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Lost the Battle...

Guest cid

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Hi cid,


you said:


Very small house...4 kids. 


If we put in a new computer, one of the kids has to go :)




Sounds good to me ... I managed to get rid of both of our kids in order to make room for my Linux PC:D

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I may have lost the battle, but not the war...


Just when I thought Tux was lying prone and bleeding on the sofa, as mega-Bill stumbles off semi-confidently into the sunset...Mega-bill falls off his horse, knocks himself silly, and now it's like that Rocky movie where both Apollo and Rocky are being counted out and the first one up wins.


XP HUNG 3 times last night, and while I could kill the offending programs, it would generally take 3-5 minutes before I regained enough control of my mouse and CTRL-ALT-DEL buttons enough to do so.


XP would not reboot this morning do to a Winsrv.dll error upon login. That eventually went away. Don't know how or why, but 2-3 reboots later it works.


XP doesn't do DHCP right (or something like that). If my ADSL connection is inactive for more than 10 minutes, I'm toast, and need to reboot.


I am really wondering how much longer till 9.1 final is out!



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest JaseP

My wife just recently started using Linux. She gave up on the idea of me reverting back to Windoze as the primary OS. Now she loves it. She plays Frozen Bubble, surfs the web (which she didn't do in Windoze), Writes in StarOffice in OpenOffice, and does just about everything else she needs to.


I made sure I set her user account so that she couldn't mess up my stuff (no admin access for her), and now the only thing I have to worry about is her messing up the hardware... God forbid she should screw up my LCD screen,... she'd be missing a few fingers (and $400 from her bank account when I would go replace in on her money). I'ts bad enough that she hits the reset button all the time fidgeting in the chair (the case sticks out about 1" from the computer table). But, that is another story.


She was nervous about using Linux, thinking that it would be all hard... She didn't realize how similarly the two desktops could be set up to one another.

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I use Linux for everything but my job. I have to run a program that was originally written for Windows 3.1 and I have Windows ME. I'm surprised it even works. I thought of trying to get it working by using Wine but it's a complex graphics program and I don't think it's worth the effort. I actually made my daughter use GAIM one time though because she wanted to use my computer instead of hers and I wouldn't allow her to boot into Windows. Mean aren't I? :wink:

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I can't say I made a convert out of her although she did realize that using GAIM was just as easy as using AIM. She really doesn't want to take the time and effort to learn a new operating system. She just wants to talk on-line to her friends. :(

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