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Everything posted by johnnyv

  1. Should be similar, mysql doesn't have all the functions of oracle but it should be good enough. for example if you create a db with a table called "list" which has the fields "name", "age" and "size". Sql statements are: To insert insert into list values("bob", 30, "large"); To update update list set age = 31 where name = "bob"; To select select * from list where name = "bob"; To delete delete from list where name = "bob";
  2. It sounds like you would be better off putting that info into a mysql/postgres/firebird/sqlite(all free) database and using the relevant python db module to work with the data.
  3. Check out: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist - Learning with Python Online http://www.ibiblio.org/obp/thinkCSpy/ Download HTML http://www.ibiblio.org/obp/thinkCSpy/dist/thinkCSpy.html.tgz PDF http://www.ibiblio.org/obp/thinkCSpy/dist/thinkCSpy.pdf It is a good book.
  4. you need to get it from a plf mirror ftp://ftp.planetmirror.com/pub/plf/mandra...0-2plf.i586.rpm
  5. No i haven't played it yet will download it soon. I love Urban Terror!
  6. Just seen a reference to a q3 mod on linux-gamers.net Not your normal q3 mod. http://www.worldofpadman.com/
  7. Yes but if you do that you often are not allowed on servers with upload caps. Have a look at this page http://lartc.org/ Here is a relevant section
  8. I have been a little busy lately here is a function that returns an array of directories from a given path <?php function map_directories($path) { $continue = true; $final_array = array($path); if($handle = @opendir($path)) { while(false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { $type = filetype("$path$file"); if($type == "dir" && $file != "." && $file != "..") { $directory_array[] = $path.$file."/"; } } } closedir($handle); while($continue) { if(isset($directory_array)) { $final_array = array_merge($final_array,$directory_array); $temp_array = $directory_array; unset($directory_array); foreach($temp_array as $path) { if($handle = @opendir($path)) { while(false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { $type = filetype("$path$file"); if($type == "dir" && $file != "." && $file != "..") { $directory_array[] = $path.$file."/"; } } closedir($handle); } } } else { $continue = false; } } return $final_array; } // example $list = map_directies('/home/john/Desktop/'); // need that trailing / or add error checking print_r($list); ?> For pdf creation exaples look at www.fpdf.org For redistribution to windows i don't really know, but if you make a zip file with the directories it should work. For that you will want to use mkdir() to make the directories in a temp folder and then zip them. Php only supports tar, gz and bz2 natively so you would need to use an exteranal command to creat zip files, which you can do from php with the system() or exec() etc functions.
  9. Big marketing budget, since when has logic got in the way of consumers?
  10. It is trivial to grab the child directories from a specified parent, thats the easy part the pdf printing part is trivial as well. I think a web form will be the quickest way. Say you have a directory structure like so: A B1 B2 B3 C1 C2 | D1 | E1 E2 E3 F1 | | G1 | | H1 Ok so if you pick B1 and all its children but also want G1 and child you will need to include E3 and B2 to keep seperate from B1, or do you want to move G1 to be a brother to B1?
  11. Not really getting what your trying to explain but for creating and navigating files and file directories and making pdf's the best language for me is php and the www.fpdf.org pdf addon classes. If you want a gui tool then that is harder but possible with php-gtk, or mozilla xul application with php creating the xml that the xul app reads the generate xml. Or you can go with the web form method which i think is the most simple method. If you could further explain. Are you saying you want to have a view of a selected directory and all it's children including files. Then be able to select any child directory or files or combination and recreate the selected elements at another location possibly not within the parent directory tree?. What do you mean by index file, is it a created text file with infomation on the directory and file structure?
  12. One idea. Backups! As in backup your work, it makes losing it harder.
  13. You have to do the scary download drivers thing ;) I only use nvidia so someone else will have to help you out on this one im afraid. http://www.ati.com/support/infobase/linuxh...xhowto-ati.html
  14. In a terminal window do: glxinfo | grep rendering If it is yes you have accelerated rendering if no you don't From your previous post i would say you almost certainly don't.
  15. johnnyv


    i installed in my home directory no problem (problems installing with kde had to use icewm to get it to install, cd access issue).
  16. Packs aren't due here in NZ for another 7 days :(
  17. 9/10 mono question Although i had to think about the GNU install, i don't normally consider unzipping a step, probably cause i use right click extract here not tar command.
  18. Not really just use opengl and sdl, or openml.
  19. This summer? (US summer) So within 4 months?
  20. then I want the OS you're developing and will pay $500 for it....let me know when you need testers ...oh and the $500 will be after the testers discount....regulars will be charged $700. Sound good? :lol: Ummm what i would develop would suck more than windows! There isn't a perfect os, not by a long way, but i have found linux to be the least bad that i have played with for my requirements. Oh and i am refering to suck in a bad way, not the good way.
  21. Linux sucks and windows sucks, for me Linux sucks less.
  22. you can use python http://www.modpython.org/ http://www.ee.cua.edu/manual/mod/mod_pytho...n/tutorial.html
  23. For php i prefer kwrite or kate myself.
  24. The cable modem is connected to the router and the pc's are connected to the router right? When the transmission stops are you able to ping the modems ip? Can you ping the other pc's that are connected to the router? If you can ping other pc's on your network but can't ping the modem, could be modem overheating. Had this happen to me with an external adsl modem before.
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