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Opera 7.1 Beta 1 just released..


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Did you install over the top of an older version?


I have some bookmarks I hope to salvage. Last time I tried to add the file back after an upgrade it didn't work. (i.e. I saved a backup copy and put it in place of the newly created opera6.adr file )


Any experience or thoughts on saving the bookmarks that you could share? :)

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Thanks SteamCat! I think I'll try that and appreciate the tip on the "replace files" option too!


I hope to do a clean install to 9.1 w/o botching my /home partition and then try the new opera on top of 6.11. In process of installing new hd in another desktop and putting 9.1 on it too so a bit hectic on this end. :)

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Because I'm dealing with a beta, I've done clean installs. To do so, I uninstall the rpm and then do a


locate opera


and delete any files related to opera. Lots of left over files :)


Then reinstall the new beta version..


May not be necessary but when it crashes, the first question in your mind is whether it is because you upgraded vs doing a clean install... I'm saving myself the trouble :roll:

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You can install over an old version just fine with urpmi, saves all your bookmarks, etc.


The beta disappointed me a little. I mean it's pretty cool, much like the Winshaft version of 7.1 that I've used a lot and fast for sure. Of course I didn't expect all the features to work, but I couldn't get Java working or use my registration code for v6.12. Java I could do without for a while, but I've got no use for the email client (gimme my Mutt!) and I ain't puttn' up with the ads, so I uninstalled and went back to 6.12 for now. And yeah, I did also try a clean install, but there was no difference whatsoever.


I don't use Opera much in Linux anyway except for banking and paying bills. Mostly Links 2.1 for ordinary surfin' and downloads.

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Same thing as here

but a little better. Now I don't have font in the opening dialog, preferences, hotlist, or toolbar. B4 when I didn't get any fonts, I was using xfree86's fonts. Now, I've got my M$ fonts and my default language set to English. I don't get it :evil:

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Got it!.....niiiiice! I went to My Opera Forums/Linux and there it was. It seems the crazy window problem is associated with the static version, but the shared is fine. Heh....I never tried the shared because in 1.5 years, not once have I gotten the shared to work. This time the shared works and static doesn't :roll: ....who knew? Is everyone using the shared?

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Whahoo! Has anyone installed skins yet? Talk about easy....just click on the thumbnail to the left...it installs, and applies, then you easily change them from View>Skins.....they look great!



most popular



I may have to buy this puppy just to support the great work being done on it.....best browser, great email, easy/ nice skins :D

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I tried to install the shared version because that's what I've always used and couldn't get it to work so I went to the static version. Worked perfectly! Like bvc said, changing skins is soooo easy. It's definitely the best version to date. :D

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Just out of curiosty does anyone else have the problem with certain sites not accepting Opera? I get the message that only Netscape and IE are accepted. I don't really want to install Netscape in Linux and was wondering if there is a work around for this issue?

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Some sites do have problems.. e.g. try to login at www.freshmeat.net and you can't... Some bank sites have problems too.


I just use mozilla or galeon for those places. My bank site has come back online with Opera so that's cured.


Another thing to check is Quick Preferences, what are you emulating? Try some other emulations and see if it starts working for you :)

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