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2008.1 to 2009 update


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ok, I am just about OVER killing my partition and doing a whole new install everytime a 6 month version upgrade comes out.


so after running 2009 clean insatll on my wifes pc since it was released, and running 2009 plus kde4 on my laptop for 2 weeks and not having any issues


So for grins I updated my repos to 2009 and tried


auto update all


MANY hours later (I have a DSL connection)I found that it stopped at 1231 of 1341 files with an error.


having been stupid in the past I hit auto update all again and this time it came back with 341 files to download and install.


so I told it to proceed and about an hour after was presented with some options, basically do I want 2008.1 files or 2009 files.


so i choose the 2009 versions and a while later rebooted (MY pc is in the garage so its a lot of back and forth sometimes)


lo and behold reboots right into 2009 kde3.5.9 and the majority of everything works the 1st time!


I didnt have to touch my email (except replace the ICON).


The one disappointment I do have, but apprently a lot of folks are experionecing this is KOMPOZER.


doesnt work at all.


I'm working with joomla to see if that will meet my needs, if not i have a copy of kompozer on my winbox i can continue to use until the issue in MDV gets resolved.


Now obviously I havent had a chance to send a TON of time with it.


auto login is nice, but i'm not convinced i need it on my desktop.


but the majority of everything else works.


the one concern i do have is my printers.


they are all runing off of print servers on the network, so if anyone has any ideas about making them work let me know. I havent tried but a lot of posts have commented on printers not being supported?


now i have a hard time believeing that MDV corp missed something THAT inportant, but hey my company is HUGE and they do stoopid stuff every day!


Also, anyone who has a nice simple web editor along the lines of Kompozer I;d love to hear about it. One thing I REALLY like about kompozer is the ability to point it at an existing page and open that and change it as needed and then save and upload it as a new page.



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on the printing point, mdv did miss that. it's not included in 2009. at least on the one version cd. maybe the update didn't include it either. you can go into mcc/install remove software and search for task-printer. after that a printer icon will show up under hardware. after that i just set up my printers (also on print servers) just like before.

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dave thanks for the 2008.1 link, I found that last night after someone said over at MDV.com that AW had posted it.


Kompozer works great again!


as for Bluefish, I actually had that installed at one time and just never took to it.


I cant remember now what it was, but I guess because I dont spend THAT much time working on the web, i forget and have to re learn a lot.


just like Joomla, lOOKS INCREDIBLE, but WOW Even with the great documentation there are some very BASIC issues I'm not seeing addressed.



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