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bootloader cannot find vista [solved]


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What makes you think your vista install is corrupted?


that' s what microsoft or lenovo must have told him  installing linux messes up your windows install




their helpdesks must be so incopmpetent that they don' t even know how to add a bootloader (and I am not sure that using a recovery cd will even be helpful in replacing the vista bootload, I think it will just result in the vista image being replacd to the vista partition but leaving the grub bootsectors intact....)

Edited by ffi
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ok, thanks for being so helpful guys... its often hard to find a community that gives help without sarcasm and resentment. do you think there is a method to bypass the rescue and recovery screen i keep getting at bootup?


edit: oh, and yes, i did add the vista section to menu.lst and it worked, but when i go to boot windows is when i get the rescue/recovery screen

Edited by r.nicholas
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Ahh, lenovo uses a recovery partition. You need to see if it's still there, so boot into Mandriva then open a terminal (konsole in KDE) and (as root) please post the output of

fdisk -l

Then type in exit and hit enter to get you out of root, so you don't damage anything.

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I'm getting the feeling grub's pointing to the recovery partition like greg2 mentions, or that Windows is prompting recovery because of it crashing or something perhaps. Anyway, the fdisk command will give us a list of the partitions so we can see what's on the disk.

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Open a console such as konsole. Type in kdesu konqueror, it will ask for your root password, type it in and press enter.


This will open konqueror in root mode. Use the UP arrow at the the top of Konqueror and go into Boot then Grub and click on menu.lst in there you can type in what was suggested to you by Reiver, namely............


title Windows Vista

rootnoverify (hd0,0)

chainloader +1


Keep a space between the new entry and the existing entrys.


Go to the top of console and select Save. Because you are in root mode then it will be saved.


Give it a try and see how you go.


Cheers. John.

Edited by AussieJohn
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[root@localhost robert]# fdisk -l

Disk /dev/sda: 160.0 GB, 160041885696 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 19457 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x7b449442

  Device Boot	  Start		 End	  Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sda1			   1		 867	 6958080   27  Unknown
Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary.
/dev/sda2   *		 867	   13621   102449216	7  HPFS/NTFS
Partition 2 does not end on cylinder boundary.
/dev/sda3		   13621	   19457	46879560	5  Extended
Partition 3 does not end on cylinder boundary.
/dev/sda5		   13621	   14640	 8187448+  83  Linux
/dev/sda6		   14641	   15150	 4089928+  82  Linux swap / Solaris
/dev/sda7		   15150	   19457	34602088+  83  Linuxh


John, i did add that line to menu.lst a while ago. it allowed me to choose vista at startup but, again, it then goes to rescue and recovery screen.

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Going by this the grub config should reflect hd0,1 for the /dev/sda2 partition which is Windows Vista. Add to grub:


title Windows Vista
rootnoverify (hd0,1)
chainloader +1

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timeout 10

color black/cyan yellow/cyan

gfxmenu (hd0,4)/boot/gfxmenu

default 0


title linux

kernel (hd0,4)/boot/vmlinuz BOOT_IMAGE=linux root=UUID=147bba9b-0970-4c13-a106-caabc44dfbba resume=/dev/sda6 splash=silent vga=788

initrd (hd0,4)/boot/initrd.img


title linux-nonfb

kernel (hd0,4)/boot/vmlinuz BOOT_IMAGE=linux-nonfb root=UUID=147bba9b-0970-4c13-a106-caabc44dfbba resume=/dev/sda6

initrd (hd0,4)/boot/initrd.img


title failsafe

kernel (hd0,4)/boot/vmlinuz BOOT_IMAGE=failsafe root=UUID=147bba9b-0970-4c13-a106-caabc44dfbba failsafe

initrd (hd0,4)/boot/initrd.img


title desktop586

kernel (hd0,4)/boot/vmlinuz- BOOT_IMAGE=desktop586_2.6.24.4-1mnb root=UUID=147bba9b-0970-4c13-a106-caabc44dfbba resume=/dev/sda6 splash=silent vga=788

initrd (hd0,4)/boot/initrd-


title desktop586

kernel (hd0,4)/boot/vmlinuz- BOOT_IMAGE=desktop586_2.6.24.5-2mnb root=UUID=147bba9b-0970-4c13-a106-caabc44dfbba resume=/dev/sda6 splash=silent vga=788

initrd (hd0,4)/boot/initrd-


title Windows Vista

rootnoverify (hd0,0)


chainloader +1


that is my current menu.lst . the problem still persists.

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You need to modify the rootnoverify line, like I mentioned above. Yours is pointing to the wrong partition. hd0,0 is equivalent to /dev/sda1. If you want to select Vista which is in /dev/sda2, then you need to change hd0,0 to hd0,1.

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it worked! your help has been very appreciated, all. now i guess my next adventure with linux will be figuring out how to install and execute software. i've been looking for solutions online, but nothing has seemed to work correctly. would anyone like to point me in the right direction?

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You can do this also in the MandrivaControleCentre/Booting/Configure Bootsystem then klick next and choose added. It could be that Mandy find two windows, in my case sda1 and sda2 (or hda or whatever)) try to boot into windows using the first one in grub. If it want start delete it from the MCC.

Edited by willie
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