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Xara Xtreme available for all now. :)


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Great! I've been waiting for this. :)

Now just to get my hands on a Fedora rpm... (I don't wish to install devel packages)


edit: oh... wait!

You can download a version of the Xara LX program right now, which should work straight away on most Linux machines (note: this is not source code - you don't have to build it to try it, for source code
Edited by solarian
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Well, I tried it and it really is pretty limited. :(

They have many vital features missing, like text and straight lines, good shape editing...

I hope that it will develop in something better.

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from this page:

The following features are now working or at least partially working in Xara LX, so give them a try:-


• Open most XAR files

• Select objects with the select tool.

• Drag objects around

• Use the selection handles to scale and shear objects.

• Use the zoom tool

• Use the push tool and/or middle mouse button to push the page around

• Group and ungroup (Ctrl-G, Ctrl-U)

• Undo/redo using the toolbar buttons

• Use the shape editor to edit and create shapes

• Draw rectangles using the rectangle tool

• Draw ellipses using the ellipse tool

• Use the arrange toolbar to change the z-order of objects

• Use the arrange toolbar to slice/join/add/subtract shapes

• Delete objects

• Fill and transparency tools now work

• The shadow and freehand tools partially work

• The color line is now present and you can click on it or drag from it to select colors.

• ...... and as more and more functionality starts to work there's undoubtedly many other areas not listed here that work now too!


But ....


Text still does not render yet and you can't save or export designs. However the port is moving quickly now so it shouldn't be long before these features are enabled too and then it will be a useful tool!



Last Updated ( Thursday, 16 March 2006 )

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