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Posts posted by HJ

  1. Well, to install from knoppix or any other live cd distro is pretty simple. Firstlly, just boot off the knoppix cd, then doh partition managment as descriped in the gentoo install docs, then just create a /mnt/gentoo and mount your intended gentoo partition there, and /boot if desired. Also, when you mount /mnt/gentoo/proc, do it like "mount -o bind /proc /mnt/gentoo/proc" (it's because knoppix doesn't use devfs) Then extract the stage tarball in there, and chroot into /mnt/gentoo, then follow the rest of the install guide.

  2. Truth is, you can install just about any distro from the net. There's a How-To some where in the FAQ section of the board on a mandrake net install i believe.

    If your interested in Gentoo, you could download a 45mb gentoo livecd, then follow the guide for obtaining the files fromt he net and all. Or if you're asking becase you don't have a cd-burner or your cdrom can't boot from cds, take a look at Netbooting in sections 2b. at this url...


  3. Thought I'd just point it out for discussion, XFre86 4.4 final has been released. But there's quite a bit of controversy behind it becuase of Xfree's license chnage. Seems mandrake, debian, and gentoo (other too i think?) aren't planing on packaging this new release in their distros because of this. Maybe this is a good thing?

  4. I just ran into this problem when reinstalling yesterday. It's quite simple. You need to mount /mnt/gentoo/proc diffrently before chroot'ing..

    If you are not installing Gentoo from a Gentoo LiveCD, you need to bindmount /proc:
    Code listing 43: Bind-mounting proc
    # mount -o bind /proc /mnt/gentoo/proc


    Then if you are installing gentoo thru a distro that doens't use devfs (knoppix) you need to do..

    mount -o bind /dev /mnt/gentoo/dev

  5. I have a friend that really wants to ditch windows for linux, but is hesitant because of games available. Mainly, the upcomming release of EverQuest 2. So he posted on a EQ forum asking if there would be a Linux version, and people start blasting saying no one would buy it for linux. to quote...


    "But there are far too few users of Linux to begin with, let alone users of Linux who would likely buy EQII"


    So, is he right? I doubt it, but it would be nice to have numbers to back it up. :-) Thanks.



  6. Browse: [About the FAQ Forum] [Table of Contents] [FAQs] [Contribute] [BL: Bootloaders]


    BL-03: GRUB configuration


    GRUB stands for "GRand Unified Bootloader" and is one of the many bootloaders available for Linux and other OS's. One thing that must be noted about grub, is the device syntrax. GRUB counts starting from zero. For example, hda is seen as (hd0). The partition hda1 would be seen as (hd0,0), hda2 as (hd0,1), hdb3 as (hd1,2), etc. Under Mandrake, the GRUB configuration file is "/boot/grub/menu.lst". Other distributions may use /etc/grub.conf or /boot/grub/grub.conf though.


    Here's an example of a simple configuration

    timeout 10
    color black/cyan yellow/cyan
    i18n (hd0,0)/boot/grub/messages
    password linux
    default 0
    fallback 1
    title linux
    kernel (hd0,0)/boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/hda1 devfs=mount hdc=ide-scsi resume=/dev/hda2 splash=silent vga=788
    initrd (hd0,0)/boot/initrd.img
    title windows
    root (hd0,1)
    chainloader +1


    Simple list of options:

    • timeout # : The amount of time, in seconds, for the bootloader to wait before booting the default section.
    • color foreground/background/highlight : Specifies what color to display the menu in. You can prefix blink- to foreground if you want a blinking foreground color.
    • i18n (partition /boot is located)/path/to/msg-file : Specifies path to a text file that will display in the boot menu.
    • default # : The default entry to boot. Note to start counting entries from zero, not 1. The default in the configuration would be "linux", which is called as "0'.
    • fallback # : The entry to boot if the default entry fails.
    • title string : The begining line of a boot entry. String is what will display in the menu for that entry.
    • kernel (partition)/path/to/kernel kernel options : this specifies the kernel image to boot from. kernel options is the line that is passed to the kernel at boot.
    • initrd (partition)/path/to/initrd : The ramdisk image too load at boot.
    • root (partition) : Specifies
    • chainloader +1 : Mechanism for loading unsupported operating systems by loading another boot loader. It is typically used for loading DOS or Windows.
    • password : To specify a password for a lock function.



    title Mandrake
    kernel (hd0,1)/boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/hda1 vga=788 devfs=mount hdc=ide-scsi splash=silent
    initrd (hd0,1)/boot/initrd.img

    This example will be labeled "Mandrake" and will load the kernel image (vmlinuz) and ramdisk (initrd.img) image from hda2. root=/dev/hda1" tells the kernel the "/" partition is /dev/hda1 (note it's not using the GRUB naming convention because GRUB does not use this, but only passes it to the kernel). "vga=788" tells the kernel what size Framebuffer to run. The are rest are kernel specific options. In this example, devfs=mount to mount the devfs filesystem, hdc=ide-scsi tells hdc to use SCSI emulation (usually used for cd-burners), and splash=silent instructs bootsplash to hide the booting messages (other option is "verbose").


    title Windows XP
    root (hd0,0)
    chainloader +1

    This example will have an entry labeled "Windows XP" and will chainload off of hda1. Windows must be chainloaded so that it may boot itself.


    Note on Security:


    Because of the way GRUB works, it can be easy for someone to pass bad or harmful options to the kernel during boot. To secure GRUB, a password entry can be used. Firstly, run the command "grub-md5-crypt" to generate an md5sum encryption of your password. For example, the password "linux" md5sum'd can be "$1$AUHMA0$lhDHRrJrV0kAkY7QQw0lW.", and would be entered into menu.lst like so...

    password --md5 $1$AUHMA0$lhDHRrJrV0kAkY7QQw0lW.

    The password entry could also be a non-encrypted password if you desire, by not appending the --md5

    password linux

    To make a boot entry require a password to boot, just insert "lock" after the title section. For example, say we want to lock windows from being loaded without a password.

    title "Windows"
    root (hd0,0)
    chainloader +1



    There are many more options available for GRUB. Please refer to the GRUB Manual for more info on these options and features.

    It is possible for GRUB to use a splashimage for the menu. Unfortunately, Mandrake's rpm for GRUB isn't patched for this. Please refer to http://ruslug.rutgers.edu/~mcgrof/grub-images/ for more information on GRUB splash image support.


    Please PM me if you think a feature should be added or noted.

  7. Browse: [About the FAQ forum] [table of contents] [FAQs] [contribute] [GQ: General Questions not covered in the other sections]


    GQ-08: How to Create an ISO Image From a CD


    How do I make an ISO image of a data CD?

    here's two ways you can do it from the command line...

    1. Use the "dd" command.

    • a. Pop the CD into your CD-ROM/DVD/CD-RW drive
    • b. then run the command...
      dd if=<device> of=cdimage.iso

      <device> will be your CD-ROM device. This should be "/dev/hdc" for a DVD-ROM or CD-ROM drive, and "/dev/sr1" or "/dev/sg1" for a CD-RW device.

    • c. Now you'll have an iso image of the CD you put in your drive.

    Now sometimes, "dd" just won't work. It'll end with a really small file that obviously isn't the image. So, this is where mkisofs comes in handy.


    2. Use the "mkisofs" command.

    • a. Pop the CD into your CD drive, and make sure it's mounted. Also make sure you know the mount point. This is usually "/mnt/cdrom". Just type "mount" to look at all mounted devices.
    • b. Then run the command...
      mkisofs -o cd.iso -lR /mnt/cdrom

    • c. Now you'll have an iso cd image of the mounted CD

    On another note, you could also create an ISO image from a group of files and/or folders in a directory using the mkisofs command. Just substitute the CD mount point with the dir of the files you want to make the image out of.

    For example, if you want to make an image out of the files and folders included in the dir "/home/bob/stuff/" ...


    mkisofs -o stuff.iso -lR /home/bob/stuff/


    You'll then have an ISO image "stuff.iso" which contains the files from that directory. You could then burn using cdrecord or your favorite GUI cd burning app.




    Note that if you need to make an image of a bootable cd use the dd method. mkisofs won't retain the bootable information.

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