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Widgets moving around!


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Just did a clean install of 2009.1 (not an upgrade). Everything went great and its up and running fine.


Just one small thing, if i add a widget to the workspace and drag it to where i want it, after a few seconds it jumps back across the screen, like its on a "snap to grid" I've tried all the settings i can find, no good. Run a few searches on the net and on here as well, can't find anything. Probably something really silly, just can't figure out what it is!


Anybody else had this problem? Suggestions appreciated.





[moved from Software by spinynorman]

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On first boot i found i had a normal desktop with icons and stuff. i changed it to "desktop" from "folder view" in Desktop activty / Type. On rebooting it had reverted to Folder view with icons and stuff.

The widgets stay where they are put now. Something going on, not quite sure what though! i'll do a bit more poking around and see where i get. Not a big problem, i can live with it. :)

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Yes, that's definitely the bug i am experiencing, obviously not fixed yet because i only downloaded it a few hours ago. The work around isn't really a problem, just nice to know its not me being stupid (again).



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yes it is very annoying...I suffer that too..but sometimes I made it keep it's posotion just locking the widgets...but when I log out and log in again...it wasn't where I left it :wall:

Edited by demonseth17
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