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2009 release install stops - Noobie [solved]


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I have used MDV since 2006 but still consider myself a noobie compared to many out there. I have bought the powerpack in the past up to 2008.. after reading the news 2009 came out I decided to give the new upgrade by way of downloading via mirror from MDV homepage, burning the .iso file(I did check the md5sum) via k3b..


Every time I try intsalling it a different way, nothing works, I get the text(and I tried the graphical) install that shows everything is going, the last thing I see is that 'starting the graphical server ...(OK) ....starting eth0 (OK)....starting daemon (OK).... then it flashes a black screen...shows a cursor in the top left,,...flashes a black screen and than nothing....


I have tried hitting CTRL+ALT-F1 ....which I had read to do on a previous version of mdv but nothing good here.

chaning the install kernel feautres..i.e noacpi,, pcm alternatives...all the ones that at initial install screen you can select by hitting F4......


as I have bragged to many of my windows users how incredible MDV is...this may be hard to justify them to download and use it when I can't.....what am I doing wrong? have any others had this issue? I never had this with the powerpack version......


-Pup :wall:

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Have you tried the Mandriva One LiveCD? Does this boot any easier and give you a working graphical interface? I'd try this to see if this is working, but I'd hesitate a guess at that it's something with your hardware it doesn't like for getting the X Server working.


Please provide some more specs on your machine too, so we can see if it's a graphics card problem (most likely).

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I am not sure how if I downloaded the "LIVE" version or not...at the MDV homepage I just went to download, not the flash or pwerpck...selected the one with all the proprietary drivers( and actually downloaded in the US trying 5 different mirrors, 5 dif DVDs none have worked)...if that isn't hte live version please put a link or guide where I can find that one.


I use a ATI radeon sapphire X1650 pro graphics card..I get the compiz working phenomenally on 2008 version and love it. I do have the proprietary driver installed.

AMD athlon processor i586 version not x84_64

2GB of Ram


I am going to try and install 2009 on my ubuntu pc that I was just messing with and see if works on that one.



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Maybe it's one of these issues here:

Periodic freeze of the graphical system


See also Bug #42833. Some users of Mandriva Linux 2009 have experienced a bug where the system freezes periodically when running in graphical mode. When this occurs, it is still possible to use the ctrl-alt-F1 key sequence to access a text console. This issue is caused by a bug in the kernel DRM modules causing the X.org graphical server to enter an infinite loop. To diagnose this issue, examine the X.org log file /var/log/Xorg.0.log, from the text console after the graphical desktop freezes. The presence of the following recurring lines is the indication of this bug:

[mi] EQ overflowing. The server is probably stuck in an infinite loop.

[mi] EQ overflowing. The server is probably stuck in an infinite loop.

[mi] EQ overflowing. The server is probably stuck in an infinite loop.


To work around this issue, at the Mandriva Linux 2009 boot menu, select the option labeled linux-nonfb, rather than the default option. You can set this as the permanent default in the Mandriva boot configuration tool, accessible from the Mandriva Control Center, in the Boot tab, labeled Set up boot system. Doing this will disable the video framebuffer, which means you will not see the graphical boot and shut down screens.




Boot pauses indefinitely at various points until a key is pressed


See also Bug #44342. On several systems, including the Sony Vaio PCG-GRT-815E, the boot process will pause indefinitely at several points until you press a key. When a key is pressed, it will continue. If you press a key each time it pauses, eventually the boot will complete without problems.


This issue is currently under investigation, and a fix may be provided in a future official kernel update. It may be possible to work around this problem by adding the following lines to the file /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-mdv:

blacklist thermal

blacklist processor

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ian...you helped me out buddie! it might have been an odd way of a workaround but here is what I did....


Tested ian's idea of the graphic card issue...right on but heres more...I went to MCC and reconfigured the ATI RAdeon card to use the non ATI driver...in this case it was VESA....I tried the install from the download and it didn't work....I took out the ATI RAdeon card and put in the previous video card I had used...NVIDIA.......the install worked perfectly...no problems.


The only conclusion I can make for those who come across the "flashing cursor" and failure on install is that your graphics card shouldn't be an ATI Radeon...which I regret buying now and will probably stick with NVIDIA going forward..


I can also only assume that ATI RAdeon has not done as good a job as Nvidia in promoting their products in the linux environment. bad business for them...because I still have been migrating the windows users to the linux world.


Thanks for all that post and help........I don't know how to mark this "SOLVED"...can a moderator do that?thanks.

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Tested ian's idea of the graphic card issue...right on but heres more...I went to MCC and reconfigured the ATI RAdeon card to use the non ATI driver...in this case it was VESA....I tried the install from the download and it didn't work....I took out the ATI RAdeon card and put in the previous video card I had used...NVIDIA.......the install worked perfectly...no problems.


The only conclusion I can make for those who come across the "flashing cursor" and failure on install is that your graphics card shouldn't be an ATI Radeon...which I regret buying now and will probably stick with NVIDIA going forward..

As I do agree with you that Nvidia works better with Linux (or at least with Mandriva), I think your problem may have been solved without changing the card. It sounds a bit like this (and it perhaps is not all ATI's fault):

One editions fail to boot to a graphical desktop (xorg.conf not created)

See also Bug_small.png Bug #43870. Several users have reported that One editions of Mandriva Linux 2009 fail to create the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf when booting.


This can then result in several possible scenarios. What happens is X.org will attempt to automatically detect the card and load the appropriate driver. If you are lucky, this will work, and you will likely never notice the problem.


If X.org auto-configuration fails entirely, this results in the graphical desktop failing to start. In this case, One will boot to a text login screen.


In the worst case, X.org auto-configuration finds a valid driver but it fails to work due to conflicts with the framebuffer system, resulting in an apparent failed boot: a blank screen with a cursor flashing at the top-left hand corner. There are two approaches if you find yourself in this situation. You can reboot and use the text mode, rather than graphical, boot - this option is available from the One boot screen after pressing F3. This should result in a successful graphical boot, although the most optimal driver for your hardware is most likely not being used. You can then run the graphics card configuration tool from the Mandriva Control Center to generate the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file, if you wish; you should do this if you intend to install One permanently. If you do this and then install One to your hard disk, the issue should not recur when booting the installed system.


Alternatively, when you see the blank screen, press Alt+F2 to get to a text login screen. You can then log in as user root (no password) and run drakx11. Accept all the default settings in this tool, and then close it. Then run the command service -f dm, and the graphical desktop should start up correctly. If you then install One to hard disk, the issue should not recur when booting the installed system. However, it will recur each time you boot live from the One CD.


If you wish to verify that this is indeed the problem you are suffering from, simply check whether the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf exists.


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