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Can't read DVD [solved]


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I am using Mandriva FREE 2008 spring.

And when i insert my DVD (burned with nero 8 in udf format) Mandriva doesn't read and mount the drive.


What should I do to enable it to read the media?????

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Have you done an install from this Disk ???. Or are you communicating from another OS at the moment ???.


If the answer is the former, did you make certain that you burned the downloaded iso as an iso and did not unpack then actually burn it as a data dvd ???


Did you do a checksum check of the iso before burning it to make sure it was not corrupted ???. You are also advised to burn the disk at the slowest speed possible to ensure no corruption during the burn.


Go into the bios and check that boot from the CD/DVD is selected as first option. If boot from hard drive is ahead of it then the CD/DVD will be bypassed.


Cheers. John.

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No Sir, this is not the problem. I am a windows user, now migrating to Linux.

When I insert a dvd burned in Windows, Mandriva is not able to read it.

Can you tell me what is the reason of this????

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If the DVD isn't closed/fixed, that may be the problem. I have yet to find how to read unfinished DVDs in Linux, such as those written by DVD recorders.



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Ok i think you are not a windows user.

if you are then you must be knowing about NERO burning ROM

i used that software to burn the DVDs and now linux is not able to read that not even a data disc containing mp3 files.

it is really getting my nerves

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Are you able to read those same dvd's in your Windows ???.


I think I can assure you that Most experienced members here know a hell of a lot about Windows and Nero so the disparaging remark was not necessary.



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No offense taken :)


Ok i think you are not a windows user.
Indeed I'm not, not even at work now.
if you are then you must be knowing about NERO burning ROM
Yet I know of this software (much like K3B, or the other way around actually).
i used that software to burn the DVDs and now linux is not able to read that not even a data disc containing mp3 files.

As far as I know, Nero allows to burn "unfinished" DVDs, like DVD recorders do, and Windows can read them! I don't know the details, but basically, the burning session is left open, for more data to be appended later (or even changed, with RW) into the same session, so that the multi-session recording technique isn't needed, this latter technique wasting some media space at each new session.

Alas, as I said, to my knowledge, Linux can't read such DVDs.

it is really getting my nerves
We're here to help, if we can :)



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Also, if you buy cheap crappy media, they too can also sometimes not be read in machines, even if they were finished and closed-off. Nero can close disks, and if you have cheap media, I recommend TDK because they just simply work and can be read in Windows/Linux/whatever operating system.


I have never had problems with reading media, unless they were crap CD's, or that the session was not closed to finish the CD.

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I have burned many DVDs with nero under windows and never had problems reading them under linux.


have you burned them with InCD ? this might cause the problem, I had even that much problems with it that I don't use it in windows.

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When I was using Windows a number of years ago, INCD was nothing but trouble ( probably one of the lousiest bits of software ever written by a company taking your money) and from what I hear is not any better in present times.


I think Yves and Ian have your answer about the burn "unfinished" routine for multi sessions.

I strikes me that if you properly burn an iso as an iso then the disk should automatically be "finished".

So it should be readable and if it can't be read then I can only conclude that the disk was NOT burned as an iso and thus not "finished" or was a corrupt iso in the first place or was corrupted by the burn.



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I strikes me that if you properly burn an iso as an iso then the disk should automatically be "finished".

So it should be readable and if it can't be read then I can only conclude that the disk was NOT burned as an iso and thus not "finished" or was a corrupt iso in the first place or was corrupted by the burn.

He never said anything about an iso. ;) It sounds like it's just any old dvd, not a Mandriva dvd. It's just that he can't read it when running Mandriva.
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When you are selecting the disc type in Nero, make sure the box labled 'No Multisession' is checked. This will ensure that your discs are finalized and you should be able to read them on any other OS.


May B its b'coz i hvn't burned it in ISO format. all my DVDs r burned in UDF file format, i think thats the reason Y mandriva is not able to read it.


Neways thanks for your support I think i got my answer.

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Hello Abinash.


Not burning the Mandriva iso as an iso would explain why you cant boot from that dvd.


However you mention that you could not read a dvd with MP3 music on it so I would think that LiquidZoos suggestion (as also made by others) should be tried, since if the disk has not been "finalized" then it wont read in Linux.


Cheers. John.

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When you are selecting the disc type in Nero, make sure the box labled 'No Multisession' is checked. This will ensure that your discs are finalized and you should be able to read them on any other OS.

The fact that you use one or more sessions, and the fact that the latest session is closed or not, are completely independant. Actually, I'd expect a much lower chance of having an unclosed session when using multi-session.


May B its b'coz i hvn't burned it in ISO format. all my DVDs r burned in UDF file format, i think thats the reason Y mandriva is not able to read it.
Don't worry, UDF is read fine by any recent distro (I assume we're talking about a data or video DVD, not a distribution DVD ISO file). Your problem shouldn't relate to UDF.



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