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Prob with digital camera


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I just found out the 2 USB ports in front (under the floppy drive), DO work without freezing my system in Mandrake. I even got 2 of my hardware items detected using USBview.


I want to browse my digital camera, and it's detected, but I cannot seem to find the folder anywhere. What should I do? I tried Gphoto1&2, but firstly the model isn't there and secondly I think 'browse directory' should work, but again: which directory. Here are my specs:


Vendor: â??Trust


Bus: â??SCSI


Location on the bus: â??0:0:0


Channel: â??00


Description: â??Trust|Trust 710 LCD POWERC@M ZOOM


New devfs device: â??/dev/scsi/host1/bus0/target0/lun0/disc


Old device file: â??/dev/sda


Module: â??unknown


Floppy format: â??Trust 710 LCD POWERC@M


Media class: â??hd (Mass Storage|SCSI|Bulk (Zip))




Manufacturer: Trust

Serial Number: 01.00.00

Speed: 12Mb/s (full)

USB Version: 1.00

Device Class: 00(>ifc )

Device Subclass: 00

Device Protocol: 00

Maximum Default Endpoint Size: 8

Number of Configurations: 1

Vendor Id: 06d6

Product Id: 0030

Revision Number: 1.00


Config Number: 1

Number of Interfaces: 1

Attributes: 80

MaxPower Needed: 500mA


Interface Number: 0

Name: usb-storage

Alternate Number: 0

Class: 08(stor.)

Sub Class: 06

Protocol: 50

Number of Endpoints: 3


Endpoint Address: 87

Direction: in

Attribute: 2

Type: Bulk

Max Packet Size: 64

Interval: 0ms


Endpoint Address: 08

Direction: out

Attribute: 2

Type: Bulk

Max Packet Size: 64

Interval: 0ms


Endpoint Address: 89

Direction: in

Attribute: 3

Type: Int.

Max Packet Size: 1

Interval: 1ms


I was thinking this looked good enough to actually detect it, but whatever directory I browsed, I found nothing.



* On a side note, the other piece of hardware I was talking about is an Intel Pro/Wireless 2011B Lan USB device. In order to wirelessly connect to the net. Is there any chance in h*ll I'll get this to work under Mandy? If there is'nt I won't bother. Otherwise I can investigate further.




P.S. I now I could look for info myself, but it's really inconvenient without a working internet connection most of the time. I'd rather have some all-in manual, but I doubt these would exist.

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I tried out some things for my USB cam, following maatje's post.


When I plug it in at boot, it seems it gets recognized, but I get this message:



ldm_validate_partition_table(): Disk read fail


Then I issued following commands, more or less following the posts (saved it as a txt file and put it on my shared Fat32 partion; mostly no working Internet connection under Linux)


[root@localhost /]# tail -f /var/log/messages

Jul 5 15:34:45 localhost kernel: sda: test WP failed, assume Write Enabled

Jul 5 15:34:45 localhost kernel: /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target0/lun0: I/O error: dev 08:00, sector 0

Jul 5 15:34:45 localhost kernel: I/O error: dev 08:00, sector 0

Jul 5 15:34:45 localhost kernel: I/O error: dev 08:00, sector 16376

Jul 5 15:34:45 localhost kernel: I/O error: dev 08:00, sector 16376

Jul 5 15:34:45 localhost kernel: I/O error: dev 08:00, sector 0

Jul 5 15:34:45 localhost kernel: I/O error: dev 08:00, sector 0

Jul 5 15:34:45 localhost kernel: ldm_validate_partition_table(): Disk read fail ed.

Jul 5 15:34:45 localhost kernel: I/O error: dev 08:00, sector 0

Jul 5 15:34:45 localhost kernel: unable to read partition table



[root@localhost dev]# lsmod

Module Size Used by Tainted: P


ohci1394 19048 0 (unused)


scsimon 9280 0 (unused)

usb-storage 72952 0

scsi_mod 103284 5 [sr_mod ide-scsi sd_mod scsimon usb-storage]

usb-ohci 20584 0 (unused)

usbcore 72992 1 [usb-storage usb-ohci]

rtc 8060 0 (autoclean)

ext3 59916 1

jbd 38972 1 [ext3]


[root@localhost etc]# cat modules.conf


probeall scsi_hostadapter ide-scsi

alias eth0 8139too

alias sound-slot-0 i810_audio

probeall usb-interface usb-ohci

alias ieee1394-controller ohci1394

alias /dev/nvidia* nvidia



Then I played around somewhat, following everything on the other posts and doing mknod commands. However, it seems /dev/sda is the one I really need.


[root@localhost dev]# tail -f /var/log/messages

Jul 5 15:54:12 localhost kernel: I/O error: dev 08:00, sector 16376

Jul 5 15:54:12 localhost kernel: I/O error: dev 08:00, sector 0

Jul 5 15:54:12 localhost kernel: I/O error: dev 08:00, sector 0

Jul 5 15:54:12 localhost kernel: ldm_validate_partition_table(): Disk read failed.

Jul 5 15:54:12 localhost kernel: I/O error: dev 08:00, sector 0

Jul 5 15:54:12 localhost kernel: unable to read partition table

Jul 5 15:54:12 localhost kernel: SCSI device (ioctl) reports ILLEGAL REQUEST.

Jul 5 15:54:12 localhost kernel: Device busy for revalidation (usage=1)

Jul 5 15:54:12 localhost kernel: I/O error: dev 08:00, sector 0

Jul 5 15:54:12 localhost kernel: FAT: unable to read boot sector


"Anna, it may be that the usb-storage is not properly implemented in your camera. This happens sometimes, check google groups for that."


I am guessing it might be this kind of problem. Would be logical, but also sad ;'(




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Hi Darkelve,


just saw that you too are busy with a camera.

What I can see is you are a few steps further :D :

- your camera is recognized

- usb-storage running

- the /dev/... are created:

New devfs device: â??/dev/scsi/host1/bus0/target0/lun0/disc 


Old device file: â??/dev/sda


I never reached this point.

And here some questions, but hey, I am real newbie ... the follwing might be complete nonsense.


The problem seems to be a missing 'filesystem'? or not readable?


Did you manually create a /mnt/camera ?

Which card has the camera? CF? that would be vfat..

Your problem might be a missing /dev/sda1 ...

What do you get trying:

# mount -t vfat /dev/sda /mnt/camera

Did you try to re-format your card (using the camera ...)

Can you identify the filesystem on the card with the other OS?

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1. Did you manually create a /mnt/camera ?

2. Which card has the camera? CF? that would be vfat..

3. Your problem might be a missing /dev/sda1 ...

4. What do you get trying:

# mount -t vfat /dev/sda /mnt/camera

5. Did you try to re-format your card (using the camera ...)

6. Can you identify the filesystem on the card with the other OS?


Hi Anna,


hey don't worry, I'm a n00b too. But you can always ask me some coll non-313313 questions, e.g. about enhancing your desktop, simple commands ands finding/recommending applications.


The answers to your questions though:


1. When I plug my camera in, it is recognized and a /dev/sda is created; then I get the 'validate partition table' error. I followed your post and made a "/mnt/removable" directory for this. Does not to make much difference though.

2. Uh... I don't know... :roll:

3. Well, I think since /dev/sda was created for me, this would be the correct one. Sure I made a sda1 but no difference. I think it's just a copy...


4. It always says 'I/O error, ...'

5. No I did not. You can do that? I'll have to check my manual for that, I guess. However, I don't exactly feel comfortable with it. Actually, at boot, the screen offered me to load the 'appropriate tool' (being diskdrake). Forgot to mention that, don't know how it could help though.


6. Yeah, in the 'other' OS (whose name I will not speak of, cf. LOTR) it gets recognized and I can browse it in the file explorer. That it *does* work in the 'other' OS almost bugs me as much as the fact I can't get it to work.


* I never tried ' fdisk -l /dev/sda ', isn't this dangerous??


Thanks for your concern. Maybe we could also have written in Dutch, but I'm quite comfortable with English. Plus it might help other people in need for the same info.




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Hoi Dark,


2. Uh... I don't know...

3. Well, I think since /dev/sda was created for me, this would be the correct one. Sure I made a sda1 but no difference. I think it's just a copy... 


4. It always says 'I/O error, ...' 

5. No I did not. You can do that? I'll have to check my manual for that, I guess. However, I don't exactly feel comfortable with it. Actually, at boot, the screen offered me to load the 'appropriate tool' (being diskdrake). Forgot to mention that, don't know how it could help though. 


6. Yeah, in the 'other' OS (whose name I will not speak of, cf. LOTR) it gets recognized and I can browse it in the file explorer. That it *does* work in the 'other' OS almost bugs me as much as the fact I can't get it to work. 


* I never tried ' fdisk -l /dev/sda ', isn't this dangerous?? 


ad 2: yes in the manual, or you see the type of your card written on the card itself (or is it a camera with internal memory only?)

ad 5: yes, i have a menu in my camera (settings) where I can format the card - the manual even said I have to format first before using the camera, afterwards just deleting the pictures is fine

ad 6: (hey in Dutch now): (camera is connected) start - configuratiescherm - systeembeheer - schijfbeheer. There you can see not only your HDD partitions, but also your camera,card 'partition', mine says it's FAT (not FAT32 or whatever).

Maybe you can format your card there too - but I am not sure.


As for the 'fdisk -l' command (in Mandrake), it only lists your partitions, and fdisk -l /dev/sda would show you the partition, if its reachable I suppose.


Well, I know I could buy a card reader but I just don't want to :evil:

... and maybe having the next problem that the card reader doesn't work. I don't even know if scsi-generic (sg) is running, which I am told is necessary in the kernel to get the darn camera to work


(writing this in English, it might help other newbies)

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In the Unspoken OS, I get 'Standard FAT partition, capacity 8MB.


I formatted my card using the Unspoken OS's explorer, now I'm going to see if something has changed...


It also has an option for flash cards, maybe that would help? I *was* talking about internal storage up to know, don't know if it *would* read from a flash card?


I think it's good posts in Forums like these remain in English. One way or another, people have to pick up with this anyway when dealing a lot with PC's or the internet.


Local language support is more appropriate on:

- dedicated sub-Forums for other languages (although it does somewhat subvert the power of having all info in 1 wide-known language)

- (m)IRC

- your Lug or a local Linux guru

- Manuals

- ...


I DO think this could help n00bs like me a lot. I can't imagine coming this far had you posted in, say, German :?

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did I get it right, that you had 'no' card in your camera, only your internal 8 MB? If yes, then your 'error' isn't an error, but very understandable: there is no filesystem to read on your non-existant mass storage.


What about trying a card ...

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Well, no flash card anyway, no.


I thought there'd be a small HD inside the camera you could access through Linux and that this HD is 8MB big? Maybe not a bad idea to look into a flashcard now...





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hoi Darkelve,


lol - sorry I just imagine: the old Linux gurus here on this board reading our thread. Maybe they have a good laugh.


Basically my knowledge of linux is < 0,5.

A digital camera is very new to me too, f.e. my camera only has a card, but no internal storage. I just learned that you got a cam which had so far only internal memory.


Anyway, I got the impression that you are very close to a solution.

Good luck - and let us know how it goes.



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Hi again anna :-)


Its really important, did you create the /dev/sda and /dev/sda1 yourself?? or were they created for you by mdk ??


You need to make sure theres something on the card to see.

So long as it doesn't contain anything important I'd recommend looking for a formatting option on the actual camera and format for there, then add a couple of snaps so you will have something to see when its working.


From what you posted its recognised as USB Mass storage which is further than anna's camera got.


In theory :wink: if it created the devices for you you should be able to mount the card and read it.


You have to mount /dev/sda1 (not sda).


Be careful not to do anything else but

You can view it with fdisk /dev/sda

press p to print the partitions and q to quit.

It should show you the partition sda1.


If it does then (as root in a terminal)

mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/removeable -t vfat


then (as root)

cd /mnt/removeable



You should see the snaps.... or directories


Now you need to set your permissions for the mount point and the mount so other users can see it. If you get that far and it works post back :-)

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Hi Ste* uhhh. Gowator.... :roll:


/dev/sda was created for me by Mandrake


I created /dev/sda1 myself.


I made sure there are a couple of pics in there. The maps in Unkown OS' explorer show 'DCIM -> 100TRDSC'; that's where the pics are.


I'll go and try it out ASAP.



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I found the menu option on the camera, formatted the disk, made a few pics and plugged it in and booted again. It gets detected during boot, but then gives the message:


/dev/sda created


ldm_validate_partition_table(): Disk read fail


and then gives me the option to load diskdrake.



When I try to mount it "1. mknod /dev/sda1 b 8 1"; 2."mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt/removeable" it says something like:


"error: this is not a valid block device"




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