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POPFile problems

Steve Scrimpshire

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Ok, I had some problems and had to reinstall 9.1, then I upgraded to 9.2rc2 through cooker and urpmi, just like I had done on my last install. Well, last install Popfile worked fine. I've never had any problems with it. Now, no matter which version of Popfile I try, I get one of these two errors trying to start it (it's random):


Couldn't start the html HTTP interface because POPFile could not bind to the

HTTP port 8080. This could be because there is another service

using that port or because you do not have the right privileges on

your system (On Unix systems this can happen if you are not root

and the port you specified is less than 1024).


Failed to start while starting the html module at popfile.pl line 344.


Couldn't start the pop3 proxy because POPFile could not bind to the

listen port 1110. This could be because there is another service

using that port or because you do not have the right privileges on

your system (On Unix systems this can happen if you are not root

and the port you specified is less than 1024).


Failed to start while starting the pop3 module at popfile.pl line 344.


I'm starting it like this, as root:


perl popfile.pl -port 1110


I have no clue. TIA


Edit: I even found on RPMfind.net that there is a cooker RPM for it, so I installed it and did


service popfile start


and get the same random two errors, although less verbose. The only thing that shows up in any log is in /var/log/syslog:


popfile succeeded

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Ok, I had some problems and had to reinstall 9.1, then I upgraded to 9.2rc2 through cooker and urpmi, just like I had done on my last install. Well, last install Popfile worked fine. I've never had any problems with it. Now, no matter which version of Popfile I try, I get one of these two errors trying to start it (it's random):


Couldn't start the html HTTP interface because POPFile could not bind to the

HTTP port 8080. This could be because there is another service

using that port or because you do not have the right privileges on

your system (On Unix systems this can happen if you are not root

and the port you specified is less than 1024).


Failed to start while starting the html module at popfile.pl line 344.


Couldn't start the pop3 proxy because POPFile could not bind to the

listen port 1110. This could be because there is another service

using that port or because you do not have the right privileges on

your system (On Unix systems this can happen if you are not root

and the port you specified is less than 1024).


Failed to start while starting the pop3 module at popfile.pl line 344.


I'm starting it like this, as root:


perl popfile.pl -port 1110


I have no clue. TIA


Edit: I even found on RPMfind.net that there is a cooker RPM for it, so I installed it and did


service popfile start


and get the same random two errors, although less verbose. The only thing that shows up in any log is in /var/log/syslog:


popfile succeeded


isn't 8080 squids port eg proxy server port?.

The etc/services file contains a listing of port addresses and what is normally on them.

1110 is not mentioned in mine, and 1110 isn't a reserved port anyway being over 1024.


did you try telneting the port to see if something answers?

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[root@omarserenity omar]# telnet 1110


telnet: connect to address Connection refused

telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

[root@omarserenity omar]# telnet 8080


telnet: connect to address Connection refused

telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

[root@omarserenity omar]# service shorewall stop

Loading /usr/share/shorewall/functions...

Processing /etc/shorewall/params ...

Processing /etc/shorewall/shorewall.conf...

Clearing Shorewall...Processing /etc/shorewall/stop ...

Processing /etc/shorewall/stopped ...


[root@omarserenity omar]# telnet 8080


telnet: connect to address Connection refused

telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

[root@omarserenity omar]# telnet 1110


telnet: connect to address Connection refused

telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

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I would try creating a php script that creates socket server on the port like so:


# location of php binary with socket support


// Set the ip and port we will listen on

$address = '';

$port = 1110;

echo "Trying to create socket on: $address port: $portn";

// Create a TCP Stream socket

$sock = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);

// Bind the socket to an address/port

socket_bind($sock, $address, $port) or die('Could not bind to addressn');

echo "Socket created successfullyn";

// Close the master sockets


echo "Socket closed, byen";



so i can create open a socket on 1110 tcp

[john@administrator Desktop]$ ./socket.php

Content-type: text/html

X-Powered-By: PHP/4.3.3



Trying to create socket on: port: 1110

Socket created successfully

Socket closed, bye

[john@administrator Desktop]$


But if i try to open a socket thats in use i can't 10000 is webmin's

[john@administrator Desktop]$ ./socket2.php

Content-type: text/html

X-Powered-By: PHP/4.3.3



Trying to create socket on: port: 10000

<br />

<b>Warning</b>:  socket_bind() unable to bind address [98]: Address already in use in <b>/home/john/Desktop/socket2.php</b> on line <b>14</b><br />

Could not bind to addressn[john@administrator Desktop]$


Unfortuanately php in mandrake doesn't come with the socket functions enabled

you could install the php src rpm and edit the spec file then rebuild it or just download the source file from php.net and build it and install it in another directory.

I use my home directory for testing out new versions.


./configure --prefix="/home/john/php/" --enable-sockets


make install (as normal user)


Your telnet results seem to show that there isn't any servers on those ports, maybe it is security related somehow rather than a resource conflict.

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[omar@omarserenity omar]$ /home/omar/php/bin/php socket.php 

Content-type: text/html

X-Powered-By: PHP/4.3.3

Trying to create socket on: port: 1110

Socket created successfully

Socket closed, bye

[omar@omarserenity omar]$ /home/omar/php/bin/php socket.php 

Content-type: text/html

X-Powered-By: PHP/4.3.3

Trying to create socket on: port: 8080

Socket created successfully

Socket closed, bye


So, can I assume that it is probably a problem with Perl, then, since the same POPfile worked correctly before? You think I'm missing a module?

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