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Everything posted by Greg2

  1. There are only three Linux module types available for the Prism 2/2.5 chipsets: hostap orinoco prism2_usb and these are already in the Mandriva distro by default. One of them 'should' work.
  2. AI- I started a new thread for December for your Desktop and moved this to it. Sorry, I don't have a new one yet. :)
  3. It's a 3rdparty kernel module that's already included in your kernel. It appears that the Mandriva kernel thinks that your Actiontec adapter is using an Atheros chipset. So try doing (as root) modprobe -r ath_pci ath_hal then modprobe hostap and modprobe hostap_cs then please post the output of ifconfig -a If this works, we will show you how to make it automatic on your system.
  4. It sounds like you're trying to use the new interface for 2008.1, try using the old interface instead. https://mandrivausers.org/easyurpmi/old/ I would also suggest that you run (as root) urpmi.removemedia -a first, to reinitialize the setup.
  5. These files are in the /plf/free/backports, you must disable 'all' backports. OK, go to 'install and remove software' > Options > Media manager, then configure your sources (mirror list). Then in the same Media manager window, go to File > Update, and select what you want to update... now 'here' you should be able to 'select all'. A picture is worth a thousand words:
  6. Did you install the prism2-utils package? Would you please post the output of dmesg | grep -i prism In the 2008 release the orinoco was selected by default using my old Prism2 pcmcia card. I had to blacklist it and add: alias wlan0 hostap_cs to my modprobe.conf file to use the hostap module. In the 2008.1 and 2009.0 releases, the hostap is selected by default. However this Actiontec device is listed as USB, so I'm not sure what module to load. Maybe it does need the prism2_usb?
  7. Here's what I would suggest you have enabled: Main Main Updates Main32 Main32 Updates Contrib Contrib Updates Non-free Non-free Updates PLF Free PLF Non-free Then update your media. Do you understand? :)
  8. K3b, it's in the repos.
  9. I installed it last night and also found that flash (10) and embedded video work, but no java. I tried symlinking the libjavaplugin to opera/plugins, but still no java. When I try a java site it doesn't crash it simply freezes up, then I have to kill it.
  10. I would suggest that you remove the cdrom entries, unless you have a slow internet connection and want them. Then enable the Main and Contrib/Updates repos, remove all the duplicates (the ones followed by a 2), then update your media sources again. I also need the full name of this
  11. Lexmark printers are not very Linux friendly. Here's the openprinting.org/database. Your printer is not even listed yet, sorry. This doesn't mean it won't work, but it means no one has tried yet and or documented it.
  12. We really need you to post the output of df, or better yet df /dev/hda6 | du ~/tmp so we can help you. It also helps us to know the Mandriva version you're using. :)
  13. What is your output of urpmq --list-url
  14. This is just a FYI- I've used 177.70 and upgraded to 177.80, and I've yet to see that logo using 2009.0. :)
  15. Here's what I'm using (without any problems) from the PLF repo. [greg@halfway ~]$ rpm -qa | grep -i vlc vlc-plugin-flac-0.9.3-2plf2009.0 vlc-plugin-a52-0.9.3-2plf2009.0 vlc-plugin-opengl-0.9.3-2plf2009.0 libvlccore0-0.9.3-2plf2009.0 libvlc2-0.9.3-2plf2009.0 vlc-plugin-ogg-0.9.3-2plf2009.0 vlc-plugin-sdl-0.9.3-2plf2009.0 vlc-plugin-pulse-0.9.3-2plf2009.0 vlc-0.9.3-2plf2009.0 vlc-plugin-mod-0.9.3-2plf2009.0 vlc-plugin-aa-0.9.3-2plf2009.0 vlc-plugin-twolame-0.9.3-2plf2009.0 vlc-plugin-theora-0.9.3-2plf2009.0 vlc-plugin-ncurses-0.9.3-2plf2009.0 Naturally, yours would be from the 64-bit repos.
  16. Jim, this is just to show the reasoning behind my post. My 2009.0 system: [greg@halfway ~]$ cat /etc/fstab | grep cdrom /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom auto umask=0,users,iocharset=utf8,noauto,ro,exec 0 0 However, I have found so many inconsistencies in the different installations of other users... who knows. :huh: iceyintel, I'm glad it's working for you. :)
  17. That version of vlc and its depends/plugins were backported and added to the repo 12/02/2008.
  18. OK, try umount /media/'Lich King' mount -t udf -o ro,unhide,uid=500 /dev/sr0 /media/cdrom or /media/cdrom0 If that doesn't work, follow Jim's instructions and create a mount point.
  19. It appears that the vlc from backports is incompatible with the existing 2009.0 qt3-common and qt4-common files. I believe that is why you are getting this in your logs: vlc[12592]: segfault at 0 ip 00007f9d109244b2 sp 0000000045df2250 error 4 in libqimsw-multi.so[7f9d10921000+5000] I would suggest that you use your gui package manager to try and remove: vlc-plugin-ogg-0.9.7-3mdv2009.0 lib64vlccore0-0.9.7-3mdv2009.0 vlc-plugin-a52-0.9.7-3mdv2009.0 vlc-0.9.7-3mdv2009.0 vlc-plugin-pulse-0.9.7-3mdv2009.0 vlc-plugin-theora-0.9.7-3mdv2009.0 lib64vlc2-0.9.7-3mdv2009.0 Then disable all backports and reinstall those packages. Let us know if that works?
  20. If your mount command (as user) shows: /dev/sr0 on /media/Lich King type udf (ro,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=hal,uid=500) With your DVD mounted try su enter your password umount /media/'Lich King' mount -t udf -o ro,unhide,uid=500 /dev/sr0 /media/'Lich King' Does that work for you? If not, please post the error.
  21. glxinfo and glxgears are in the mesa-demos package. They are not installed by default. :)
  22. I'm using KDE3.5.10 with 2009.0 and it works for me. You must have a config file left from your previous 2008.1 install, or a config file from KDE4? Just for completeness, the config file is ~/.kde/share/config/ksensorsrc and the line you need is in the [General] section [General] AutoStart=true Anyway, I'm glad you've got it working.
  23. You can also simply right-click on your ksensors icon in the kicker > configure > global settings > Startup, and check the 'Autostart Ksensors on KDE startup' box.
  24. Did you have all the backport repos (i.e., main, contrib, and non-free) enabled when you updated your system? If you did, you probably have a huge amount of backport rpms installed. I'm sorry, but I don't know how to safely reverse what has happened. Are you having any problems besides vlc? If not, you could disable all the backport repos, then try to fix vlc. What's your output of rpm -qa | grep -E -i 'qt3|qt4'
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