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Posts posted by ianw1974

  1. OK, so let us know how it goes connecting via IP address rather than machine name, and whether adding the machine name to the hosts file helps things any better. I know that service exists, because I've disabled it on Windows XP on my machine at home.

  2. Are you trying to connect to the machine by hostname or by IP address? Try connecting to machine1 by IP address if you are using hostname, and see if it's faster. If that is the case, then perhaps it's taking so long trying to resolve DNS. Another way to fix that is to add the hostname and IP to the hosts file either under Linux if you are connecting from a Linux machine or in Windows by editing the c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file and adding the hostname and IP of machine1.


    The last post here hints at disabling the Web client service under Windows. See if it helps.....



  3. Yes, you can. It doesn't matter on the CD. It could be Ubuntu, or even Gentoo. Just need to chroot like I mentioned, and you can do all you need.


    Unfortunately, you will have to type it as I said. You won't be able to do it easily in a GUI way. It's not complicated to type and mount as I mentioned.

  4. Yes, you can boot into rescue mode from a Mandriva CD. You will need to know of course, which partition is your / and also /boot if you have it separately, but probably you have everything under /. Here is an example of how I would do it. Replace my partition in my example with your / partition. In my example, /dev/sda2 is my / partition.


    mkdir /mnt/mandriva
    mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/mandriva
    mount -t proc proc /mnt/mandriva/proc
    mount -o bind /dev /mnt/mandriva/dev
    chroot /mnt/mandriva /bin/bash
    source /etc/profile


    alternatively, if you have a problem with the chroot command I just gave, just change it slightly:


    chroot /mnt/mandriva
    source /etc/profile


    of course, still mounting all the stuff as previously mentioned. That will get you into an environment for reinstalling grub, then all you need to do:


    root (hd0,1)
    setup (hd0)


    and that will do the grub part. Grub should be installed to the MBR, and you can now reboot. Remember the hd0,1 is specific to the partition, so for example:


    /dev/sda1 = hd0,0
    /dev/sda2 = hd0,1
    /dev/sda3 = hd0,2
    /dev/sda5 = hd0,4


    and so on. You will know if you found it correctly. Maybe / on your system is /dev/sda5 but I cannot be sure of it. You can verify all of this in /boot/grub/menu.lst because it will show the root in there with hd0,1 or whatever.


    Once you have done that, exit cleanly from the chroot environment.


    umount /mnt/mandriva/dev /mnt/mandriva/proc /mnt/mandriva


    and reboot.

  5. I always apply updates to my system. The biggest thing you need to look out for are changes to config files. This can be a problem on servers if you have something installed and tweaked the config only to find after an update the config reverted.


    Normally though this doesn't happen unless you accept it. On most if not all rpm distros, the config files are always created as .rpmnew so that you can review and accept if you need to. On Debian based distros it will ask you if you want to accept the new config file, stay with the old one, compare, etc, etc.


    Sometimes packages can cause problems. There is the old saying "If it 'aint broke, don't fix it". Sometimes this is good, but then other times you can be leaving your system open to security risks, especially where internet access to that particular system is concerned. Updates are meant to be there for a reason, but then there is also the chance that they can make things worse. You just hope that if an update was released that broke something, that it will be fixed just as quick. One thing you could do is always open a bug report for the problem you are now experiencing to help get it fixed.

  6. Well it was very easy for me. I think you'll find if you have pulseaudio already installed, it will just be a case of unmuting the audio for HDMI using alsamixer (as per the link I sent), and then just go into your audio properties and set the output to the HDMI. That way I don't have to use asound to set the default audio to HDMI, when I want my normal laptop speakers to be the default.


    Of course, you must change it back again in audio properties to revert to laptop speakers.

  7. If this is a real post, then if you've been infected with a trojan, the fix is simple. Clean install! There's no other better way of making sure you are clean than doing this. They could have left behind all sorts of stuff.


    I wouldn't connect to any machine that is infected with a trojan, because I don't want mine infected. I doubt anyone would.

  8. I've got HDMI on my laptop and have the same problem. My laptop has an ATI setup, but the HDMI doesn't work for sound. Video yes. I haven't seriously looked at it because I hardly use it much. But I expect it would be something to do with the pulseaudio configuration or something. When you go into this, there are two outputs to choose from.


    This might help:




    I'm trying it on my system now, but won't check it until I next connect my HDMI. I also need to check the config, as I don't want HDMI to be the default. For now from the above, I've just unmuted the sound, as it seemed it was muted. So perhaps when I connect it again, that will be enough for it to start working.


    I have Ubuntu 10.04, but the specifics should be more or less the same.

  9. You can still access them. If they are not uncommented in fstab, then they won't be mounted automatically. That is all. The system will still see any partitions on disks attached to the system. All /etc/fstab is doing is mounting them or not mounting them depending on the config.


    As soon as you click a disk partition, the system will mount it. fstab also tells the system where to mount it, so if an fstab entry doesn't exist, then it will mount under /media usually. Otherwise, in fstab, you can specify, /mnt/whatever, or /iso or /data, depending on what you want mounted and where.

  10. Yes, it will mount under media. But once you've assigned the rights, it will be OK after that. Sometimes what I do is label a media also. So, another thing you can do is this:


    mke2fs -j -L usbdisk /dev/sdb1


    for example, will create ext3 on /dev/sdb1 with label usbdisk. When you connect it to system, it will mount as /media/usbdisk. Then you can assign rights as before:


    chmod 777 /media/usbdisk


    or own it as your user:


    chown user:user /media/usbdisk


    if it will be just for yourself. Sometimes I also had to set a sticky:


    chmod g+s /media/usbdisk


    so see how you go. This is usually what I do for my pendrives, I have freecom, kingston, etc, and label them accordingly as per this. So that they mount as /media/freecom or /media/kingston.

  11. If you want a user to mount it, in the options where you have defaults, you need to add user as well, so it would be like this:




    then the user can mount it. If you had a FAT32 filesystem it would be OK. Now, I do it slightly differently. For example, if I have /dev/hdb1 only as the partition on my disk, then I would do this from the console:


    mke2fs -j /dev/hdb1
    mkdir /mnt/mynewdisk
    mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt/mynewdisk
    chown user:user /mnt/mynewdisk


    first command formats it ext3.

    second command creates directory mynewdisk

    third commant mounts it to mynewdisk

    fourth command assigns ownership of that disk to my username - in this instance user - change this to what you want.


    If you want multiple users to access the disk, then:


    chmod 777 /mnt/mynewdisk


    then all users have full world read/write access. I usually only do it for one user, but I don't know if you want for one user, or multiple users. Alternatively, you can do for groups, but then users have to be members of that group across all your systems, and the group must have the same GID on all machines. So the chmod command just gives full access irrelevant of group or user.

  12. If it's using the new version of GDM, then no, you cannot change it. This is becoming more commonplace now, and is the same for Ubuntu and OpenSUSE which are some distros I've used recently which are using the new version of GDM.


    No theming support, and I don't know if there will be but I hope so, because I liked also changing the themes.

  13. Someone else recently had a problem with K3B. Try Gnomebaker or Brasero - I know these are native to Gnome normally, but see if they work. If that is the case, then we know that mostly everything is OK, and that something is just broken with K3B.

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