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Pros, Priests and Zealots.

Pierre Baco

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Interesting article. But more interesting are the readers comments (see bottom of the page).




IMHO, there are Pros, Priests and Zealots wherever there's a a thing to argue about. But in this case, the author of the article ignores (or does not want to mention) the underlying reasons of the open-source / free software emergence.... It's not (only) about another technology. Anyway, he raises some interesting questions, although his arguments are sometimes not very solid or irrelevant.

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Dragonmage, thanks for mentioning it was an Enderle article, saves me the time to click and read...


Enderle is a swear word in my dictionary, he's so full of it.


And I don't get such an opinion of someone from having a bad hair day or so. This type of person is the worst.

Not worth the time.

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Hey, guys, the article is about what you're doing now ...

Should I consider you as zealots ? :wink:


Does it require a degree or a baptism certificate to talk about the Linux community vices and vertues ? Are we the only ones entitled to do so ?




signed: Father Pierre de Bages

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To make observations about human passion is a little trite. If you're not aware of it, then you still believe that objectivity is some sort of real quality in a person. We all see the world through our own lenses. I would listen to someone who acknowledges that before I would ever consider someone who thinks that "their" perspective is ultimately objective!


Windex users, and Bill Gates, are passionate. Why else would windex users put up with the windex nonesense?


I was at a Chamber of Commerce breakfast yesterday, and a windows zealot was sharing how Bill Gates thought that the computer industry has not even reached the horse and buggy stage yet. When I told him that Gates means he hasn't taken over the hardware market yet, he had no idea what I was taliking about! He was blind to what windex is attempting because of his passion.

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Hey, guys, the article is about what you're doing now ...


Maybe it is, but I have read more than 5 articles from this guy in the past couple of months, before deciding not to waste any more time.


Until I find a general tone on linuxtoday comments that Enderle has changed, I will not invest (waste) any time to see if he has, indeed, changed his ways.


Once you know a guy to spew crap loaded with FUD at any chance he gets, even after getting feedback on how he is mistaken etc, you know the rest is going to be the same. A turd in a nice wrapping is still a turd.


Now how am I a religious fanatic, priest or zealot?


I just can't stand that guys articles.

He gets polite feedback and hard crap, focuses on the crap and generalises from that to all FLOSS users.


I think that my opinion of this guys articles and of himself as far as I know him through the net/his articles etc is fairly well balanced; one bad article could have been a mistake, but I haven't read anything good from him, and it is no surprise that even the Giga group decided to part with him.

I gave him a fair chance. He messed up. End of story. Nothing to do with zealotry, priesthood or religious fanaticism.


If you disagree with me but want to continue this conversation, please first go to linuxtoday.com and read 5 or more past articles from Enderle (just go to one article, you will find links to past articles), including the LT comments (note: a lot are just bashing, but some people sincerely corresponded with Enderle -- those are the most interesting..). Then explain why exactly you have a different opinion of this guy than I have.

I'd love to know.

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Well this isn't as simple as MS-Linux.


This is more Western values vs Eastern values type of biggotary. OR Republican Democrat OR Mars / Venus ........


If you take UNIX as an ideal. Then this is one standpoint. Its modular, its modifyable, its open standards its .....


Then you take Windex ..... Its monlithic, closed, proprietry (ripped of and modified) standards.


The criticisms of Linux are NOT criticisms in particualr of Linux (I know Gates is quoted as half accepting a BSD license as a non cancerous growth) but would he if BSD had the same market share?????


Linux is the biggest market competition to MS.... It fills the ears of its zealots with FUD, FUD they are clamouring to get!!! MS even charges for it and they PAY...


When women wanted a vote they were zealots, when (whatver the PC term is nowadays) non-white people wanted equality they were zealots ... when Gorbachev started to dismantle the Soviet infrastructure he was a Zealot. Now where would we be without Zealots.....


But this term is cast about in an abusive way. When women in england were protesting for the vote (and womens rights in general) anarchists were also busy trying to overthrow the government. Sufferagets were classed as zealots as were people who blew up government buildings or assasinated diplomats.


I think Zealot is a rather overused term!



Priests .... Yeah, just as Emmeline Pankhurst was preaching when questioning if it wasn't somewhat immoral to allow 'gentlemen' who had gotton young working class 'fallen women' into trouble being allowed to pay to have the baby forcefully adopted and then killed.


Just as she questioned WHY women were worked in the poorghouse until they either miscarried or delivered for the crime of allowing themselves to be put into the situation of being raped.


Yeah ... sure she was a preist(ess) and a zealot.... just like Martin Luther King or all the other 'nutters'


When we look back we might wonder what was so ZEALOUS about pointing out what 'polite society' pretended didn't exist!!!




MS are just doing what agressive monopolies do.... BUT it seems any comment on this is ZEALISM .. any education of the public is PREACHING...


No society turns around and say 'hey we'd rather not know what's happening to illigitimate babies or unmarried mothers' GO AWAY!!


Is MS subverting standards, is it acting illegally.... YES... But society doesn't want to know. Bill is the poor son of a lawyer born with almost nothing (well compared to the Kennedy's at least) who has single handledly written a great OS without stealing anything from QDOS and then personally gone on to employ all those people working for MS (who he doesn't need becuase he could write it by himself)


Anyone attacking Bill Gates or his empire is mad!!! Only being a zealot could explain this... its irrational...why would anyone NOT want to use windows????

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