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Everything posted by ianw1974

  1. Can we see what repos you have got configured and perhaps see if we can explain why a conflict. From command line, please post output from this command: urpmq --list-media -a
  2. I'd have a go at running alsaconf from the command line as root to see if you can get it to play ball and see if there are some other options to configure in terms of sound card. Do: su (enter root password when prompted) alsaconf and then go through and see what you can configure. Perhaps a restart after this might help and if not, and there were more than one card listed in alsaconf, try all combinations and see what happens.
  3. Have you checked the volume levels to make sure it's not muted or turned down low?
  4. The MTU should be correct for the type of connection you have. Standard ethernet uses an MTU of 1500. If 1492, then this is obviously for a DSL connection, and in Mandriva, this should be configurable through the network configuration wizard in MCC (Configure Your Computer). Make sure the correct type of network connection is configured if PPPOE or PPPOA and set the MTU accordingly. you may need to go into advanced config settings, but I'm not sure I would have to check as I'm not on a Mandy system right now.
  5. You can still use Quanta+ in Gnome as well as Kmail if you want (assuming that this is managing your contacts). So if you don't like KDE, it's not a problem to use another DE and just the KDE apps that you used previously.
  6. No security issues with disabling IPV6. IPV6 is 128 bit addressing so it's completely different to what you are normally using which is IPV4.
  7. tux99, have you got the spec file I'll try and build an x86_64 rpm?
  8. In Gnome, System --> Preferences --> Sessions or Startup Applications name varies from versioning of Gnome, previously was Sessions, but in Mandriva 2010 I see Startup Applications.
  9. ianw1974

    main unavailable?

    See this post: https://mandrivausers.org/index.php?/topic/97543-unable-to-add-package-media/page__pid__663403__st__0entry663403 currently some troubles with the mirrors. Give it a short time, it should sort itself out.
  10. Try: socket:// if the IP is that of the netgear print server.
  11. Are you completely sure you booted the right kernel?
  12. I wrote a kernel compile tips and tricks a while back. Only problem was that certain things didn't work, because Mandriva tends to patch the kernel heavily with specific stuff they require and a vanilla kernel from kernel.org doesn't have these patches. Whilst generally it works OK, some things don't as listed in my tips and tricks for this from people who tried it too. Whilst it's OK, I generally recommend sticking with the ones available via urpmi and the Mandy pre-compiled ones, as mentioned in my post above. Providing you have all your urpmi sources set to download from the internet, you'll be able to download and install using the command I gave in my previous post. Then on reboot, using this kernel, you can check if it has that option in it, and if so, you're all set to go and I hope everything works :)
  13. I checked my Mandy box, and I reckon one of these will do the trick: [root@esprit ian]# urpmf --name kernel | sort | grep -i dvb v4l-dvb-testing-kernel- v4l-dvb-testing-kernel- v4l-dvb-testing-kernel- v4l-dvb-testing-kernel- v4l-dvb-testing-kernel-desktop-latest v4l-dvb-testing-kernel-server-latest install one of these, I expect it'll have the relative option enabled - probably a better bet than any other considering it directly relates to v4l and dvb. Install from GUI, or do this from console: urpmi v4l-dvb-testing-kernel-desktop-latest
  14. Easiest way is do something like this for your kernel: cat config-2.6.18-164.6.1.el5.centos.plusxen | grep -i faulty CONFIG_MD_FAULTY=m CONFIG_DVB_USB_DIBUSB_MB_FAULTY=y as you can see my kernel on CentOS has this already enabled, so do the same for your running kernel with this: cat /boot/config-`uname -r` | grep -i faulty or specify the full name if you don't want to use the uname -r command to auto-detect it from your running kernel (like in my first example - just replace with your kernel config filename). If you don't have it in your kernel, then you'll need to compile your own kernel unless there is another Mandy kernel out there with this enabled in it.
  15. I'm not sure you would be able to do it. Rsync you can do over SSH, but I'm unaware of any other progs allowing you to use a helper program like ssh to send it over the SSH tunnel.
  16. Try and take the board back for a refund as if it's new and things aren't working that's just not normal.
  17. You can proxy in two ways, first with apache on the first server, and redirect to the jboss, or use a program called "pound" which is a proxy also. I've used it before, but proxying to a standard http port and configuring pound to use https.
  18. The BIOS or motherboard is not the problem unless of course the card is disabled in the BIOS - which I doubt (but check it anyway). If you do a: ifconfig -a and see no ethx devices (where x is a number, eth0, eth1, and so on), then there is no module loaded for your card, and is why you can't get access to the network/internet. Try the newer module that was mentioned before - compile it into the kernel if required and see if you get internet after this. I have an altansic card in my machine at home (onboard) and I can't get it with any distro that doesn't have a new kernel (so nothing in CentOS). Sometimes this happens, but in six months or so with a new distro release, you're card will be working fine without manual compilation (if you're lucky!).
  19. Nah, I think I'll give it a miss ;) I did install some gdm themes today, and my computer is still working OK. They weren't rpm/deb though - so I hope they are good
  20. No :) but it seems it was only available in deb form, and so I can't install it :D
  21. Lucky I run an rpm-based distro then if it was only available as a .deb package.
  22. Depending on what you want to do. If you want one computer to access the internet, then you can use one of these: http://www.netgear.co.uk/adsl_ethernet_modem_dm111p.php this connects directly to your PC via ethernet card and so of course you then need a firewall on your machine to protect it from anyone trying to connect. Another alternative, is buy a DSL router - I've always been buying Netgear, and so the Netgear DG834 is ideal. It comes in various models, DG834, DG834G and DG834GT - I have the GT model, which offers 108mbps wireless but if you don't need it then you can buy a lesser model. Most generally have wireless these days and you can always turn the wireless off anyhow (which is what I did at first). It also has a firewall, so you don't need to configure one on your PC. Or, if you want your Linux machine to be a router/gateway for all other machines in the house, then use the first one I mentioned - just requires extra configuration of your PC for routing/firewall.
  23. Sounds like you just need to proxy the request from server B to server A. If of course, server B is not already using HTTPS (443) for anything?!?
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