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MDK updates sources not working.

chris z

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once again, i'm unsure if this is the appropriate place to post this. feel free to move if neccesary...........


just wanted to see if anybody else is having problems connecting to any of the MDK update mirrors. i saw on the MDKLinux site that there have been several updates/security fixes put out in the past several days. i tried to get them this morning using the updater in MCC, but it kept telling that it couldn't connect to the mirror. (i didn't have time to try to connect from terminal, so i can't give any error outputs.) i've had this happen before, & i'd always just select another mirror & could always conncet. this time, it wouldn't conncet no matter which mirror i chose. i tried all of the US sites, plus a couple of the Euro sites. it was a no go with all of them. i'm at work now, so i can't try again 'til tonight, but i was just wonderin' if anybody out there could try to connect to an update mirror & let me know if you're having the same problem.



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Ive been suffering similar problems with the main Paris mirrors.

I ran an urmpi.update -a last night.

I'll be trying again tonight or tomorrow.


I suspect it could be some relic of the power outages so maybe better to hold fire .... Ill post back when I know.

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thanks for checking & posting. at least i know now that it wasn't something with my configuration. i'll just try again tonight, or until i can get through.


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The whole internet is sluggish due to all the extra traffic created by the worms and trojans this week. That will make doing updates a lot more difficult. Try to avoid peak use hours and pick mirrors that are in time zones where they are not being heavily used. It might help a bit. Those are tricks you learn when you live in Asia and deal with slow connections 24x7. :roll:


Nice places to check for internet traffic reports:




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anybody having any luck yet? anybody trying? i still can't get connected to a mirror. are there other sources for updates, other than the stock ones that come with MDK? just wondrin'...........



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Chris z,


I was able to ftp to a couple sites and download the files. I do that to share the updates with others that only have dialups. Periodically I make an update CD for them.


12 hrs ago the main security site (secsup.org) was still not updated to the latest files. It was only good thru 19 Aug so was missing two patches. Some of the sites were in process of being updated so they were not available. You can find some of the security patches via various mirrors on the list below.


You can look at http://www.mandrakesecure.net/en/ftp.php to see available mirrors and status. If you are a Mdk Clubber, they have a couple sites setup for users with password, etc.


This link shows the status and latest updates. Some of them are still not updated and current. Pick one that has finished the updates if you can. HTH! :wink:

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I got caught out with this.


I tried installing a load of development libraries and half way through it started having probems finding the RPM's.


I lost Mozillafirebird, Xine and a few other things (ie. wouldn't start missing libraries)

Anyway, last night ran an urpmi.removemedia -a and then added all the sources anew from easyurpmi


Chris_Z : I think this answers your question on alternative sources.

I'd recommend easyuprmi to EVERYONE.



What I do is paste the code it generates direct to a text file

vi dourpmi.sh

then press i for instert and middlemouse button.

a quick chmod +x dourpmi.sh to make it executable and then



This is strictly speaking not good. It should have a #!/bin/bash but it works. Add the first line if your concientious and also cooment it

#This adds the urpmi sources

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thanks Gowator, but i've already discovered easyurpmi. yes, it does make things easier for adding sources! :wink:


as an update to my original post...........i updated all of my "update sources". checked for updates, & found the unzip update from a source i can't remember. installed it no problem. but, there were no other updates at this mirror even though MDKLinux has several other listed that i know i don't have. i went through each mirror, finally found 2 of them at the stealth.net site. the updates are for GDM, perl-cgi, & eroaster, but stealth.net doesn't have the eroaster update. so, i figured i'll just download the 2 they do have (GDM & perl) but after it begins the download process, i get a message that it can't download the packages. (i forget the message.......i'm at work at the moment) this all happened yesterday. i'll try again tonight & see what happens. why do the different update mirrors only have certain updates, or none at all?


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Chris z,


I still think it relates to internet traffic problems. Techs were probably too busy putting out virus and trojan fires. Happened on a mac server too... no virus problems but one infected user dumped 40,000 emails on our server in two hours! So it took time to delete the junk.


I got all the latest by ftp but had to look around a bit to do it as secsup.org was still not updated. The www.mandrakesecure.net/en/ftp.php site shows the status of the listed mirrors as to when they were last updated. The lastest updates were 21 Aug and at least 75% of the sites were not updated over the weekend. So they would not have all the files yet.

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thanks kmack!


i never realized that mirror status page existed! i changed my update mirror source to one that was updated on 8-25 (the psu.edu site) & i got the missing updates. now, if i could only figure out why my cd template won't print! :? i guess that will be my next project. thanks again.........


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I had the same problems with 'blank' update pages.


I know I hadn't updated everything since it also lists updates for packets you haven't installed.


Perhaps the fixed this. Im used to seeing lots but if they actually only show updfates for packages that are installed it would explain this.



I updated the devel libraries as best I could remember and Firebird, Xine etc are all working again :D

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