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Troubles with mandriva 2009.1


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First of all, I must confess, that I'm a big fan of Mandriva. But together with that I'm very disappointed about the Spring release. I've never encountered such amount of instabilities with Mandriva. I still did not figured out the new media management.

1. If I put a DVD into the tray, and close them, it sometimes just mounts it, in other cases it doesn't. There is a little annoying so to say media managing applet, which pops up, but even with this tool, I don't have 100% succes with media mounting. The dolphin crashes regularly...

I've tried XFce, but the keyboard switcher is ever crashing...

Is there any description available? Did the developers had to move to KDE4?

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I'm having the same random crashing of everything (including plasma) on my desktop pc. Yet my laptop installs are rock solid. I thought it might be something that I added so I started again with a default install. I didn't add anything and still the crashing continues. No error messages get thrown up. It doesn't matter if I use Mandriva Free or Mandriva One. I'm wondering if it's this BioStar motherboard.


You can still go back to KDE 3.5.xx (for now) by loading task-kde3.

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