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Everything posted by Gowator

  1. Hey, I want the old-new Kernel. :? :? :? This must have been the one they used for testing urpmi ?? Just joking :D but Im getting tired of everything (services) being installed as root. If I had this kernel mysql would have access to for instance /var/log/mysql ... It wouldn't make any difference squid installing itself as root since there are no security differences anyway ?? and squid could write to all the directories its meant to which for some weird reason are all owned by root from an urpmi install. ???
  2. Ok, so back to the thread ... Anyone out there using any OS's apart from Linux and windows...??? What do you like/dislike relative to Win$ and Linux..?? Anyone check out the links ?? Reason I brought this up is I got a copy of FreeBSD last week. Dying to give it a go but I divested of everything but production machines a couple of weeks ago ..It struck me that its been a long time since i played with anything else and I wondered for instance if the new BeOS is really as good as it looks ... if expensive!
  3. The differences between Linux and Irix are only about the same as say Irix and Solaris or AIX. Like in Irix you have hinv whereas Solaris (until 8) you had to grep on a dmesg. Now for the real criticisms ... IBM machines go in the basement ... Its the only place for such UGLY looking pieces of kit. You can't hide the beautfully crafted SGI's in a basement ......
  4. In your head chmod calculations Its not actually difficult to just work em out in your head once you understand how it works. Its always better to understand so heres the explaination :-) Simple files all have three sets of permissions ®read,(w)rite,e(x)ecute. These permissions can be set seperately for three sets of users owner,group,world Aside: On a real system users are classified in groups, something the Mandrake user program seems to have screwed (IMHO). I add all my users to the default group of (100) users unless they are a special user. endAside: So this gives rwx,rwx,rwx for every file. Its represented by a decimal number which is a binary number, we'll take a single set first of rwx. rwx 421 Add those numbers together and you get 7 (4+2+1) hence 7 represents all permissions (rwx) So if you want say r-x (no write permission you add r=4 and x=1 =5) If you want execute only its 1. Check it out all the numbers are unique .. With practice this is second nature and it gives a better control over your files. So each number in a CHMOD or UMASK represent one of the user,group,world settings. 7,3,4 means user rwx =4+2+1, group -wx 2+1 and world r-- A somewhat bizare combination chosen to illustrate a point. Permissions are cumulative so user mickey in the same group as the file owner can write and execute but he's also part of world which is r--. So to him this permission is rwx. Hope that was explained simply .... it really is even if Im cr%% at explaining it.
  5. 1) M$ is a bigger target Most of the worlds webservers run linux...thats a pretty big target. 2) RH isn't just an OS. So a RH security update is not the same thing as a Windows security update. Did ANY of these effect the kernel ?? or was it for instance an exploit in xpdf which could be used to create a buffer overflow. RH security patches cover almost everything you need on your system, from staroffice to VNC to ..... squid. Although its not fair either, becuase its out of M$'s hands... how many security updates were issued including all third party windows software. Incidently your seeing this post simply becuase M$Proxy server is a piece of S%$t security wise. Theoretically I don't have internet access from here !! Still we bought it just for that .... It wasn't even hard or challenging ....
  6. I talked to a friend who installed it yesterday. Click and run is no longer based on APT at all. (According to Stallman) This is sorta good and sorta bad. Its good for Consumers.... I don't have any pirated software, not now Im 100% linux :-) but I do run illegal software like css. This at least gives consumers a choice, they can run linux (apparently doesn't run as root anymore either) and legally watch DVD's..... I'd pay the 5$ to do that.... its a prety nominal charge :-)
  7. Cool down ... it wasn't the intention of this thread ... just a little aside. IMHO and it's just IMHO.... M$ are fronting their servers in windows but the evidence seems to be the infrastructure is still FreeBSD and Linux. Depending whether its M$.com or Hoar Mail. FreeBSD is still Opensource and Free! wasn't the quote 'a cancer on society'. or something similar. M$ did admit to using non Win servers a long time ago when hotmail went down. They seem to use M$ servers them exclusively for Encarta and Expedia if that balances things up. Ultimately they should put their money where their mouths are. "Buy our server, we'll send our experts to coinvince your general managment and acounting people and fabricate some security holes in your present infrastructure. We won't actually lie, we just say Hey M$ server protects against x,y,z and linux/freebsd/solaris doesn't. We'll just forget to mention this hole only exists BECAUSE its windows so they wouldn't need to plug the hole anyway....". Just look at Exchange Server ... a complete bag of crock and possibly the biggest source of SPAM lists available anywhere. So M$ says buy the new one which protects against these virus's and forgets to mention the virus's only ever affected M$Exchange. This is how M$ sells its servers but it can't convert its own internet to run on them. Sun are a different matter, they support linux becuase they believe its the right choice for their customers. If they have an outstanding support contract with SUN so what.... they aren't selling linux, just endorsing it and using it internally becuase its cheaper. WHY DID I DO THIS THREAD .. Well, it wasn't to knock M$, or linux - even with the title .. hehe. The idea was to educate a few people that Linux is great but not the only OS apart from windows. Linux is unique in its development splits; something DOlsen pointed out in another thread but I don't think is a bad thing. FreeBSD is more tightly controlled but is no-where near as popular as Linux. It lookks like if Linux were controlled as well as FreeBSD it would be unstoppable but I don't believe it. I think it would stifle it. Some parts of FreeBSD are superior to linux, noticably the TCP/IP stack YET Linux is more popular. Debian is farly tightly controlled and a very stable linux but it isn't the most popular. Its illogical and only touched on by Raymonds papers on OpenSource but that is what makes linux ....well linux. All I was hoping from this thread was get some comments like Hey BeOS is also great but not free and Mac's work really well.
  8. Its a real downer but I have to admit i havn't seen ANYTHING that competes with Access for RAD. I used to be a bin fan of Access becuase of this... but as with most M$ tools I learned my lesson the hard way. Look on M$ products like free drugs from a new dealer ... they hook you in first then make it very difficult for you to leave. Getting DATA out of access is pretty simple, The way I do it (which is actually reverse logic but works) is to create a DSN in windows to and oracle or mysql DB. then create a linked table inside (I know oracle but Im sure mysql will work too) oracle. CREATE DATABASE_LINK mytable as SELECT * from (dsn) Once you have the data visible in oracle I then use CREATE TABLE MY TABLE AS select * from mytable But this isn't actually the point, im just illustrating getting the data out is easy. What you miss are the forms. We had a similar query a whileback about the M$Office support for Crossover office. I emailed them professionally asking if they were really running access or just emulating it. They haven't answered ! I spent so long rebuilding the forms I wouldn't touch access with a 10' pole now. I think the best tools are mainly webbased. This seems to be the future .. Some of my old favorites are using the PERL::DBI and PERL::DBDxxx This works transparently so you can use a flatfile or berkley DB as the db. ie. PERL::DBDcsv You can use gtk or Qt widgits straight from Glade or Kdevelop and if you are carefull with your coding hardly any changes need making if you change the actual database. You need to be strict and use ANSI SQL which is a bit dated but ... php is also good but its obviously server side... I haven't got experience but I'd like to :-) Hope this is of some use.
  9. Gowator

    MP3 player

    Don't get a memory stick one else you end up locked into the sony everything. Consider USB2 becuase you are likely to have it in the future within the life of your player. I use CF because my Camera does... Look for anything supported as USB mass storage... You need to go and listen to a few in the stores. sound quality can vary a lot.
  10. I did get it working but I found the install severely screwed. First it was trying to run as root. If I remember I started it up by hand, not using the init scripts and it said something like 'cannot be run as root' (this could have been squid though). Steps seem to be create a mysql user, keep UID <500 unless you want to see it on your login screen find all the files installed from the rpm's and change the ownership to mysql:mysql. Find a couple of dodgy directories as mentioned above. Ill tell you more when I get home :-)
  11. http://uptime.netcraft.com/up/graph/?host=...w10.hotmail.com gives me: Quick edits: Checked tymes link which goes to NOT It appears M$ are the ones hiding behind FUD and building smoke and mirrors on this but like I said that isn't the prupose of this thread!! static: Oracle 9i is 'marketed' as a web development platform. In actual fact they are planning to migrate and the speech given by Larry Ellison actually gave a programme. I guess the paid forthe machines already so they are just phasing them out. The whole of 9i is marketed towards their Web solution with jsp and its nice (but heavy). Actually the aim of the thread was to let people know there are other real OS's apart from Linux. I don't personally run any of them right now but that doesn't mean (as I sometimes get the impression) that it's only win$ and Linux out there. As is pointed out the front side pages have been converted to make it appear the infrastructure runs on IIS but that is like sticking a caddy badge on your Mazda 323.
  12. Find the said file and go to that directory type ./<filename> where filename is the name of the file. If the program is marked as executable by you then it should run. Longer answer. Linux doesn't implicity add the path of the current directory like DOS. A good way to see the executable is using the which command. which xpdf : will return the first executable called xpdf in the path. Its slightly more complex for bigger applications becuase the library path etc needs to be specified but Im guessing your config one will be built static to overcome this. If it still refuses to run then check its exectuable by YOU. ls -l <filename> should show an x in the -rwxrwxrwx part. If your curious this stands for OWNER,GROUP,WORLD. i.e. rwxrx-r-- means the ownner can read,write and exectute, the file. Anyone in the same group can read or execute and anyone can execute. For a directory you need to be able to execute to cd to that directory. Hope this helps and is educational ..
  13. Some of those are pretty involved ... Are you running KDE base .... for instance. Its the deps of the deps that'll catch ya. If this is for the single CD and your truly in a rush you might consider a couple of static rpm's (eeks did I really say that). Did you get my RPM list I posted on the website ??
  14. Well, imaya looks promising. I noticed a check box to move the images added as files so I guess that will prevent all the broken links. However also tried SCREEM quickly. I remember being impressed with the versin in 8.1 or was it 8.2 but it just kept hanging. The latest one looks pretty good. I have some complex image maps to produce as well.... GIMP ???? Thanks for suggestions so far...and may whoever added M$ tags to the word export have a miserable life....and end up being a sad person in a country song. da da dah da.
  15. Gowator


    sarah31... I so wish I RTFM'd more often or you posted this yesterday .. I thought d5d was built with libdvdcss included... I spent ages trying to get it to see the plugin ....
  16. Mine was 20 $ postage which seemed reasonable since they fedex'd 3 cd's in a huge box ???? Actually solaris 7 (intel) is what got me into Linux. I had a new job abnd installed it to learn Solaris quickly but the graphics support was ugggh.... In the end I installed Xfree86 instread of SUNX. At this point I thought what the heck and installed Liux dual boot.... I had it for a while .... then it kinda phased out ....
  17. But the first page is just the redirector to the rest. Its quite interesting to do a seach on .microsoft.com and just go through some of their mirrors and localisation sites. i.e. .hotmail.com (free BSD) Oracle, despite backing linux as their development OS still run solaris. IBM still run AIX.... AND lets not forget
  18. The odd mistake, nothing like it for a quick response ... (pretends it was deliberate has anyone noticed) Seriously, some of our younger members should have a look. And for some serious FUN. Guess which OS is used for microsoft.com http://uptime.netcraft.com/up/graph/?host=...a.microsoft.com I was saving this for later but I'm just impatient :D
  19. Or: Now I have your attention some alternatives to Linux. Why ???????? Well, A few people seem to have decided after switching from windows that Linux is the worlds best OS but such a thing doesn't exist. There are lots of Os's out there practically ALL of them better than windows so i thought it educational to point this out. There are three groups so far as Im concerned but please ad if you like. First off are the Quick and Dirty Operating system clones of offshoots. These are the DOS derivatives and such and don't really deserve to be called OS's. Then theirs the UNIX derivatives. All of these are good OS's and have different strengths and weaknesses. Reasons to use or not are personal preferences/financial. I include not using SCO as a personal preference here :-) UNIX derivatives include the propretry UNIC'es such as solaris, AIX, IRIX, HP-UX etc but also non-prop x86 capable OS's. Solaris for instance is available for x86. For free the last time I looked. but there are other's too. FreeBSD and BeOS being examples. BeOS has just been resurrected. Apple used it as a basis for OS/X and Yellow Tab are now selling a x86 revamped version. http://www.yellowtab.com/products/ FreeBSD is also still alive and well. It is known for its amazing TCP/IP stack which is far superior to Linux for millions of simultaneous connections. http://www.openbsd.org/ This makes it the OS of choice for Yahoo and even Hotmail (you don't think M$ eat their own dog-food do you) Anyway, the point is these other OS's are not all evil, they deserve looking at before you decide Linux is the best just because its the first you tried after windows. Its good to be aware of them even if you go back to linux :D Others: VAX VMS ... Ohh those heady days with VT100's ...
  20. Where are you installing from ?? Is this a Cd install or from an iso on the harddisk ?? I had similar problems and used the text mode minimal install I think its the acpi powering off my CD. The mobo is strange becuase its a mini PC. No processor fan becuase its liquid cooled direct from the psu and the powermanagment controls the whole thing so the bios won't let me disable it fully. go to the further options 'F1' and then type text noacpi vga=normal apic=no shadow video bios=no Make sure anything not used is turned off in bios becuase it could be an irq conflict. As Ixthusdan mentioned the other day... (to me) its easier to fix a working system than on the install. So get it installed, I had to turn off the serial controller but I could probably play with IRQ's in bios and fix it but its better to have a working system first :-) Otherwise do like Michel suggests ... do absolute minimal install, just to connect to the internet and then you can install the updates. If you make your urmpi sources first. I create a text file from easy urpmi and then make it executable and run it. Adds all the sources. Then you can urmpi your packages and you get the latest version ...
  21. Fun ??? Hey Im currently editing over 1000 pages in WORDPAD at work. It sucks bigtime but mainly becuase all the M$ inserted crap... Ill put the hdlist on a web server tonight and PM you. Will prbably add the iso too.
  22. Just got down to Amaya download this morning before work. Downloaded source rpm so ill try it when I get home. Next question. Anyone know any good linux software for cleaning broken links and preferably re-usintg graphics/cleaning html. I have a whole load of M$ generated pages i need to clean and its taking forever in wordpad at work. Lots of the links get but in as abolute file ref's etc. and word insists on creating the xxxfiles directory beneach each page. The speed of loading is important because the page is used worldwide and some of our offices have pretty crappy connections. rcxau/OOrc2. Yeah I sould try it but theres always something new.
  23. What if you just download the packages from the mandrake site and use the hdlist from there??
  24. First off, graphic support has always been lousy on this laptop, it shares the main mem with the onboard savage twister. Its aminly work stuff so it isn't critical, just annoying since xvideo hangs it in Xine etc. Install actually very smooth ... everything except winmodem configured. However on first reboot it hangs on pcmcia. Temp Soln: Boot into rescue: I removed the Sxxpcmcia and Kxxpcmcia from the /etc/init.d directories. It should be noted no pcmcia device was plugged in for the install or boot so perhaps it will work when it detects one?? Anyone with similar pcmcia problems ??? I just renamed the files to _Sxxpcmcia and the init.d pcmcia is still there if i wanna try by hand.
  25. My experiences: system, A shuttle SS41KG Amd athalon 1250Mhz and 1GB RAM. Generic bttv TV card 1) Initally no-go The default graphical install hangs and I can't completely turn off ACPI in the bios. Soln: Use other options then text noacpi apic=no this still keeps hanging, partly becuase of some conflict between USB2 and serial ports. Soln: Turn off all serial ports in bios. Made a fairly minimal install out of caution and this went well. Previous installs had hung but I don't know yet if this is the install kernel and the serial will work (or not) with the enterprise kernel. Ran the MDK updates, about 300MB seemed pretty necassary, including the urpmi stuff. Hope this helps someone-
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