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Everything posted by dexter11

  1. Do you use Adblock or some content blocking software? If yes try to disable it. If that helps whitelist yahoo mail.
  2. But it has its old name there: compiz-quinnstorm. And IIRC the installation is not that straight forward as it should be. OTOH compiz is there.
  3. I don't really think anyone knows what will be in future Mandriva releases. We just know what's on the web about Mandriva. I think you better ask this on the cooker ML.
  4. You gave that order in konsole under KDE or Gnome, and you didn't pressed Ctrl+Alt+F1did you. So the X server was on. Did you install it as normal user or as root? This means that you should use the command ./jdk-6-nb-5_5-linux.bin -console or ./jdk-6-nb-5_5-linux.bin -silent I don't know what they exactly they do but I assume using the -console switch will use a text mode install. Did you install it as root?
  5. I'm a KDE user but I must defend the GNOME developer crew here. Sticking to the design rules is a good thing. For a lot of us the design rules of Gnome sucks but for a lot of people they are good.If Gnome would become to the thing Linus wants it to be than the Gnome developers should start by rewriting their design rules. Maybe it's not relevant here but I have an example from somewhere else. Namely ship building. I can't remember the ships name or any other name or the exact time but in the 18th or 19th century the Swedish king give an order to build a new warship. The king was wealthy and wanted a very powerful ship which can really show his power. So he ordered the engeneer to build a bigger ship than it was originally designed. The ship always become bigger and bigger while they were building it. In the end the upper part of the ship was so big that the ship itself become dangerously unbalanced and sunk like a stone in its first trip. It was all because of the king's unlimited ambitions. So I can understand the Gnome developers not starting everything again. And I don't understand Linus. I don't like Gnome either but I use KDE silently and have nothing against Gnome or the Gnome team. Linus should work on the Linux kernel instead of creating unecessary flamewars. Because the Linux kernel has its own set of bugs.
  6. What command did you use exactly to install netbeans? Did you try to download it again? Maybe the file is corrupted. If that doesn't help use the options which you can see in the error message.
  7. dexter11


    The original announcement is here. The release notes are here.
  8. Gnome looks better that I agree. But that's all of the advantages of Gnome over KDE. I agree with what Linus said about Gnome (though I don't agree how he expressed his opinion). Gnome is over simplified. KDE is cooler not just because that's its name.
  9. You should use the --allow-force (or something like that see man page) of urpmi to install coreutils anyway.
  10. 2.6.17-9 is the stable kernel. He seems to have a mixed stable-cooker system which is AFAIK even worse than a pure cooker system. I think he should decide what does he want. If he wants the latest and greatest, and it seems like he wants that, then use the backports tree or upgrade to cooker entirely.
  11. Free is a complete system not crippled in any way. The official packs just contains some propietary drivers and some more additional stuff not in the Free version. You can install drivers from unofficial repos like plf (see easyurpmi on top of this page).
  12. The first beta of the upcoming Mandriva Spring release is out. More info here.
  13. If you don't wanna install Java then install ktorrent. If you wanna install Java thenI think plf has a package of it. Do not use the Azureus package in the Mandriva repo it doesn't work because it was compiled with a free Java VM, don't know which exactly. To add plf repos visit easyurpmi (see top of this page).
  14. Mr Jobs is right this time. DRM is not the way big music publishers can save themselves. Lets just see the two usual cases. First by downloading a pirated copy of a record I get a fully working copy without any limitations without any problem or quality loss for free. Or second by playing honest I get a copy full of limitations depending the DRM technology in use and I even have to pay for it. DRM is doomed it's a no brainer.
  15. http://wiki.mandriva.com/Releases/Mandriva....28asc_files.29
  16. source: Distrowatch
  17. The rest of the announcement is at www.mcnlive.org. You can watch the screenshot tour at www.mcnlive.org/virtualcity/index.html, and download it here. source: Distrowatch
  18. http://www.happyassassin.net/2007/02/03/whats-new-pussycat/
  19. The last time I checked the window manager or DE packages put a file into /etc/X11/wmsessions.d. That file was copied into the appropiate directories for GDM and KDM by a script. Note that it was quite a while ago and I'm not sure if it still works the same way.
  20. The original announcement is here.You can watch how it will work . source: hup.hu
  21. PCLinuxOS comes out as an English live CD only, it's KDE centric and has about the third of packages as Mandriva. That's already leaving out a lot of possibilities for bugs. On top of that though the dev team is small but committed they take stability seriously and they fix the bugs whichstill remained in the actual Mandriva releas. And they can be found on their forum. The key thing is in "offspring distros" can be better than their parent distro is they can fix remaining bugs. They have a small team and react faster to changes. This applies to PCLinuxOS too. I don't know what would happen with it without Texstar. Mandriva is not Redhat based. It was when it first came out but a lot of things has changed since then.
  22. Help files are not installed only in the One editions because they take a lot of space. If you'd use the ususal CD\DVD installation you'd get your help files by default.
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