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Everything posted by brkville42NY

  1. uh...i don't understand what your asking there jackson. please be a bit clearer next time ok? b/c i only know one man who can help here... OUT
  2. bvc, i know what you mean man :lol: that is a scary yet very um..."good" proposition. it will cut down on grand theft auto, because the police could have like a...photo document of the owner of the car. if the driver don't meet the picture, "get me tha po-lice!" OUT
  3. in response to darkelve, Directx is the thing that launches games on windows. what is that "application" for linux. thanks to roland. OUT
  4. MOD NOTE: Moved from Games to Emulation by LiquidZoo all i need is what is the name and price. OUT
  5. i am looking for maybe FF3. its very evident to me that Square Enix could declare it's alleigance with Sony and Linux [weird] and not with Microsoft and well Microsoft. HEY SQUARE!!!! MAKE FF10 FOR LINUX!!!! OUT
  6. bvc, back away from the computer. go get yourself some help. i did, and look at me!!!! OUT
  7. Anything as big as a Linux has patches. So the answer is...duh. OUT
  8. I get alot of spam, and although it dosent drive me insane, it is annoying. Anyone that can help your assistance is wanted. OUT
  9. Once again I am just trying to figure the landscape of how for Linux has reached. It wont be long before i actually begin to use Linux. thanks OUT
  10. PC gaming dead!? Console gaming, like for instance Playstation, Nintendo, Sega, being very bland in that description, yes i know, is good for 1 player stuff. But for the online game enthusiast, get a PC and DSL. OUT
  11. :lol: i already have a PS2, but i'll keep it in mind to get an Xbox. I have heard that the Xbox is Linux compatible. by the way, [replying to LiquidZoo] i have heard good things about Neverwinter Nights, is it good??? OUT
  12. sorry about puttin that in the wrong forum...should be in games... I'm a noob OUT
  13. MOD NOTE: Moved from Networking to Games by LiquidZoo As you can probably figure out by yourself, I am a huge gamer. Although I have not yet bought my linux operating system, I am planning on it. But before I do, can anyone inform me of the possible video game buys for Linux, and in the near future? thanks OUT
  14. i have heard alot about problems either remotely relating to or directly relating to uninstalling ET. unforunetly, i dont know any good methods. sorry... by the way i would like to strongly thank the people who are leading the charge against microshit!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha OUT
  15. wow how surprising that Microshit has the control of the computer software industry. but i strongly believe that in a matter of maybe even months, linux will rule the world!!!!!!!!!hahahahahhahahahhah
  16. oh my gosh a toddler can use this but not me???? i feel so dumb now... but i'ma put on some Linkin Park and rock out. i feel betta.
  17. hi all. now i keep on hearing about this so called Spam problem. seriously u people need to get over it. its not gonna kill u, i promise.
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