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problem running Gnome after 2010.0 upgrade


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Hey everybody,


I have upgraded from 2009.1 to 2010.0 yesterday, with no special problems (actually I found a problem back on RC1, and I even reported about it, but I do not believe it is the source to the difficulty I'm experiencing).


After logging in, Gnome desktop loads fully, and then, after a few more seconds, even if I don't do anything, I'm being thrown back to the login screen. I've been able to run successfully alternative window manager (wmii), which made me think the problem was on Gnome. I uninstalled gnome-task and gnome-task-minimal and then re-installed them, but to no avail.


Any ideas how do I start to check it? Thanks!

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Create a new user, and then login as this and see if the same problems occur. If not, then it will be something with your own user profile in terms of Gnome settings causing the problem for you.

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Have you had a look in the logs? You can go into safe mode and check them to see if there is any clues.


No, I don't know at what logs I should be looking and where to find them. As I said, I can run wmii as window manager, so I don't have any problem accessing the files. I'll be glad to post them here if you tell me which of them can be helpful.

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You could perhaps post a few lines of /var/log/syslog before and up to the crash.


What you will be looking for is any errors, Oops and warnings.


There you go:

[root@localhost log]# fgrep 'warning'  syslog

[root@localhost log]# fgrep 'WARNING' syslog
Nov 15 21:52:07 localhost gnome-session[25960]: WARNING: Detected that screensaver has left the bus 
Nov 15 21:52:07 localhost gdm-binary[3532]: WARNING: gdm_slave_xioerror_handler: Fatal X error - Restarting :0 
Nov 15 23:16:24 localhost gnome-session[5338]: WARNING: Detected that screensaver has left the bus 
Nov 15 23:16:25 localhost gdm-binary[26264]: WARNING: gdm_slave_xioerror_handler: Fatal X error - Restarting :0 
Nov 15 23:16:54 localhost console-kit-daemon[574]: WARNING: no sender  
Nov 16 20:05:38 localhost gnome-session[3001]: WARNING: Detected that screensaver has left the bus 
Nov 16 20:05:38 localhost gdm-binary[811]: WARNING: gdm_slave_xioerror_handler: Fatal X error - Restarting :0 

[root@localhost log]# fgrep 'Error' syslog
Nov 15 23:16:25 localhost pulseaudio[5656]: main.c: Unable to contact D-Bus: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoServer: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-hi3bBiUfED: Connection refused
Nov 16 20:03:54 localhost klogd: hsfengine: Unknown symbol cnxthsf_7800204full_OsErrorPrintf
Nov 16 20:03:54 localhost klogd: hsfmc97ich: Unknown symbol cnxthsf_7800204full_OsErrorPrintf
Nov 16 20:05:39 localhost pulseaudio[3426]: main.c: Unable to contact D-Bus: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoServer: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-LQoErIGdJl: Connection refused

[root@localhost log]# fgrep 'ERROR' syslog

[root@localhost log]# fgrep 'Oops' syslog

[root@localhost log]# fgrep 'OOPS' syslog

[root@localhost log]# fgrep 'Warning' syslog



I suspect that warning about gdm_slave and Fatal Xerror has something to do with my problem (Am I bright or what?). How do I continue from here?

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Try running etc-update because there could be some new config files to put in place that might be the cause of the problem if still using old ones. You can install etc-update if you don't have it, or alternatively do:


find / -name *.rpmnew


or with slocate or locate:


slocate rpmnew


I don't know if slocate is still valid, so if it doesn't work, use locate instead.

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Try running etc-update


I installed and ran etc-update and chose replace the old files with the new ones. After booting and grub I get some quick messages (I think I read there something about not being able to open some files) and then I get a blank screen and a message:

Could not log bootup: Address already in use

And then the cursor hangs, nothing responds and I must do hard restart. So now I can't load the kernel and the degenerated window manager. Any more ideas? Has this officially become lost cause?

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If you have the CD/DVD media, try running an upgrade of 2010 with the 2010 media to try and fix any problems with bootup, etc. You could probably even use a rescue CD and see what the grub config looks like, and stuff like this, but the upgrade method might be easier to reset a load of files. The upgrade method may help to bring back some sanity to the install.


Without knowing what files got replaced by etc-update it would be hard to figure out what went wrong, unless it's the grub config that got replaced somehow but it looks like it's booting so it's probably not that but something else weird.


Alternatively, if you do get to a console that you can login with as root, and then find out what runlevel you have:




should be 3 probably if X is not running, you can then run mcc and configure your display etc and maybe get xorg up and running.

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If this was my system I would take this opportunity to do a complete fresh install. The /home directory does not have to be formatted, however not formatting /home could leave some corrupt config or temp file on there. So my solution would be to copy any important directories/files to another partition, I have others that don't need formatting. Do a fresh install, formatting / and /home partitions. Once install was complete move the important data back into a new shiny /home. That would be my solution mind you. ;)

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If this was my system I would take this opportunity to do a complete fresh install.


Actually I don't really mind formatting the disc. Maybe I'll even use this opportunity to take Fedora to a test drive before I install MDV 2010, as I've been wanting to do it for a long time. But the truth is that I enjoy trying to fix it (from the technical perspective. I learn many new things this way), so I think I'll give Ian's advice a shot. If worse comes to worst I can always do a fresh install. The important data is already backed up (I did it before the upgrade), but it's a useful advice always worths mentioning, so thanks.


If you have the CD/DVD media, try running an upgrade of 2010 with the 2010 media to try and fix any problems with bootup, etc.


I'll try it tonight. The only problem I see is that AFAIK, Mandriva stopped releasing Free on CD's, and now Free is released only on DVD media. I don't have a DVD player on my laptop (it's quite old), so what I should do is copy the iso file to USB DOK, boot from the rescue CD, and point the installation to the DOK. Hope the rescue CD will load the DOK, if not I will try to copy the iso file to the hard drive.

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Good news: I was able to boot from CD and configure Free installation through the network.


Bad news: When the installation starts, after choosing the language of installation and accepting license agreement, I get the following error:

An error occurred
Oops, nor root partition

I can then click the OK button, but nothing happens. I guess it's a dead end. I'll do a fresh install tomorrow.


Thanks for all those who came to my rescue, I appreciate it!

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