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Strange network problem [solved]


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I have an ISP who only allows one computer on at the time, but with an router placed between the modem and the computer I can have more than one on at time.

But if I turn the power to router and modem of, or just disconnect the network cable, I can't log on with my Mandriva. There is simply no nameserver configured in /etc/resolv.conf.


One evening I tried to connect for about 2 hours, that was including several new network configurations, but no succes. And I tried restarting the computer several times still no luck.


And now comes the really strange thing.

If I have had disconnected the network in some way, I just have to boot in Windows, and then restart and go in to Mandriva and now the network comes again without any trouble.


The router is a Netgear WGR614v5

Using Mandriva 2007.1 with Windows XP in a dualboot.

Motherboard is a Asrock 939Dual-SATA2


I have run a lspci:

[orts@frodo ~]$ lspci |grep Ethernet
00:11.0 Ethernet controller: ALi Corporation ULi 1689,1573 integrated ethernet. (rev 40)


uname looks as follows:

[orts@frodo etc]$ uname -a
Linux frodo 2.6.17-14mdv #1 SMP Wed May 9 21:11:43 MDT 2007 i686 AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3500+ GNU/Linux


Please tell if you need anything els.


Mayby this should have been filed as a bugreport?



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How does the PC obtain IP address from the router? If you use DHCP, the router attempts to write DNS server IP addresses received from the ISP to /etc/resolv.conf. It looks like it cannot do it for some reason, and this causes some problem which can only be cleared by booting into windows. I would guess the problem is on the router side. Did you try using a static IP address? In this case you will need to create /etc/resolv.conf yourself, the router should not attemt to assign nameservers to staticaly configured interfaces. This may clear the problem.

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I'm not sure that I understand you correctly, but I'll try to answer you.


I use DHCP, and I use the router as a DNS server.

That means that DNS ip-adress on the computer and the router are not the same. Infact when I log on the I can see that the router is configured to get DNS automatically from my ISP, and I can't see the DNS ip-adress, because the linies are empty.

And not even the Subnet Mask or the gateway adresses are the same as on my computer.


And no I don't use static, I've tried that and that wasn't a succes either.


But I'm just wondering, if I can find my ISP's DNS adresses, and write them into my router do you think that can solve the problem.

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(1) On the router, in the WAN configuration section, check whether you can specify your ISP's DNS server IP addresses. If you can - specify them (call the ISP and find out), if you cannot - the router receives them automatically, and you don't need to enter that information.


(2) On the router, in the LAN configuration section, specify a static IP address for your computer. If your router supports NAT (they all do) it should allow you to do that - this is necessary if you run a server on your LAN and need to make sure that it has a permanent IP address. We will use this feature for our benefit :D . Eg, if the router's LAN address is, then your PC should be (or 3, or 4, or 5, etc).


(3) On the Linux PC, configure it to use static IP address - the same one as you configured on the router in step 2, eg, Specify the subnet mask Also, specify the router's IP address as the gateway. Next open terminal, become root, fire up an editor and create/edit the file /etc/resolv.conf. The file must contain the following lines:

# List the ISP's DNS servers here
nameserver aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd
nameserver aaa.bbb.ccc.eee
# You can list your router here as well


(4) Save the file, exit editor and restart network services - run as root

servce network restart

That should be all.

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(1) On the router



Hi and thanks for your help.


Unfortunately, there wasn't anything that worked.

According my ISP's support it has something to do with the Motorola Surfboard to do.


I simply didn't get that with the prroblem desription, but between the router and the wall I have Motorola Surfboard. Sorry

And whatever I did with your solution I couldn't get from the router and out.


I tried to shutdown the router with your configuration, and the problem with the blank resolv.conf still remains. ???


But today I have decided to get a new ISP, the one I have now is simply to expencive, with the new one I can get faster stream both up and down, and save 33% an my monthly bill, and as a "bonus" I get a Zyxel router.


But still thanks for your help, it didn't help me, but mayby it can help another with his or her network configuration.

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Well I can't tell you how embarrassed I am right now.


But I had done to things wrong, under my configuration and the tests after configuting the router.


1. When I entered the DNSservers IP-adress in my router, I did it in the wrong order instead of this I did it this way (these number are not the right numbers) :woops:

2. After shutting down my router I was so silly that I started my computer before my router.



So I can only say thank you for your help.

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Great! Though I don't get it ... If you were on a static IP address, why was the router over-writing the resolv.conf?


That happened only when I tried to set static IP on the computer, but I don't know why I got a blank resolv.conf.

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... because with static IP, one has to specify all information manually, including creating resolv.conf. See my post...


I did that, but after a restart there was no internet.

And the command "service network restart" couldn't start it either.


But now it runs with the router configured to static for this computer, and contigured with my ISP's DNSserver IP's.

And the computer set to DHCP.

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