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Everything posted by arctic

  1. Welcome aboard. :) I guess this sums it up nicely: Windows: 1. By default, most people use an account with full administrative rights. Thus, any virus and/or trojan can be executed at once (no need to ask for a password ;) ). 2. By default, Windows (prior to Vista) does not ship with a working firewall. Vista finally has a firewall but it's usefullness is much in doubt (for a good reason). 3. Most people do not install a firewall and /or antivirus and anti-spy kits. This makes the system vulnerable. 4. Most people don't update their system. Security holes are thus not fixed and these exploits can be used by viruses in order to infect more computers somewhere else in the world. 5. Internet-Explorer is an integral part of the monolithic system-core. Thus a virus/trojan affecting IE will affect the whole system. Linux: 1. By default, most Linux-distributions (very, very few exceptions) differentiate between the user and the administrative user. Both are protected by passwords. Thus a virus that affects the user will usually not affect the administrator. 2. Most Linux-distros do install a firewall by default. Some distributions additionally use security enhancement features like AppArmor or SELinux that reduce the risk of system-breakdown. 3. Linux users are usually more careful about what they do with their systems (which is due to the learning experience when using Linux imho). 4. Linux users usually apply updates to their systems, thus security holes will be fixed fast. 5. The users applications are not part of the base-system, thus a virus that will affect e.g. firefox will not affect the system-core.
  2. I gave the nodoka-theme a try for several days now and - nope. Back to clearlooks.
  3. Announcing the release of Fedora 8 (Werewolf). This release includes significant new versions of many key components and technologies. Features: GNOME 2.20; Online Desktop; KDE 3.5.8; Xfce 4.4.1; NetworkManager 0.7 provides improved wireless network management support; PulseAudio is now installed and enabled by default; CodecBuddy is now included; CompizFusion, the compositing window manager that re-merges Compiz and Beryl, is installed by default; the completely free and open source Java environment called IcedTea is installed by default... Release summary Download it here or use the torrent-file Discuss it here. :)
  4. As we are talking about the page, I do miss some things. I am aware that the page has just been launched and might get filled with more stuff later, but some things would be very useful on the Enterprise page. Take a look at this: http://www.novell.com/products/server/ http://www.novell.com/linux/whysle10.html A nice collection of things that will make the OS attractive to companies. And as we are at it: How does that Linux solution fare, compared to other server solutions? http://www.novell.com/linux/compare.html?tab=1 http://www.redhat.com/rhel/ You see, Novell and Red Hat did it well. Lots of information packed into a website and still easy to read, even for non-experts imho.
  5. Well, I cannot say if there is anyone to blame, to point fingers to. Nonetheless this is a huge disappointment - not only for Mandriva but the whole Linux community. You think that you make finally make big progress and then, all of a sudden, a great opportunity for making Linux more popular and mainstream is gone. Sad, sad, sad. But I guess other parties/countries will not take the path Nigeria has taken. pmpatrick, while you are right, laws can only do so much for stopping bribery. Especially in a country that is well known for bribery as a normals means to conduct business/politics (=Nigeria). Murder is prohibited by the law. Still, people commit murder.
  6. It can be customized. The only thing you have to do is install the kdm themes through the kcontrol center or to build your own login manager. Here are dozens of login managers.
  7. If you have changed themes etc. on your desktop, try with renaming the .mozilla file in your home directory. Segmentation faults are caused afaik by either bad linking to underlying libraries or by broken config-files (e.g. due to fusing customized fonts). I run the same firefox-version and it works okay on my systems.
  8. Which package version do you use? (There have been updates available for Firefox lately that fix various problems)
  9. Well, the "communication thing" definitely got better since Adam began to take care of communicating with the "outer world". The financial situation? ... Cannot comment on that as I don't know the companys financial data and it's future-strategy in detail.
  10. Just a quick reminder: In Linux systems, the files that define your user-desktop layout and behaviour are some hidden files in your /home/user/ directory, e.g. .kde, .gnome, .qt, .gtk and so forth. When you activate "show hidden files" view in your filebrowser, you will see that there are several hidedn user-configuration files. In case that you wreck your desktop (no panels, weird window decorations, wrong file associations, etc.) you can simply rename (in case there is valuable data stored somewhere) or remove (in case there is no important data to backup) the hidden files. The system will then, if you log in again, create a default desktop configuration with fresh config-files(= revert the desktop to its basic settings).
  11. John, remember the old saying: use whatever works. :) For me 2007.1 was too problematic, so that I switched back to 2007.0 on my laptop; but 2008 works well again. Different hardware - different luck.
  12. Might sound like a stupid question but have you enabled sounds under "options" in Pidgin and have you made sure that the "muted" box is not checked in the taskbar? Pidgin works fine on my boxes.
  13. A quick note: I had ran into bugs in my cooker partition after I upgraded it to 2008 final. I decided to go for a clean install as no one was able to reproduce my reported bugs and voilĂ , everything worked after the fresh install from the DVD and the bugs that I experienced before were nonexistent. Don't ask me why this is so...
  14. Just relax. Well will all make sure that it won't turn into a flame war, as we are way too nice to newcomers. :D Well, on a serious note now: As already pointed out, there is nothing wrong in asking thing over and over again, even if you think that those are idiotic questions, but rest assured: Thousands of users have the same questions day in and day out and - there are only stupid answers. :) Our problem is at times, as we are already a bit more familiar with Linux than the complete newcomers to the Linux-scene, that we tend to take things for granted, e.g. what the MCC is. But then, based on the post count and, many times, based on the questions asked it is hard to know what level of experience someone has with computers, less a lone Linux systems. There can be some users who have maybe 1000+ posts who only use linux rom time to time and don't understand anything about the inner parts of an operating system, while there can be users with just a dozen posts, but who have a lot of experience already (sys-admins, programmers,...). Thus, whenever you feel that we talk some gibberish that you don't understand, that we use some abbreviations that are a book with seven seals for you, that we take too many steps at once, let us know, slow us down. We are a patient bunch of Linux users. No one will make fun of you because we all once started with zero knowledge about Linux. ;)
  15. About the OpenOffice bug: as you might see in the bugreport now, I tried to recreate it, but was unable to "run into the bug". Maybe the problem is your config files or a corrupted package.
  16. On the left hand tab go to software, then in the right side menu: manage software. On the now appearing window, select on the left hand menu: Graphical desktops. Click on the triangle. Now there should unfold a tree. Click on Gnome. On the right had, there will be now a lot of packages available for installation. Select the package: task-gnome and gnome-desktop. It will automatically select the dependencies when you select to install. That should give you a basic working Gnome desktop. If you want to operate your desktop, better stay out of the root account in a gui. ;) JMHO.
  17. Don't know about KDE, but for Gnome, there is this option. The systems wallpapers are stored at /usr/share/mdk/screensaver. Welcome to the world of KDE. By default, KDE native apps always have a K as the first letter. Let's not talk about logics here. Sure. I do so since years. Open the MCC (Mandriva Control Center) and select the Gnome desktop packages for installation there. For security reasons, the graphical login of root is disabled in the login managers. You can however still log in in a GUI as root, although it is highly discouraged. And you can still trash your computer whenever you want. No feature removed in this respect. :P
  18. Time for a poll, isn't it? If you want to point out problems (e.g. with specific hardware or unusual setups), please add them below. I guess this poll and the added experience/problem-reports can be useful for Mandriva for developing further releases.
  19. Bugzilla: http://qa.mandriva.com/ Bugzilla Howto: http://wiki.mandriva.com/en/Development/Howto/Bugzilla More information: http://wiki.mandriva.com/en/Home and http://wiki.mandriva.com/en/Releases/Mandriva/2008.0/Errata
  20. arctic

    Mandriva Logos

    With those he can easily create the white one, e.g. by vectorizing them with inkscape. There were once eps packages available, but they were removed for whatever reason.
  21. And a fresh, bigger review. Again, lots of praise for 2008. http://adventuresinopensource.blogspot.com...tro-part-3.html
  22. I will mark this then as [solved] for now. If it freezes again, let us know.
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