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Everything posted by Relic2K

  1. I think I will send them some input; On my wifes puter, it didn't like the USB Mouse and Keyboard, so it decided to die On my linux box, it took one look at the 2 CPUs and totally gave up and stopped loading The idea is fantastic, because it keeps you gaming separate from your everyday computer settings, security, and you don't have to worry about change either of them to go online and do some gaming. I really hope this idea is developed a lot futher.
  2. SWEET, good download speeds too.
  3. Thanks DOlson, will give that a shot.
  4. Ravage; How did you create the .sh, .bin,.run out of all the data files ? I would like to get it down to 1 single file, then burn it to CD. I have never created those before. Is there a specific program in linux that does this ? Thanks.
  5. You need space to keep it on ? I have plently.....:)
  6. How come everyone has an installer for this UT MOD yet Strike-Force.net doesn't ? They should have one for download there so that us linux users can play online as well ? How come it is not on your site Ravage ?
  7. I have written an exploit about another effect of the "Negative sign bug" I discovered some months ago in the Unreal engine (http://www.pivx.com/luigi/adv/ueng-adv.txt). The vulnerable softwares are ONLY the clients of the retail UnrealTournament 2003 v2199 and the demo v2206. The patch v2225 fixes the problem in the retail game. NOTE that the link to the v2225 patch for Linux has not yet inserted on the official homepage of the game http://www.unrealtournament2003.com but it exist and you can download directly from the following URL or from any other mirror: http://unreal.epicgames.com/linux/ut2003/u...tch2225.tar.bz2 Instead for the demo v2206 you must download the fixed IpDrv file from here: Win: http://unreal.epicgames.com/files/UT2003De...dowsUpdate1.zip Linux: http://unreal.epicgames.com/files/IpDrv.so.bz2 The exploit simulates an Unreal Tournament 2003 server that accepts connections to the information port (default 10777) and when a client connects to it, the server will send a formatted UDP packet that contains a negative index number that consumes a customized quantity of memory on the remote client and can crash it if this quantity cannot be allocated (for more informations about this type of bug read my old ueng-adv.txt advisory). The exploit can be compiled on both Windows and Unix systems: http://www.pivx.com/luigi/poc/ut2003pdos.zip The best solution for an attacker to maliciously use the exploit is in coupling with a heartbeat emulator that lets your IP address to be added to the official online game servers list of Epic (http://ut2003master.epicgames.com/serverlist/full-all.txt). I have written an example code that makes the work and can be easily customized: http://www.pivx.com/luigi/testz/ut2003ms.zip NOTE: for using the exploit in coupling with the heartbeat emulator you need to specify 7778 as default listening port. BYEZ --- PivX Bug Researcher http://www.pivx.com/luigi/
  8. Some posted this on the UT SF forums after I mentioned I was working on one, guess I will have to work on the SF 1.81 installer instead now. You can download the installer from my site (Remember this is still in the very early stages); http://mandrake101.no-ip.org/sf181install.tar.gz
  9. Thanks anon. I actually already had that down to a art, what I want to know is that when I compress them, should root have permissions on the archives ? I have them in my home directory now for example; /home/relic2k/temp/ut/Strikeforce /home/relic2k/temp/ut/Sounds /home/relic2k/temp/ut/System /home/relic2k/temp/ut/Help So when I run the tar command, should I be root ? Since technically that is who has to install the MOD initially. Just like any other game, or installer. Thanks for the input DOlson, I already have a few binders with LGP info, I pretty much have the setup.xml and all the files configured and working fine, I am only have probs with the install, root can't do the install and yet the installer works as users.
  10. I am not sure if this belongs in this forum or not, but technically it is game related. I have all of the Data files for UT SF 1.80 downloaded and all set to create my own installer vice using 1.60 and then patching up from there. Now my question is, how exactly do I go about creating a ".tar.gz" file of the files, so that when I run the installer it will extract them to where they are suppose to go and with the proper permissions ? And secondly, how do I further create the ".bin" or ".run" file so that I have one big executable ? I hope some one can answer these for me. I don't want to bother Icculus or Ravage with these questions because I know they are quite busy.
  11. Relic2K


    I am in the same boat as you. I have pre ordered both MOHAA and SPEARHEAD from Tux games and there is still no release date on it yet even at the website. I don't have much patience either when it comes to waiting for Linux Games. Guess we both just have to keep biting the bullet. Doom 3 may be released before I see any light on MOHAA...
  12. Yeah can't hurt to give WineX 3 and Point2Play a shot.
  13. This works for me as well, and I have the USB 1240U scanner. It works 5x5 with Mandrake 9.1...
  14. Create a script on the Server which starts your CS dedicated Server, then run it in the background like this; $./dedicatedcsscript & Here is an example of how you can setup your script; _______________________________________________ #!/bin/sh cd /usr/games/hlds_1/ hlds_run -game cstrike +sv_lan -nomaster +maxplayers 12 +map de_shuttle_n8 -port 27016 _____________________________________________ You can save the script as what ever you want. As far as the security package, perhaps you would be better off just download the full version dedicated CS server, for Linux ? Also you have to one up your dedicated server port, if you are running a dedicated server and you plan on joining as a client yourself.
  15. Use WineX 3 and the Point2Play, Op4 and HL are working fantastic now with the final release.
  16. Once you have created the keys, and import kmack's key, you have to sign it and initialize the DB and cache so that his keys are visible and usable by email clients such as KMail, Sylpheed, etc... Follow these instructions; 4. Using PGP/GnuPGP to send sensitive E-Mail. KMail gives the ability to use GnuPGP on the fly, without having to do encrypt and decrypt messages manually in a console. First you have to get your key working properly, and then import your keys, sign them, then update the trust database so the the key rings are properly validated, and can be used properly in KMail. To do this follow these steps. - First you need to just create the "/home/user/.gnupg" folder by running "$gpg", - Create your new keys "$gpg --gen-key", - Choose "DSA and ElGamal (default)", this will allow you to sign and encrypt/decrypt messages, - Follow the prompts and enter all the required information, password, and allow it to generate your key pair. If it errors out, simple re-run "$gpg --gen-key, - Once you have your keys generated properly, you can begin to add other keys to your public key ring, - To import the keys "$gpg --import keyname.asc" then, to sign them "$gpg --sign-key keyname.asc", - Next you need to create a trust database "$gpg --update-trustdb", - Then update the key db caches "$gpg --rebuild-keydb-caches", - Once all this has been accomplished, you can configure KMail to use your key, - Go into the "KMail settings, Identities, Modify, Advanced Tab, - In the window, there is an option to choose your "OpenPGP key:" - Select the "Change" button and select your key, if for some reason it won't let you select it, it will be because you have not setup/configured the OpenPGP options in the Security Settings.
  17. If you wanted to, you can tunnel fetchmail via SSH so that everything is encrypted and could not be sniffed. Snort is a very powerful tool, and I couldn't live with out it.
  18. Relic2K

    firewall msn

    I use Guarddog Firewall, which has an option for AMSN/MSN, along with quite a few other services, and it works with IP Tables, vice IP Chains. You can view some screen shot here. http://www.simonzone.com/software/guarddog/
  19. Yep I agree with Michel on this, and I do security...The less information you give an attacker the better. You can never truely stop a great hacker, but you can sure as hell make his work a lot harder :) I drop everything at my router including ICMP.
  20. An open port is only a security risk, if there is a known vulerability and the services are not properly patched against a possible exploit in the service. Yes there has been a few against both X and RPC. General rule of thumb is that is you don't require the service to be running, then disable the ports, and use a firewall to control the incoming requests to these services. Cheers
  21. HL/Op4 works perfectly with this newest and final release.
  22. hehehehehehehehe. So far my installer for UT SF 1.80 is coming along pretty good. I wish I had of started doing this along time ago. Takes a lot of stress out of work related matters and give something to tinker with. DOlson do you need the store CD ?
  23. I managed to create a symlink, ln -s /dev/ttyS0 /dev/pilot But Mandrake continues to lock up on me. I have changed BIOS Settings for ttyS0, but still locks up. This is an older serial model of Palm Vx using Palm OS 3.5.3.
  24. Yes just did it this morning, as such; #urpmi pilot-link And it prompted me to install all the other required packages along with pilot-link. How come I have not seen any reference to pilot-link in any of the other posts ? I actually came across a reference about it, on another forum (Non-MUB) ?
  25. Anyone know why this is missing ? How do I go about creating it, and is it suppose to be symlinked to any other device files ? I have a Palm Vx (Serial) and all the programs are trying to find /dev/pilot, which doesn't exist for some reason. Cheers :)
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