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Wifi card always shows as using WEP instead of WPA


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I have an older laptop that runs 2008.0. The Belkin wifi card shows up as a RaLink RT2600 802.11 mimo card, but I think this is just because Belkin uses a RaLink chip. My problem is that when I go to configure the card, the default encryption mode shows as WEP, and when I try to change this to WPA which my router uses it always seems to default back to WEP. In the end, I cannot connect to the router. How can I get the card to use WPA?

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The same problem with 2008.0 here. I have to reconfigure the WiFi connection manually every time when I lose the signal, because the config defaults to WEP. Interestingly, on boot the card always connects to the network without any problem. AFAIK, 2008.0 WiFi configuration scripts are crippled. In addition to the problem you mentioned, there is no way to connect to an enterprise network. Also I was unable to use Mandriva tools to configure a PPTP VPN tunnel (webmin worked fine).

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Currently, almost everyone is pretty happy with either wicd, or networkmanager: Both are working great, and some specific distros have developed reliable third-party wifi management utilities.

But neither wicd, nor NetworkManager were mature enough when 2008.0 was out.

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