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Mandriva sponsoring aKademy 2007


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We’re very happy to announce today that we will be sponsoring aKademy 2007, the KDE developers’ and users’ conference. As well as sponsoring the event, we’ll be giving out special edition Mandriva Flashes to the leading developers attending the conference, featuring 2007 Spring with KDE 3.5.7. Helio, from our KDE team, will be giving a presentation, and other Mandriva staff will be on hand to take part in the discussions and workshops. We’re looking forward to it, and we hope to see some of you there! There’s a full write-up in the press release.
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Hmmmm, wonders if any senior Mandriva officials will be attending, might be worth a skive off work :D (and a trip to weedgieland :unsure:, don't know what KDE where thinking about when they picked that slum). As much as John Riddell's words were inviting, I'm damn sure he will be peddling his shiny Kubuntu CD's to parties "interested in Mandriva".

Edited by Reiver_Fluffi
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reiver: hehe, yeah, the quote is from John just because he was our official contact for the conference. it's all in good fun though =)


I don't think anyone more senior than Helio is going to be at aKademy, but I think I heard that dbarth will be at GUADEC (which is in Birmingham, if you hadn't heard).

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