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Uninstalling Mandriva


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Ok Guys.


In my experience, I think Mandriva es great, I just need a bit more time to study the system.


Right now I need to uninstall Mandriva one 2008 Spring. I have XP. I had a problem with boot because it did not appear XP and when starting the system went stragiht into mandriva.


I am new so I dont want to deal with that yet, not today but I want to install mandriva. (next weekend)


Now.. can you please help me...


How to unistall mandriva and come back the booting to the way it was before. Entering to XP right away..?

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If you have the Mandriva Free DVD, boot using it and choose Rescue system and then choose restore windows MBR (or boot loader).


If you don't have the Free DVD then, if you have it, you can use a bootable xp cd. Boot then choose recovery not install and then use the command fixmbr. You can also use fixmbr /? for an explanation of what the command does.

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I have mandriva one 2008 spring, KDE and the problem is that I want to unisntall mandriva without compromising XP

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If you do what has been suggested then you will likely regain access to your Windows and will not have to un-install and maybe reinstall Mandriva again later. If you feel too precious about your Windows then Linux may not be for you. However if you truly would like to learn the Linux experience you need to understand that Linux/Mandriva is one of the most advanced and most user friendly OSs in existence and unlike Windows, does something Windows does not ever do and that is exist in harmony with any other OS on a machine.


Since you can boot into Mandriva then do so, then open MCC (Mandriva Control Centre)..........Boot.............Set up Boot System..........Next............Add.........and follow from there. If you do it correctly then Windows should appear in the Grub Menu when you reboot.


Cheers. John.

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Sir, we all my respect.. I have no idea how to do what you are saying.


I can get the set up boot system but from there I have no idea what i am seeing..


could you be more specific??


More exactly I want to have dual booting.. I mean I have seen many computers that starts with windows and then appear two options.. but in windows .. I dont know if I explain myself..

something like this http://todoappleblog.com/wp-content/upload...-bootloader.jpg but with linux

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For a dual-boot system, I suggest that you read this:

FAQ: Grub-Bootloader

It explains the Grub bootloader in detail and will tell you what to add to your bootloader-config file using an editor or the Mandriva-Control-Center (MCC aka Configure your computer).

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More exactly I want to have dual booting.. I mean I have seen many computers that starts with windows and then appear two options.. but in windows .. I dont know if I explain myself..

something like this http://todoappleblog.com/wp-content/upload...-bootloader.jpg but with linux

The instructions that AussieJohn has given will allow you to have such a setup. In Mandriva do: Alt & F2 this will bring up a run dialog box. Type mcc then press run. Input your root password and click ok. Now go to Boot--> Set up boot system on the next screen click next now click Add select Other OS click ok use the drop down box to select winblows. If you want winblows to be the default boot then put a tick in the default box. Click ok then click finish. Close down all open windows or applications you have open and reboot your computer. You should now see winblows as an option in the boot menu.

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