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Everything posted by Hawai

  1. Mandrake has no live-cd? if you can get into linux once, just do a /sbin/lilo in your console. That would fix it normally.
  2. You mean with booting? That's just simple change in the /etc/lilo.conf root=/dev/hda prompt timeout=100 default=windows Prompt makes it wait for your choice, timeout makes you wait until you make choice, here it is 10 seconds. Default loads Windows. Then check the rest, mine looks like this: image=/boot/kernel-2.6.3 label=gentoo read-only root=/dev/hda5 other=/dev/hda1 label=windows Just make sure the hda's are correct, and the labels. Since default gets it from label. If you put it on like here, Windows. Windows will load after 10 seconds if you make no choice. It's most likely that Mandrake will create a whole bunch of information in there. While this is basicly all you need. In your case, I guess Mandrake is on /dev/hdb1 . So make sure you create that correctly. When you are done, type "/sbin/lilo" in the command line. NOTE: All should be done as root ofcourse :)
  3. Azureus indeed.. if you have problems with Sun Java, ingore it and get Blackdown
  4. I had the same problems. It's the kernel version if I'm correct. I used 2.6.7 before, ran fine with the new driver. While the old one didn't work anymore. Then I switched back to 2.6.3, because 2.6.7 was just doing weird things. And there the new drivers didn't work anymore aswell. While the old ones ran perfectly. So I just suppose you need the newest drivers for the new kernels. While the older version of NVIDIA still work with the older ones. So yeah ;)
  5. I had loads of problems with Sun Java... Didn't work at all. While Blackdown works like a charm here.
  6. Configured the DNS? Since it might just be that you have internet, but that the other pc's don't have a DNS.
  7. wow... actually works.. Good find my friend :D
  8. I hate to agree, but I also think Mandrake is too slow for my needs. I've had 10.0, don't know which version anymore. Since it was.. free :) Anyways, I don't like getting an OS which is totally configured by it's needs. When I installed Mandrake I got like 5 IRC clients, and 10 ICQ clients.. That's a bit overdoing it. Plus I totally missed a "emerge" or "aptget". So that's when someone told me to get Gentoo. Which I am running a while now. I love it :)
  9. Thanks alot man, that actually seemed to work... :lol: Oh and thanks again for all the quick replies. Good job
  10. I figured as much. However, I was told that without them, it wouldn't be read. And that a space between the # and lines would mean comment. Already thought he was crazy. This proves it. Next is then, since I tried it without comments before, and that gave an error. Namely this: * Stopping local... [ ok ] * Starting local... /sbin/runscript.sh: line 7: enable: ipforwarding: not a shell builtin /sbin/runscript.sh: line 7: enable: 1: not a shell builtin * Failed to start local. [ !! ]
  11. Hello all! I've been introduced by Echylo to this forum, he says I won't be shouted at with RTFM's and such. Let's do hope so :) Well, here's the problem: I'm running Gentoo 2004.2 with kernel 2.6.3. (Ran 2.6.7 before but didn't really work out, so I went back to 2.6.3 since I know that one works superb.) I am trying to route my internet to a Windows 98 PC. This is my sisters, and she needs her internet. Internet works fine on my PC. And the routing worked before the format due to reasons you don't want to know. I have done exactly the same as I did last time, so I must've overlooked something. I have a connection between the 2 pc's. Since we can ping eachother. It's not a DNS problem. Since I cannot ping any website or IP with the other PC. Well, here is what my "/etc/conf.d/net" contains: # /etc/conf.d/net: # $Header: /home/cvsroot/gentoo-src/rc-scripts/etc/conf.d/net,v 1.7 2002/11/18 19:39:22 azarah Exp $ # Global config file for net.* rc-scripts # This is basically the ifconfig argument without the ifconfig $iface # iface_eth0=" broadcast netmask" #iface_eth1=" broadcast netmask" # For DHCP set iface_eth? to "dhcp" # For passing options to dhcpcd use dhcpcd_eth? # iface_eth1="dhcp" dhcpcd_eth1="-h co254461-a" # For adding aliases to a interface # #alias_eth0="" # NB: The next is only used for aliases. # # To add a custom netmask/broadcast address to created aliases, # uncomment and change accordingly. Leave commented to assign # defaults for that interface. # #broadcast_eth0="" #netmask_eth0="" # For setting the default gateway # gateway="eth0/" Looks alright to me! :) This is what my "/etc/conf.d/local.start" contains: # /etc/conf.d/local.start: # $Header: /home/cvsroot/gentoo-src/rc-scripts/etc/conf.d/local.start,v 1.4 2002/11/18 19:39:22 azarah Exp $ # This is a good place to load any misc. # programs on startup ( 1>&2 ) #enable ipforwarding echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward && #enable masquerading iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth1 -j MASQUERADE Also looks good to me... My LAN ethernet card is ETH0 and my internet ethernet card is ETH1. I hope you guys can help me out, since I am sick of rebooting to WIndows just to get my sister some MSN loving... :P Don't think me of a big-noob, I have expierence with Linux. At least. Enough for now. But on the other hand. I'm no Advanced hyper-tech nerd. (Too bad though.. ;) ) Greetings, Hawai!
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