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Linux in five seconds


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In service LWN.We can net acquaint with article, in which hakerzy of core presented way, in what did pretend them to start Linuksa (counting to moment of appear oneself screen of login GDM) in 5 seconds...


One should to remember at this, that they did not operate on powerful machine about large computational power, but on notebook'u Asus Eee of PC with disc SSD.







[moved from Talk-Talk by spinynorman]

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Booting in five seconds is great, but - as IIRC adam wiliamson pointed out somewhere else - it is only possible if you build the distro for very specific hardware, say: only one harddisk, only one motherboard, one gfx-chip, one network-controller, one display, one RAM stick,.... The more hardware the system shall support, the less likely it is to boot in only a few seconds. That's how it is today. Maybe, we will see even more modularisation of the kernel in the future (much like x became more modular).

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It seems to get the kernel to boot one second, it was done as a monolithic kernel, rather than have a modular kernel. Takes longer to load a module, than if it's built into the kernel. Unfortunately, then the kernel is bigger, so it certainly hints at that it was optimised only for this one particular system. Oh, and readahead too.


Mandriva does it a different way, which is what they did with Mandriva 2009.0 RC2. I'm currently using it, and it's the fastest booting Mandriva I've ever seen! I have of course disabled some other unnecessary services too, so that would have helped. Haven't timed it yet, but it is fast! I'll let you know next time I reboot.

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I agree with you and this example is to buying to ask equipment whether it will be he worked correctly from Linux. To ask on forum before you will give many superfluous questions. In shops they are such possibility and such people are already ....Lex

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Here's the LWN article about this. What I don't understand is this:
The X Window System runs the C preprocessor and compiler on startup, in order to build its keyboard mappings.
WTF? Every start X starts to compile? My keyboard mapping didn't change since.. I don't know.. it never changed. What's the point of this?
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Yeah, the best line in that article for X was:


X is still problematic. "We had to do a lot of damage to X," Arjan said.


for me, even if you didn't modify X, your computer started damn quick anyway. I wonder how much damage to X they had to do - and whether it's unstable due to it :unsure:

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