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Differences in stage installs on Gentoo

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When I first started using Gentoo (2005.1), the install was manual, using the stage3 tarball from the CD. Subsequently, since 2006, it's all done automatically, giving you less control over the system install, compilation of kernel etc being done with genkernel instead of manual.


Mysti mentioned in another post a whileback she normally does a stage2 install. I'm wondering what the differences are between the stage2 and stage3 installs, and how I would go about achieving this?


I prefer the manual install with more control, than being given a genkernel setup. I know I can change this later after the install has finished, but I'd like to do it as quickly as possible, without having to go through all this first, and changing later.

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The first ever gentoo install I did used a stage 1 tarball. It turned out this wasn't any more difficult than stage 2 or 3, it just took longer.


Basically the difference is simply that more of your system is compiled during install rather than before so you get more of the optimisations that gentoo users get so excited about...

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OK, so a stage1 would be less compiled than stage2, and stage2 less compiled than stage3? The idea being that stage1 could be faster than stage2, and stage2 faster than stage3 when your system has been completely installed?

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I do either a stage 1 or stage 2 install. Mostly stage 2's. One of the reasons I like them over stage 3 is there is more control and flexibility. And I like the text install method. They don't give instructions anymore as they say they are for developers but I continue to download the stage2 tarball and do my install the old way.

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I do either a stage 1 or stage 2 install. Mostly stage 2's. One of the reasons I like them over stage 3 is there is more control and flexibility. And I like the text install method. They don't give instructions anymore as they say they are for developers but I continue to download the stage2 tarball and do my install the old way.


Ye dinnae fancy fixing my install, dunno how much I have broken my kernel, still can't get audio or ethernet to work despite compiling the modules and loading them (things were so much simpler with 2005 and genkernel, trust me to want more).


I'll be yer groupie forever, see i'm ready:



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Hey mysti,


You got any install guide to follow when using a stage1 or stage2? I've usually done stage3 from the minimal CD, so would love to know how I would go about a stage1 or stage2, since you mentioned they don't have the documentation on this anymore!

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No problem phunni. As long as everyone remembers this is my version of how to install and like I said others will do it differently so I expect other Gentoo users to jump in and say something is wrong. To them I say :P


My pm to ian didn't go in my sent box. I'll pm him and ask him to send it back to me so I can copy and paste.

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What I forgot to tell ian is that I do this from within mandrake in a chroot environment. Anyway, here goes.


The original instructions are over 45 pages long so this is my condensed version. You'll have to modify it if needed.


1. cd to my gentoo partition /mnt/gentoo

2. download tarball using wget

3. unpack tar -xvjpf*.tar.bz2 The asterick is where you would fill in the exact name of your tarball.

4. mount -t proc proc /mnt/gentoo/proc

5. cp /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/gentoo/etc/resolv.conf

6. chroot /mnt/gentoo /bin/bash

7. env-update && source /etc/profile

8. emerge sync, emerge portage

For stage one.

cd /usr/portage


Stage two skip the above two steps

emerge -u system (this gives you the latest version of system programs)

ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/your time /etc/localtime

nano -w /etc/fstab

cd /usr/src

emerge kernel of choice

ln -s linux* linux *your kernel info

cd linux

make menuconfig

make && make modules_install

cp arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot

emerge metalog

rc-update add metalog boot

emerge vixie-cron rc-update add vixie-cron default

emerge reiserprog (only if using reiser)

set root password passwd

useradd name -m -G users,wheel,audio, portage,games and any others you want

passwd your name

emerge dhcpcd (if using dhcp) if not see gentoo instructions

nano -w /etc/conf.d/net add two lines from gentoo instruction guide (sorry this has changed so I don't remember the command)

rc-update add net.eth0 default

emerge lilo or grub

emerge udev

install packages

if using nvidia emerge nvidia-kernel && nvidia-glx

edit /etc/rc.conf to set up dm and XSession (such as gnome or kdeversion)

I use kdm but you still do rc-update add xdm default. This is so X loads at start.

after you're done rm -rf /usr/portage/distfiles/* /var/tmp/portage/* to remove temporary files

and of course you have to configure X. /usr/X11R6/bin/xorgconfig

Set your USE flags by doing nano -w /etc/make.conf

I think that's all. I usually remember things as I go along.

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