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how full am i?


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Guest JaseP



Open a console and run konqueror from there (the KDE file manager).

Make sure you turn on "Show Extended Sidebar" in the Window menu option.

Go to the root partition at the end of the tree and highlight it.

Click on an empty place on the white field on the right and it will show you the amount of free space on your main drive.

Repeat this on any other partition for a similar output.


From the console:

I think you can do this with fsck

to learn how to use it, open a shell, su to root, and type man fsck (the Q key quits the man pages).


Gnome doesn't have a good, simple tool for determining the size of an entire drive. But it does look prettier, it's just not as robust as KDE.

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And, since you do not use KDE but Gnome - you can open the Gnome System Monitor (I use it under fluxbox as well) - which will list all hds and partitions with size and fill.


Gnome doesn't have a good, simple tool for determining the size of an entire drive. But it does look prettier, it's just not as robust as KDE.

erm... no. I agree Gnome is not perhaps as robust as KDE, but it does have most of the tools, it is just generally more difficult to find them in Gnome, the gnome way of doing things doesn't always make sense.


I don't care though, me uses fluxbox :twisted:

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