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Everything posted by Gannin

  1. You should try using dosbox instead of dosemu if you want to play games. http://dosbox.sourceforge.net/.
  2. You said that you tried the ATI drivers from ATI's website, but did you compile them from source?
  3. Do you have the alternating black bars in every style you try? And have you tried going to LookNFeel > Colors and changing your color scheme?
  4. If you're using the default Mandriva menu setup, then try going to Menu > System > Configuration > Configure Your Desktop. Then, with the window that comes up, go to LookNFeel > Style, and try using the different styles listed there. You can find more at http://www.kde-look.org/.
  5. What happens if you create a temporary new user and login to that account? Does it have all of its proper icons?
  6. Gannin


    Abiword is a bit faster and smaller than OpenOffice.org, but OpenOffice.org is by far more powerful and compatible.
  7. Without knowing more about the problem I can't really say, but it was probably an alsa or oss issue.
  8. Gannin

    usb drive

    If you go to your Mandrake Control Center, then the System tab, then the icon labeled “Enabled or disable the system services”, do you have both haldaemon and messagebus enabled?
  9. I dug up some links and decided to share them, in case anyone else is interested. Gnome MUD http://amcl.sourceforge.net/ Papaya http://www.gtk-papaya.org/ KMuddy http://www.kmuddy.net/
  10. If you're using the Sun JVM, it generally installs into the same location each time, with just a change for the version number, so if you've symlinked the plugin before, it wouldn't be hard to do it again. By the same token, considering it does tend to install into the same location each time, it certainly would save a few seconds if Firefox just scanned for it and installed it itself. But there again, there will also be people that don't bother with manually creating the symlink, or even installing a separate JVM, but instead just let Firefox's automatic plugin finder install a JVM for them the first time they come to a web page that requires Java support.
  11. I'm planning on buying a GP2X sometime in the near future, and when I do, I'll report on what it's like :).
  12. Ultimately, it doesn't really matter either way. It just depends upon what your needs are. It's just a matter of preference, I suppose :).
  13. Ah, I see. I think the dependency issue would be more of an issue with Gnome than with KDE, as I run a pretty full KDE system and don't have any need of the Gecko engine, but Gnome certainly uses it. I'm not exactly sure what is trying to be accomplished here, though I'm guessing it's a system-wide install. Wouldn't it just be simpler to decompress the new firefox into a directory in your home directory? That way the system-wide rpm and your new version could work easily together, and you could still have all your plugins in ~/.mozilla/plugins.
  14. The same goes for Linksys cards. Linksys has some wireless network cards with native drivers you can compile yourself, and some do not. It all depends upon which chipset the card uses.
  15. If you were installing Firefox 1.5, why would you also want to keep the LE 2005 version of Firefox around?
  16. Gannin

    skype sound problem

    You might have to adjust your mic's gain setting.
  17. Here are a few links to help things along. http://www.gimp.org/ http://www.inkscape.org/ http://www.blender.org/
  18. Gannin

    skype sound problem

    Does this only happen with just the one person, or does it happen with everyone you're talking to?
  19. Thanks for the link :). You are correct, I was looking at the .com.
  20. Are you sure about that? I spent some time poking around the Vorbis site, and I found some links to other sites that use the ogg format, and I found some links to software players that use the ogg format, but I didn't find anything about portable players there. If you had a link, that would be appreciated :).
  21. It sounds to me like his configuration needs to be looked into also. Perhaps the gain settings on his system need to be adjusted... having the gain adjusted improperly can cause distortion. http://www.alsa-project.org/ http://alsa.opensrc.org/
  22. From the command line, type alsamixer and hit enter. If it brings up a control interface, then use the right arrow key to scroll across the window until you find the volume bar that says "mic" in the blue box beneath it. If there is a green square directly above where it says "mic", hit your m key and the green square should go away. Then hit your Esc key to exit and save the settings. Doing what I just described mutes your mic's output volume. When the mic's output volume is unmuted and turned up, then everything picked up by the mic will be played back over the speakers.
  23. And are you using the oss or the alsa sound driver?
  24. Are you using a USB audio device or your system's sound card for your Skype communication?
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