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Problem w/ Samba, Laptop & Home Directory [solved]


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I can't get this working, and it is driving me crazy. I use VMWare, and the only way to make my drive available is to use Samba. This works perfectly.


I just got a new (read: very old) laptop and installed Mandriva on it. I wanted to have a tunnel into my homes directory on my server machine, so I have been trying to mount the homes directory, but have been unsuccessful at every turn. Now, the username on the laptop is one thing, but the main machine the username is another thing. I specify the username and password, but no matter what, I still don't connect...


What am I doing wrong? I just don't seem to have something set right. I have a utility drive that has permissions for anyone to access, and this, of course, I can mount without an issue.


Thank you in advance,

Edited by krisbee2000
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Which VMWare? (version, and type).

If using a fresh VMWare flavour, you can make certain parts of the host files available via the "shared folders" option.

To my poor knowledge, this feature was not working as advertized till VMware 6. Now, we are at VMWare 6.5.1, where the shared folders feature works fine, but since I don't know which VMWare you're using... you get the point, don't you?

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You misunderstand me, Scarecrow. The vmware works fine, along with samba. The issue is a Mandriva Laptop, connecting to a Mandriva Desktop (both 2008.1). The vmware has no problems accessing the homes and utility drive, just the laptop (which should be easier, you would think).


It never connects to the homes folder and there is always an error when I mount from the laptop machine. I don't know what the problem is.


I tried today using NFS, but never got that up on the desktop properly. I figure since the samba works and has to be up, just use that.


Thanks in advance,


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Found the answer... Edit smb.conf and look for security... It should be equal to share, not user. This isn't an option that I see in MCC...


Also, if you can't write to the share from another linux machine, in advanced options in the blank section, add fmask=0777,dmask=0777 which makes your share writeable.

Edited by krisbee2000
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