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Everything posted by SoulSe

  1. There are a few ways, really. We need to know exactly how and what the server will be trying to accomplish. I don't understand how it will fetch data off a machine that is not sharing anything? Surely sharing, in some form, will be required? Firstly: Will the server be fetching the files from your computer on a schedule or will your computer be sending the files to the server? If the server must fetch the files from you, then you could setup Samba and share the required data on your 'nix box. Windoze 2000 should not have any problems fetching from a Samba share, if you set it up properly (try using Webmin). To the server, your share will look just like a windows share. If you are required to send the files, then simply mount the server's backup partition and set it to auto mount so you don't ever lose the mount. Then schedule your backups. I'm sorry if this doesn't help, but I'm not sure exactly what the server will be running, what exactly it will be doing, etc.
  2. I must be the worst googler in the World, I can't find anything on this for Mandrake, so if there is something, post it and ignore this. One of my biggest headaches with MDK 9 has been fonts. What I initially thought would sort me out was Samba mounting a windows machine on my network and Grabbing all the fonts off it. The process worked well enough, but some of the fonts (especially arial) look really crappy now, espcially with Mozilla. It is really bad when web editing, because the fonts look different on my Linux box and the pages need to look good on windoze boxes as well. So let's sort out the whole font issue on mdk9 right here, right now, once and for all. I will then take the info collected from this thread and write a tutorial which hopefully someone like DOlson will add to their site. What are your thoughts? What have you done with your fonts? Is it just me having these problems?
  3. SoulSe

    Winmodem HELP

    The fact that you can dial out means that your problem is probably with your PPP and network settings and not with the modem as such. I always start the trouble-shooting with modems by trying to dial with wvdial (it is on your Mandrake cds). Edit the config file and then try to dial, if wvdial cannot hold onto a PPP connection, then nothing will. Also try contacting your ISP and find out if their network has any specific requirements that you might need to add into a script.
  4. There is a quick way to sort out the permissions (editing fstab CAN be a bit risky if you don't know what you're doing). Open Mandrake Control Panel -> Mount Points from there you can select your CD/DVD devices and allow users to mount and unmount. You could, of course, also chmod your devices and mount points.
  5. Once you get your card running, check out: http://yanc.sourceforge.net/ for a great app. that lets you configure your settings under Linux in much the same way you would in windows.
  6. Just about every thread contains this post... but... it must be said: Check out DOlson's site for a comprehensive list of games for Linux, tips, tricks, etc. The site has a temp. url, check this out: http://www.mandrakeusers.org/viewtopic.php?t=2053 If you have a GOOD reason for not having a windows partition on your machine (I don't out of principle) then check out WineX (www.transgaming.com). I will get a lot of crap for directing you to that site, but it is a good emulator for playing windows games under Linux. Although I would only use it to play old games and, in future, buy Linux games from tuxgames (www.tuxgames.com). If you want a game that runs smoothly without hassles, just as an intro to the linux gaming world, then try any of the Unreal Tournament games - they have Linux installers that ROCK. Good luck!
  7. It really depends on the individual, if FPS games are your thing then computers (read: PCs) cannot be beaten. Remember the Wing Commander series? I think Wing Commander 2 was my favourite space sim of all time. It would be cool to see a port... or even a clone for Linux. I'm sure it is old enough to qualify for cloning? My problem these days is time, so I like games I can get into, play with for a few minutes and then leave. RPGs and Strategies just frustrate me, not because I don't like them, but simply because I don't have the time to stay with a campaign. I'll be checking out Majesty anyway. I also recently discovered Egoboo. The latest release still needs a lot of work (no network play yet :( ) but it is a great little game. http://egoboo.sourceforge.net
  8. Chalex has a good point, but I have no idea about what /bin /sbin etc. are intended for. Which is strange, I should know that by now! Perhaps someone can shed some light or paste a good link conerning the differences?
  9. I really, really hate to do this, but I must for the sake of people reading this thread in the future. It doesn't actually work to do a ./configure or make or makeinstall. The ONLY way I could get it installed was like this: untar the file to /usr/share/games/ (or wherever you want it) Move the file /egoboo/code/egoboo to /bin cd into /bin Make a file called egoboo.sh Edit the file with following lines: cd /usr/share/egoboo (or wherever you put it) egoboo Now, in order to run egoboo, you must run egoboo.sh The game is under development and still needs lotsa work, but it is great fun.
  10. Nevermind, I worked around it. Copied the exec into /bin and wrote a little sript. BTW: You suggestion works as well. =)
  11. I downloaded it again and found in /code. Next problem: I run make and it says "make: `egoboo' is up to date." Which, of course, it isn't. Can't sh any of the scripts. There are no rules for make install.
  12. Can't find info anywhere. I downloaded the tar.gz, extracted everything, cded into "egoboo" and now? no makefile, no readme, no sripts, just a bunch of text files with no helpfull info in them and directories (can't find a makefile in any of them). basicdat/ controls.txt gpl.txt modules/ setup.txt code/ egoboo.txt import/ players/ text/ ...and that's it. So now what? I get the feeling I will be feeling very stupid once this is explained to me.
  13. Yes, I did. Sorry, couldn't cut and paste from Quanta.
  14. This is probably a really stoopid question, but I am new to coding html, so help would be appreciated. I have just finished a site on Quanta Plus. I did a syntax check and I get: 14:attribute 'BACKROUND' for <td> is extended markup (use "-x <extension>" to allow this). It reports this for a few lines. What do I need to do to correct my syntax?:roll:
  15. Ok. I have been getting a hell of a lot of email from some of you recently and I want to forget everything that has happened on this thread. DOlson, there are very few people left in the World who are big enough to apologise. I accept your apology and would also like to ask you to forgive me for my heated posts. I never expected anyone to actually buy a Playstation (I personally do NOT own one, not a PS2 anyway, I have an old PS1)! I was just trying to be funny - 1 and 2 - trying to point out that if you are really battling to get games to run on your computer, then there are other solutions that will save you time. If, on the other hand, you are committed to Linux gaming, like myself and DOlson, then good for you. DOlson, the statistics for UT2003 are so low because no one registered, or, at least, that is my opinion. I think that if it were possible to get exact statistics (inlcuding people who pirated the game) you would find that surprisingly many people are running it inder Linux. Especially after Gentoo released their UT2003 disc (which boots straight into UT). Well, whatever the rest of you decide to do is cool. I personally will stick with the fight until we get proper support. I am sorry that at times I got angry and blew off, but it is only because I feel strongly about the future of Linux gaming, don't we all? I have realised now that DOlson also feels strongly, otherwise we would not have fought in the first place. So lets put this all behind us and get on with it. Oh, and if I get hold of the little lamers who sent those messages to DOlson, I will personally hunt them down and humiliate them in the most extreme way I can think of. This is one Linux gamer you do not want to **** with and if you **** with people who fight for the cause (like DOlson), even if I don't always agree with them, you **** with me. Let's get back to business, hell knows - we've got enough work to do. BTW: My main concern with games these days is the playability. Everyone yanks on about the graphics, the sound, bullshit. What ever happened to good old playability? I spent more time playing games like tetris on the Gameboy and Super Mario Brothers on my NES and even Pacman and Monty on my computer then I have spent with any other game (including Quake 3). Why? Because, while they do not have the graphics, sound, blah blah blah... they were fun! Game developers need to get back to basics. And so I don't care what resolutions a computer can handle, how good UT2003 looks on the new Radeon and all that crap. Those things do not matter to me. The Playstation still kicks the crap out of most Computer games due to one little factor - playability. Try Crash Bandicoot (any of them) and see what I mean. So when I said "crap games." I meant games that while looking good, running fast and having good looking blood or whatever-the-****, still made me bored to death after the first week of playing them. Isn't it sad that some of these losers spend 2 years on a game that doesn't even match up to Tetris on a 8-bit Gameboy? Movies are movies and games are games, bring back the "fun" and people will stop watching your games and actually start playing them.
  16. Fortunately you private messaged me, so here is my last post: Dude, what you said wasn't funny. I think our real problem is a personality clash. Hey, just like being in Kindergarten again: "no, you!" Not to tit-for-tat but I kept my cool 'til you got raw. Lucky it was a "joke" when you said you wanted to make my life miserable, right? You are right, I can't. And I didn't. Now read carefully -> I DID NOT MENTION LGP, KOHAN NOR THE NAME OF ANY GAME. I JUST SAID 'CRAP GAMES' I DID NOT REFER TO ANYTHING, BECAUSE IT IS A MATTER OF OPINION. I live in AFRICA! AFRICA! I don't THINK it will take 2 months, I KNOW it will. I have done this before. You can DHL or UPS it quicker, but that would double the price of the game. You are right, I haven't. Because I do not know the answer to that one. Maybe you do? Great, now you can play games without any error messages, GL drivers, etc. It's not better or faster or more powerfull, it's just.... oh wait, yeah, it is better. Look, I respect what you are trying to do. You rock and all that. No hard feelings. In Fact, no feelings at all. Good luck and Good Bye.
  17. I don't care how your name is spelt, after your little outburst in your post it'll always look like "arse" to me, so this is directed at "arse" - excuse my spelling. I feel no need to defend myself against such infantile arguments. I never said that any of the games you mentioned were crap. I never mentioned a single name of a game. It is a matter of opinion - some people will love a game that other people will think is crap. No one is going to buy something they don't like. I have made 23 orders on the internet from stores all over America - the quickest package took 6 weeks. It's the postal system, NOT tuxgames that is responsible. The World is bigger then America, ya know? Anyway, you're obviously a highly strung person that sees anything they want in a statement. So blow it out your ear and calm the f**k down. We are all on the same side. I've got better things to do then argue in circles with sensitive freaks. I'll stick away from the games part of this site so you can sit on your little thrown in peace without the likes of me bothering you. Make my life a living hell? My, aren't we mature. I _have_ a life and it doesn't get affected by what some loser on a forum says to me. So go right ahead, it should be good for a few laughs. Say what you want. People with real integrity will read it and see you for the tragic little man that you have now proven yourself to be. You really didn't have to get personal. But I suppose that is in the nature of a true arse. So go on, rip me off, get me banned, throw some shit around your little castle - I won't be back to read it, so it makes no difference to me. And to think I really thought you were an ok guy for a while. Until you got raw in the posts. If I was a moderator I would kick you the **** out of here. Go take a cold shower, have a coke and a smile and get back to the point. So long, it was nice speaking to you all while it lasted....
  18. Open Office. With fonts I stole from a windows box.
  19. SoulSe

    Mig Alley port

    Careful they don't drag yer ass to stoned coders anonymous. Well, at least I don't feel so alone here anymore. :wink:
  20. SoulSe

    Software I Miss

    I have WineX installed on my machine, which over-rides straight Wine. Besides for that, I do not believe in emulating windows in order to run software, this does nothing to improve the state of native Linux software. I also think that Macromedia Flash is an over priced piece of software (ridiculously so). In short: I want software written for Linux. No substitutes. Ever.
  21. Set it up in Webmin. If you haven't installed it, it is on your mdk9.0 CDs. Open mozilla, go to https://localhost:10000 Easiest way to configure Samba.
  22. Sorry, confused this mornig (big night last night). Of course konqueror is a browser, was confusing it with nautilus (I'm a Gnome user).
  23. Ok, in my situation, I called the collection localrpms and the directory is /rpms/ so my command was: # urpmi.addmedia localrpms file://rpms/ You can also add a specific synthesis file by using the 'with' line, but the command above should work just fine.
  24. I'm just going to answer the questions I can : You cannot use konqueror to browse the internet because it is a file browser (like windoze' file browser) it is not integrated with mozilla (like windows file browser is with IE). In Linux things stick to the job they are supposed to do. There have been updates for foomatic and cups since the release of 9.0 so try to update them before we tackle the other possible problems. On the Mandrake menu, go to Configuration -> Hardware -> USB View (you might have to install USB View first) and see if your scanner is listed. You might just not have the right stuff installed to utilise it. Supermount is unreliable and causes problems, do this: # supermount -i disable Rather mount things yourself when you need them. And that's all the answers I have in me at the moment :wink:
  25. There are only two programs I miss in Linux. The first is a Flash editor. I used to use Macromedia Flash in Windoze. Flash is great and I would love to animate again. I also miss a good sms-from-desktop client. I used to use smspop (great little app which crashes under wine). I also used ICQ to sms (a pity gaim can't utilise that feature of ICQ). I've looked everywhere. Any help?
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