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Everything posted by MottS

  1. MottS

    Networking Problems

    take a look at those: Set XP to share the net: http://www.annoyances.org/exec/show/ics_xp Set clients to connect to the XP box: http://www.annoyances.org/exec/show/ics_other Talks about DNS (interesting) http://forums.devshed.com/archive/34/2002/08/3/41784 MOttS
  2. MottS

    Networking Problems

    If you don't see an eth0 section in 'ifconfig' then your network card isn't up and runnning. Look at my 'ifconfig' gd@localhost gd $ su Password: root@localhost gd # ifconfig eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:50:BA:B4:00:3E inet addr: Bcast: Mask: UP BROADCAST NOTRAILERS RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:725 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:850 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:100 RX bytes:280078 (273.5 Kb) TX bytes:137106 (133.8 Kb) Interrupt:11 Base address:0xbf00 lo Link encap:Local Loopback inet addr: Mask: UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:16436 Metric:1 RX packets:4 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:4 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 RX bytes:200 (200.0 b) TX bytes:200 (200.0 b) You can turn your network card on (using dhcp protocol) by typing as root dhcpcd eth0 Then check back 'ifconfig' and you should see the eth0 section. You may have to install 'dhcpcd' so type urpmi dhcpcd in a console to install this package. BTW, I added you to my 'friends' in MSN and you are not connected .. HTH MOttS
  3. C :) :) L!! Humm, it depends. If you want custard to act as a server then look in /etc/samba/smb.conf (or something like that... I'm not at /home). Look at the beginning of this file for the variable workgroup as specified here : http://fi.samba.org/samba/docs/man/smb.con....html#WORKGROUP If you want to access a certain workgroup from custard then it depends which client you use. With smbclient it's something like smbclient //computer/share -w workgroup -i IP .. or something like that. type 'man smbclient' :P HTH MOttS
  4. In your policy (/etc/shorewall/polilcy), add the following line after 'fw net ACCEPT' but before 'net all DROP info' masq fw ACCEPT and restart shorewall (type 'service shorewall restart' as root in a console). That should remove the firewall that is between 'rubarb' and 'custard' but prevent people from the net to access your boxes (yes!). For Samba, here is two nice link: http://www.tweakhound.com/mdk9/mdk9net.htm http://www.mandrakeuser.org/docs/connect/csamba.html BTW, since you have two boxes with Linux on them, why don't you use SSH to share files? You only have to turn it on by typing 'service sshd start' on both box and then access files with Konqueror by typing 'fish://IP'. If you don't use KDE you can use the magic console with 'ssh IP' and voila! If you have problems with your firewall SSH runs on port 22. Putty is a nice Windows client for SSH. Search google for that. HTH MOttS
  5. MottS

    Networking Problems

    For Linux to access the net Open the Mandrake Control Center (MCC). You can open it up by typing 'drakconf' in a console. Now clic the 'internet and network' icon. You should see two or three options there. One of them has a wizard that will ask you some questions (Internet by ADSL, Cable, LAN, etc .. ). Answer those questions and you should be all set. Access your Windows files from Linux Here is a nice link for that. http://www.tweakhound.com/mdk9/mdk9net.htm Access your Linux files from Windows You need to run SAMBA on your Linux box. If you follow the link upthere (tweakhound), you'll see they install 'drakwizard'. Install it. This will add another icon to your MCC. Once this is done, clic it and you'll see a wizard to set Samba up on your Linux box. But personally I don't like this wizard that much. I suggest you to go to the following link and read a bit. http://www.mandrakeuser.org/docs/connect/csamba.html HTH MOttS
  6. MottS

    Networking Problems

    I have no idea what _networked_ computer means to you but here we go. If you want to share files you have to run SAMBA on your Linux box. If you want to run SSH (or Telnet) you need to run the diamon on your Linux box and need Putty, a free client for Win32 machines. Other than that I have no idea .. what do you mean by _networked_? Run the Internet Connection Sharing wizard on your Windows machine. Then, tell Linux to connect to a DHCP server. This can be done from the MCC->Internet&Network-> ... Good luck MOttS
  7. MottS

    shorewall port 4662

    GOOD GOOD!!! .. what was the problem then? MOttS
  8. MottS

    shorewall port 4662

    Why do you have and Are you trying to open port 4662 on your firewall and run the donkey on your lan? .. that is not going to work. Here is mine. Notice that I run the donkey on a computer on my lan ( My server (fw) is a Linux box with no screen/keyboard/mouse. # ===============================POUR APACHE & FTP============================= ACCEPT net fw tcp 21,80 - # ===========================POUR LES PORTS LOCAUX ============================ ACCEPT masq fw tcp 21,22,5900,19150 - ACCEPT masq fw tcp domain,bootps,http,https,631,imap,pop3,smtp,nntp,ntp - ACCEPT masq fw udp domain,bootps,http,https,631,imap,pop3,smtp,nntp,ntp - # ====================TRANSFÉRER CES PORTS DU NET A MON ORDI=================== DNAT net masq: tcp 4662,6891:6900 - DNAT net masq: udp 4662 - I have the following setup NET|-----|LinuxBox|-----|HUB|-----|1 MAC & 1 dualboot machine In zones this is net|---------| fw |----------||----------|masq MOttS
  9. MottS

    shorewall port 4662

    OK .. no prob for the question. I just didn't where you wanted to go since the DNAT rule was working .. anyway. Well, all you have to do is to put in your rules file, comment out the DNAT rules and restart Shorewall. I would clean your rules file though. You have multiple ACCEPT net fw line which may causes problems. I would put them all in one line (or two for tcp/udp ports). Same thing for ACCEPT net masq and all that. Then restart shorewall. I don't see why it wouldn't works really... it works on my server (only the donkey core .. no GUI) running MDK 9.0. MOttS
  10. MottS

    shorewall port 4662

    Hi What do you expect them to do? If you use the ACCEPT rule, this only gonna open ports on your server. This will not forward the ports on your LAN and eDonkey will not work. However, if you are trying to run eDonkey on your server then it should works. To run eDonkey on the LAN you have to forward (DNAT) the ports. You have to open ports on your server (ACCEPT) or forward the ports on your LAN (DNAT) but not both. And either way, a port scan should give you an 'open' port with nmap (or whatever port scanner you are using). BTW, don't forget to restart Shorewall when you play with the config files! I don't understand what you are trying to do anymore with port 4662. What are you trying to do? For Samba to works between your LAN and your server (fw), you have to open port 137, 138 and 138 both directions (ie ACCEPT fw masq and ACCEPT masq fw). And again, what are you trying to acheives with Samba? Good luck! MOttS
  11. Hey thanks ARU. That was exactly this (the *). Thanks! MOttS
  12. MottS

    shorewall port 4662

    OH ok .. I understand your question now. I you would like your server to have a high ID, you would need the following line to be in /etc/shorewall/rules ACCEPT net fw udp 4661,4662,4672 - ACCEPT net fw tcp 4661,4662 - But the port cannot be opened on the server and forwarded on another computer on the LAN in the same time. You have to either forward the port OR open it on the server/router but both doesn't work. Is it what you are trying to do? .. just wondering. MOttS
  13. MottS

    shorewall port 4662

    I understand your question BUT... It wouldn't work to open port 4662 on the server (more a router but whatever). This is because when you run eDonkey, you act like a server yourself. Peoples have to be able to connect to your server (eDonkey file sharing server) and this is done on port 4662. So you have to forward this port from the internet to the computer on which eDonkey is running to have a high ID (ie, people can connect to your server). Now, for your DHCP problem. Did you read the Shorewall FAQ we have here on this forum? http://www.mandrakeusers.org/viewtopic.php?t=4731 Look at the end of the file.. whatever here it is: Well, let's configure it so that it receives always the same IP from the firewall. First of all, you need to know the MAC address of the computer on the LAN. To know that, type ifconfig as root on the computer on the LAN (have no idea how to get that on the other OS). You will get something like this: Quote: eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:50:BA:B4:00:3E inet addr: Bcast: Mask: UP BROADCAST NOTRAILERS RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:193712 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:155603 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:100 RX bytes:206789603 (197.2 Mb) TX bytes:11783187 (11.2 Mb) Interrupt:10 Base address:0x4f00 The MAC address is the serie of numbers-letters at the right of HWaddr. So my card's MAC address is 00:50:BA:B4:00:3E. Now, add the next block in /etc/dhcpd.conf of the server as root. Replace my MAC address with yours! Code: host PC { hardware ethernet 00:50:ba:b4:00:3e; fixed-address; } Now, restart the DHCP server by typing as root: Code: service dhcpd restart This way, the computer having the MAC address 00:50:ba:b4:00:3e on the LAN should always receives for IP. That simple things down for configuration, specially for DNAT rules (forwarding ports). Hope this helps MOttS
  14. Hi all I have gd.no-ip.com and agtobs.no-ip.com pointing to my dynamic IP no problem with their IP-updater (little program...). Now, how do I configure Apache so that when one type a certain dns he get redirected to the right directory? Here is what I have so far. gd.no-ip.com is in /var/www/html and everything works well. I added a directory called agtobs in /var/www/html this way root@localhost vhosts]# ls /var/www/html/ addon-modules/ apache_pb.gif History/ MDKlinux.jpg Uptime.png agtobs/ Buggy/ index.html msfree.png WelcomeBonjour.png Air Cargo/ caffeine.gif MDKLinux/ Tux.png I also have Include conf/vhosts/Vhosts.conf in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf. How do I set Vhosts.conf now? I've seen Paul writing the following at http://www.mandrakeusers.org/viewtopic.php...=apache+virtual NameVirtualHost <VirtualHost> DocumentRoot /var/www/html/loudas.com ServerName loudas.com ServerAlias www.loudas.com CustomLog logs/loudas.com-access_log combined </VirtualHost> But my IP changes! .. so would it work writing NameVirtualHost agtobs.no-ip.com <VirtualHost agtobs.no-ip.com> DocumentRoot /var/www/html/agtobs ServerName agtobs ServerAlias agtobs.no-ip.com CustomLog logs/agtobs-access_log combined </VirtualHost> Otherwise I have no idea.. Thx for help MOttS
  15. WTF! I left 2 days and you guys are all using Archlinux now? :blush: MotTs
  16. I would search google a bit if I would be you. Post ALL 'cat /pros/bus/usb/devices' here (when the device is in of couse) Also, unplug the device for about 5 seconds and then plug it back in. Now type 'dmesg' and look at the end. You should see something about your device. Is it recognized? MOttS
  17. MottS

    shorewall port 4662

    Hi man I have pretty much the same set up as you (eth0 is connected to an ADSL modem and eth1 to my LAN). Here is what I used to set eDonkey (pretty much like MLDonkey). eDonkey: http://www.mandrakeusers.org/viewtopic.php?t=4486 Shorewall: http://www.mandrakeusers.org/viewtopic.php?t=4731 BTW, your rules file is a mess man. Assuming you have the same set up as me (look above), put the following like in /etc/shorewall/rules and restart shorewall DNAT net masq: tcp 4662 - Replace by the IP of the computer on which MLDonkey is running of course. HTH MOttS
  18. You don't need time... you only need the connecton!! You only have to type two words to install (ie download, configure, compile and install) KDE. emerge kde .. and then wait a day or two for Portage to install KDE on your machine :lol: . .. I mean, this isn't long to type 2 words :wink: MOttS
  19. Same here. Do a emerge netscape-flash and that's it. If you want Konq to find it, tell it to look in /opt/netscape/plugins .. MOttS
  20. what about :emoticonnut: pointing to a picture of you? .. :lol: Nice job! hehe MOttS
  21. Two possibilities 1) Boot cd1 of mandrake, press F1 and type 'rescue'. At the menu select 'Reinstall Windows boot loader'. 2) Boot an old Win98 floppy and at the prompt type fdisk /mbr Cya MOttS
  22. REALLY COOL MAN ! Thanks! MOttS
  23. LOL .. good idea .. j/k MOttS
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