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How to get the correct Nvidia configuration.


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I just upgraded from 2008.1 to 2009. I did it by updating the repos, and running an update.


The only issue I have is the video configuration.


Lspci shows :

lspci |grep VGA
00:0d.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation GeForce 6150SE nForce 430 (rev a2)


I ran XFdrake ( several times ). I can get the xserver to run if I specify NVIDIA GeForce FX series, which the card is not.


This hardware has worked for at least 10 months on 2008.1 with NVIDIA GeForce 6100 or later. If I select that on 2009, and run a 'test' through XFdrake, I get the rainbow picture, if I click YES to save, the screen screws up, and the system is locked. Only a power off gets it going again.


I can not activate 3D stuff with a FX card defined. 3D worked well in 2008.1.


Here are the device lines from xorg.conf.


Section "Device"
   Identifier "device1"
   BoardName "NVIDIA GeForce FX series"
   Driver "nv"
   Option "DPMS"


I can remember XFdrake asking if I wanted to use the 'proprietory drivers' , I said yes when I selected the 6100 card or later.


How do I go about getting the correct card and driver selected, so I can get the 3D stuff going?

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I have tried to add the two backports, they add to the list, but I can not get them to update.


I click on the check box, the pop up asks Is it O.K. to contact... I click YES, and nothing happens. This is frustrating. Is this function broken???

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I am having a similar problem, cannot add backports. I click on that little box but I can't get the tick mark to appear there. :huh:


I wonder if it has something to do with the way I added the repositories. I did it from command line, in three lines;


urpmi.removemedia -a

urpmi.addmedia --distrib --mirrorlist 'http://plf.zarb.org/mirrors/$RELEASE.$ARCH.list'

urpmi.addmedia --distrib --mirrorlist '$MIRRORLIST'

Edited by boatman9
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I got the backports to add, and update, finally. I clicked on the backport, then on the Edit button. On the window that appears, I selected Curl, and Save Changes. Then it does the update. Did the same for Non free backports, and it updated.


I then followed the instructions to update 'ldetect-lst'.


I ran XFdrake from a root shell. It appeared to do the same thing as before. If I picked 6100 or newer, and then Test, the test did not work.


I thought I would take a stab in the dark, selected 6100 or newer, and saved it. Booted the system, the driver now works. I was able to enable the 3D stuff :thumbs:


I have no idea why the test should fail, it makes it look like the wrong card is specified. If I go to MCC now, and run XFdrake, I see the correct card selected, the test works as normal.


Any way, I'm calling my problem solved. B)


Back to the spinning cube...

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