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Flash problem in Firefox


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I have two installations of Mandriva One 2009 KDE that this is happening on. I never had a problem when I installed with Gnome.


This is with:

Mandriva One 2009

KDE 4.1.3

Firefox 3.0.4

Shockwave Flash 10.0 r12

all other flash installations were removed prior to installing ver. 10


Here are screenshots of what actually happens. This website is just an example, this issue is seen on ALL websites that use flash. At first, when I got to a site using the flash plugin, it appears to work fine with no issue:



After an amount of time (usually 15-30 seconds) the flash object goes "blank", as seen here. Even the ad using flash to the left of the player is blank:




Anyone else having this problem? Again, I haven't seen it while using Gnome, and also I have Opera installed and Flash works fine through it.

Edited by T0ken
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I'm having flash problems at the moment as well:




Not quite the same as yours perhaps, but I do have similar problems on occasions and I usually find that clicking the browser 'refresh' button sorts it out. Not exactly a solution I know but a fairly easy work round.

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Thanks for the reply! I've tried refreshing, and it will work again for a good 15 seconds to a minute, then it will go blank again.


The weirdest thing to me is that I had no problems when I was running Gnome, so I'm assuming there's something I'm missing w/KDE 4.1.3

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OK, it appears this problem is fixed.


Apparently all I needed to do was enable "smooth scrolling" inside firefox. Seems kinda weird, but it works, so I'll take it.





Wow, nevermind, problem still exists

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I was having the same problem with flash objects coming up blank on web pages when first loading but found that a page refresh would fix it. I'm not sure when it started as this is still a fairly fresh install of 2009.0 but I had upgraded the flash player from the Adobe web site.


Anyway, I ran across a post which said if you had upgraded your flash player then you needed to remove libflashsupport. After doing so I had no more flash problems. Sorry I can't remember where I found the post (probably this board) in order to give props.


Check to see if it is installed:


rpm -qa | grep libflashsupport


remove it:

urpme libflashsupport


Hope this helps.



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[lex@localhost ~]$ rpm -qa | grep flash


Browser itself brought me to a page with flash



Please restart browser, before uninstall/remove old flash-plugin .....Lex

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Hey guys, thanks for the replies. But as I stated in my original post, "all previous flash installations were removed before I installed flash 10." This includes libflashsupport.


But just to be certain, I ran the command 'urpme libflashsupport' and got 'unknown package: libflashsupport.' So it's definitely not installed. Might I be missing some files that must be manually removed??


I will try updating to Flash 10 rc15 and report back what happens. Thanks again for the help!

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I was having the same problem, but I was running KDE 3.5. I have Flash 10.0 r22 installed. I removed the nspluginwrapper-1.1.0-7mdv2009.0 and now the flash content works perfectly.

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I was having the same problem, but I was running KDE 3.5. I have Flash 10.0 r22 installed. I removed the nspluginwrapper-1.1.0-7mdv2009.0 and now the flash content works perfectly.


nspluginwrapper should not be installed at all on a 32bit Mandriva install, it's only needed on a 64bit install (what matters here is not the 32/64bit capability of the cpu, but the 32 or 64bit version of Mandriva installed), therefore I would recommend anyone to remove it on a 32bit install right after the initial install, not just when experiencing problems.


nspluginwrapper caused me problems with the acrobat-reader plugin on a 32bit Mandriva install, it's not just Flash that can be affected.

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