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VMWare Workstation broke after kernel update


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Apparently, when the last update came it, it hosed my VMware Workstation software.


Now, when I try to open VMware, I get the following message:



No matter what file I select, I get this error message:




Any ideas how to fix this?

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Please install kernel-desktop586-devel-latest which should correct this problem & the problem with your nvidia post.


This issue is on my laptop. The other issue with the GeForce 6800 card is on my desktop computer. (Just FYI)


I'm installing this package on my laptop right now and will let you know of the results. Thanks!

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Run vmware-config.pl in a console window to fix it. You upgraded your kernel, and that is why there are no modules anymore because you're not running the old kernel anymore. THis is normal, and what you have to do if you upgrade your kernel. vmware-config.pl is a script to compile the modules into the kernel and get it working again.

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Run vmware-config.pl in a console window to fix it. You upgraded your kernel, and that is why there are no modules anymore because you're not running the old kernel anymore. THis is normal, and what you have to do if you upgrade your kernel. vmware-config.pl is a script to compile the modules into the kernel and get it working again.


You know, I was looking for that script yesterday and I could not find it for the life of me. If it's on my computer, it's not where it's supposed to be.


However, by d/l & installing kernel-desktop586-devel-latest, I was able to resolve the problem. Thanks for the help everyone!

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On older VMware builds, you just have to install the corresponding kernel-devel package, and run the command Ian told ya.

On Vmware 6.5, you just have to install the corresponding kernel-devel package. Whenever you fire vmware, you will be prompted graphically to update your kernel modules, if needed.

Edited by scarecrow
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