard.readLine()).doubleValue(); This looks so clumsy I was wondering if there was a better way to do it? I haven't really fetched all that much input from the keyboard as I had a package from the university which did it for me. This however looks like a lot of code compared to C.
  22. Sorry? explain the last bit.....
  23. Just in case can you check the clock in your BIOS? 8 hours doesn't sound like the mistake I once made when I set 2pm as 2.00 instead of 14.00 Simple mistake to make but it took me ages to figure out what was wrong.
  24. I've come to the conclusion that CD writers are OK to back up most personal stuff but to do a proper backup what I really need is a helluva lot more capacity. I was thinking about a Seagate/Travan tape drive. Anyone have any experience with this type of thing? The drives a bit pricey and so is the media but the conveneience level seems pretty high.
  25. Too much software: I don't know that theres too much software so much as Distros install too much software. Palm tools: KPilot JPilot, Evolution(Gnome Pilot Tools) Email Clients: KMail, Evolution (minimum) Editors:Kate Kedit Gedit Emacs Vim Kwriter Office Suites: Koffice Open Office and if you buy a pack you get StarOffice as well. You also get Gnumeric Graphics: I haven't looked at anything except the Gimp lately but I know that the Graphics menu is bulging! Then if you decide to uninstall you might just uninstall stuff you want to keep as well (rpm dependency) Generally I try to tidy stuff up by just zapping the menu items rather than uninstalling but thats not ideal either. I think a lot of new users have problems when they try to uninstall the things they don't need.
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