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Everything posted by arthur

  1. do you guys know any MandrakeSoft employees personally? currently, I mean?
  2. will rpm -Uvh... upgrade my kernel? or do I have to install it, then unistall the older kernel? btw, what are the deps for it?
  3. welcome both of you to the board! KLaptop is not restricted to Mandrake...any distro with KDE can install it. I also recommend gkrellm. :D you can configure how often the battery level is checked. B) and much more...
  4. go to System > configuration > KDE > powercontrol then start the battery monitor.
  5. well, recompile the kernel then. :unsure: you have to check "enable sleep modes" option in the configuration. I'll probably have to do the same thing Is there a patch for magicdev or is it a mandrake-only thing?
  6. try echo 3 > /proc/acpi/sleep or echo 4 > /proc/acpi/sleep ACPI has modes S0 S1 S2 S3 S4, consult your laptop BIOS on which modes it supports. (S4 is "hibernate") You might have to recompile the kernel to enable all ACPI features but the default 10.0 kernel works fine for me. Modprobe all the components like battery, thermal, fan, etc. I think 10.0 has a bug since I always have to manually start Klaptop...I'll solve that pretty soon. There's also a kernel patch called swsusp2 from http://swsusp.sourceforge.net . It's more like hibernate, but it's quite fast.
  7. you should try Knoppix if you're having trouble with hardware. It's a Linux distro that runs entirely from the CD, and it's good for hardware troubleshooting as as a rescue disk. you can see some mirrors in http://www.linuxiso.org Once you're a full Linux user (mandrake or otherwise) you can use Knoppix as a Linux demonstration to your friends. :D
  8. uh, suspending has always been a delicate issue with linux since many drivers don't support suspend yet. Take a look at your suspend script (maybe /etc/suspend.sh) and see if the modules for usb (ehci and uhci) and the mouse are being reloaded when resumed, the touchpad is apparently configured ok in that script. The comments in the script will give you enough info to edit it. EDIT: no, I think the suspend script is in $PATH, so you should look in those directories. I'll post the location of mine when I get to my computer. just type echo $PATH to see the list of those directories, then start looking.
  9. In 2.6 that is done automatically by Mandrake with a mandrake kernel source...I don't know how. The new modules directory is /lib/modules/2.6.x-mdkcustom. A non-booting kernel happens to me often since I experiment a lot, so I don't do the "make install". Better to be careful.
  10. uh, yeah, Debian config is mostly done CLI. But Mandrake's config stuff are too basic anyway, like for the soundcard, mount points, so I end up using CLI. The only time I use MCC is for MandrakeUpdate and RPMDrake...but they're quite simple. I guess I'm just lazy. Debian has QTParted which IMO is a good GUI substitute for DiskDrake, and other stuff like mice can be configured with KDE Control Center. The rest, of course, is CLI.
  11. can a synaptic driver RPM be submitted to the contrib mirrors? I've installed mine from source, but an rpm would make things much simpler. it would just make modifications to XF86Config-4 and put the binary driver in the proper place. That would help all those who have tar.gz/bz2 phobia
  12. they deserve much worse, but I'm very happy with this ruling. They also have to unbundle WMP for fair competition. $613 million! http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=stor...ge/eu_microsoft
  13. I think reinstalling and picking "upgrade" instead of clean install would get you into the monitor section again. I'm not sure about this, but my laptop LCD panel uses HSync 31.5-48.5 and Vsync 40-70. If you know your LCD specs then you just type "xf86config" (lowercase) at the prompt and it will start the config wizard. save the config as /etc/X11/XF86Config-4. Finally, do startx.
  14. I know Gnome 2.6 is going to be released tomorrow. B) Does anybody know what time-timezone? I bet us in the east (like the aussies) will already be asleep by then. As some people already know, it's still yesterday in the Eastern US :D But how do some of you guys get Gnome 2.6 before the release? (beta?) how was it? Looked nice in screenshots, but how about any bugs?
  15. By the time M$ releases Longhorn or XP Service pack 2, Linux will be breathing down its neck. :D :D
  16. Windows can't detect any Linux partition, and would report it as damaged, but unless it tries to do something, don't worry about it, just use Linux like normal. btw, using 1 big / partition is not a good idea, at least try to separate /home...so you can reinstall without losing your stuff. mine is 1.2 gig / 3.5 gig /usr 2.1 gig /home 850 mb swap 1 gig FAT32 to share with windows
  17. First, plug the thing in :D then open a terminal, and type "dmesg". This is just to check if Linux detects the drive properly. Then su to root, and make a folder in /mnt: su <password> cd /mnt/ mkdir foldername Then edit /etc/fstab by inserting the lines (press "i" to insert) /dev/sdaX /mnt/foldername vfat user,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,noauto,umask=0 0 0 Of course replace X in sdaX with the number you saw in "dmesg" and "foldername" with the actual name you gave to the folder in /mnt/ which is entirely up to you. If you want it as read-only, insert a "ro" in between commas in the code above. To mount the drive, just open a terminal and type "mount /dev/sdaX" and unmount by "umount /dev/sdaX" The drive will then appear on the KDE/GNOME desktop.
  18. Okay, it seems that the FAQ is a bit out of date now According to the Gentoo handbook, but applicable to Mandrake, compiling the 2.6.x series kernel is a bit different from 2.4 or earlier. In all the commands following, replace the 'x' in 2.6.x with the proper number. You still start with: tar -xvfz linux-VERSION.tar.bz2 But sometimes that doesn't work for me, so I do "su" then I start "konqeror" and just use Ark to manually extract the source to /usr/src. Then "make mrproper" You should get a copy of the Mandrake default 2.6 config file (from your friends, or just get it from the 2.6 kernel itself) to save you a lot of hassle. cp /path_to_config /usr/src/linux-2.6.x/.config make xconfig Now fine-tune your kernel to your machine, and apply any patches you want. Then save and make && make modules_install Note that there's no "make dep" or "make bzImage". The next section is essentially the same as in the FAQ cp .config /boot/config-2.6.x cp System.map /boot/System.map-2.6.x cp arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.x Okay, here's the new part that I always do, but some people may not need it: cd /dev mkinitrd /boot/initrd-2.6.x.img 2.6.x You need a loopback device in /dev/ for this to work. then edit lilo.conf and add the new entry with image=vmlinuz-2.6.x and the path to the initrd image.
  19. well since your laptop is Celeron it should be i386 or i686. DO NOT use PPC or anything else. There are 3 CDs for 9.2. Actually you can also download Mandrake 10.0. And Knoppix is completely different from Mandrake, it just runs from the CD. Hm. Clicking "next" as fast as possible isn't such a good way to install things, you know. :unsure: Did you burn the CDs properly? Maybe that's why they won't boot.
  20. If you install the rpm, the source is in /usr/src/linux-2.6.3-4mdk/ cd to that directory and make mrproper. It seems you are in the wrong directory. copy your /boot/config-2.4.22 to the source directory as .config Then "make xconfig" and make the tweaks to your configuration. EDIT: okay, I examined your post more and I see that you are installing a vanilla kernel, right? why not use a pre-compiled 2.6 mandrake kernel?
  21. try "modprobe pcspkr" then edit /etc/modprobe.preload, add 1 line, "pcspkr" then type lsmod to check if it's been loaded. if you're using Mandrake 9.2 the kernel is 2.4.22-10mdk. Mandrake 10.0 uses 2.6.3-4mdk. Now I got a problem of my own, my speaker doesn't speak, it whispers. Volume in kmix and alsamixer maxed out, but still very soft. I'm pretty sure my ears are working fine :unsure: so somebody please help me too. :woops:
  22. where'd you get 700-mb CDRWs? I can't find any, can you tell which brands make them? All the ISOs are about 695 megs :(
  23. Okay, since the amount of updates is already >400 megs for Mandrake 10.0CE, I'd like to make an updates CD for myself and some friends I want to convert to Linux. Could anyone point me to a mirror and maybe enlighten me on how to go about it? It would save so much time. Mandrake 10 seems very nice...lots of eye candy ^_^
  24. I'd like to have a test system instead of breaking Linux on my main computer every week, so I'd like to do that. A few problems: 1)I'm a perpetually-broke college student 2)there's no room in my room for that, even if I do the laundry :P 3)I live 10,000 kilometers from you guys 4)But I might be able find some things in the scrapheap...EDO RAM? uh...here's a 10mbps ethernet card...
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